Queen Vashti: “Since When Does a Queen Wear Her Royal Crown to a Wild Party?”
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Is she a catalyst, innovator, a mover and shaker, who refused to allow herself to be diminished as her man downplayed the Royal Crown, that represented power and authority in her face, while saying he was trying to showcase her beauty? By any chance could it have been that she saw through the kings insecure tactics and decided that this day in history would be the day that would be edged into the pages of historians that she stood up and rose to the occasion for females present and for generations to come? Is Queen Vashti, a woman who stepped out of the box to get some fresh air to liberate other women to know this is how to do it regardless if one is at the top?
Has Queen Vashtis name been used as a scapegoat to take the focus off, of men wrongful doings? Did she contribute to the kings thinking twice before neglecting or mistreating Queen Esther? Is Queen Vashti an overlooked warrior and liberator who deserve a standing ovation! Are there two heroes in the story oppose to one? Is it now time for Queen Vashtis name to become an honorable name among other great iconic women for refusing to allow anyone to dishonor their position or name. Is it time to honor Queen Vashti for being a woman who would not present to the king wearing her royal crown at an unsuitable event? Is Queen Vashti a woman who could have experienced a life changing defining moment whereby she was willing to risk it all for what she believed! You decide is Queen Vashti a hero, champion, or should her name continue to be vilified and dragged through the mud as, a street thug?
Lovia Joann Pitts
During the author’s biological mother’s delivery, the physicians asked her parents, whose life did they want them to focus on saving, due to medical complications her mother was experiencing. Her father requested the physicians to put their energy into saving his wife and mother of their three children. The physician told the parents of the unborn child, if her mother lived it would be one in a million. The survival rate for both mother and the unborn child were not given. When the surgery was over; the mother and baby survived. Little did the doctors know that the unborn child that was being birth to this earth was a female child who was predestinated before the foundations of the world, to be a mouthpiece for Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for such a time as this. The unborn child is none other than the author of this book.
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Queen Vashti - Lovia Joann Pitts
© 2008, 2013 Lovia Joann Pitts. All rights reserved.
Written 2004
Queen Vashti Since When Does A Queen Wear Her Royal Crown During A Wild Party?
Has There Been A Misconception In Regards To Her Being The Overlooked Champion Or Is She Really The Villain?
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Published by AuthorHouse 11/5/12
ISBN: 978-1-4772-8485-8 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-4772-8484-1 (e)
Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.
Chapter One
Queen Vashti: Brief Genealogy
Chapter Two
The Merry King a.k.a. The Intoxicated King
Chapter Three
Queen Vashti "Since When Does A Queen Wear Her Royal Crown To A wild Party?
Chapter Four
Is IT Possible That Memucan, and Hamanand the, Wise Menhad Other Motives That Have Been Overlookedor Downplayed?
Chapter Five
Is Queen Vashtior Villain? You Decide. "Should Queen Vashti’s Name Continue to Be Dragged Through, the Mud as, a Street Thug?
Chapter Six
Queen Vashti "The Conclusionof the, Matter, What Is Your Decision?
TO ALL WOMEN WHO HAVE been overlooked, downplayed or diminished because they rose to denounce unfavorable abusive conditions and decided to rise up and walk in the light and path that God has prepared for His daughters.
To the countless women who choose to remain walking in darkness wearing a phony crown that represent minimum honor in order to have a piece of the pie. We pray that this book will assist the countless women who accept injustices as being the will of God and continue to tolerate what God has not ordained to be so.
To the countless women who rose and decided to wear a crown that displays realness, individuality, dignity, honor self-worth, respect, confidence, and hope. To the queens who walk in their full potential being role models, through refusing to accept the less in order to have a piece of the pie, but learned how to get the whole pie by walking with character, honor and integrity. Rise and keep on rising. Stand and keep standing. I would like to thank all trailblazers for a magnanimous, splendiferous, bombastic, awesome, phenomenal, extraordinary, stupendous, great and exceptional job.
THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED TO my beautiful mother, who is a beautiful woman. She taught me to love myself and to believe that a winner lives inside of me, at a young age. She modeled confidence as a lifestyle.
She taught me the value of self-worth. My, mother is a confident woman. She is fearless and trust in God. She taught me to trust in Him. She was not perfect but a mother who assisted me in Believing in myself and for teaching me to know that there are no limits to God and with Him all things are possible. She taught me how to stand and be strong against challenges in life, and put things in Jesus Christ hands and he would make everything all right.
To my Aunt Anne, I want to thank you for being there, and for your sound advice. Thanks for teaching me what is important in life, and all else never worry about it because worrying is worse than ingesting poison. Your favorite line is God will work it out!
I wish to thank my sisters, Laurella, Marie, Linda, and Loretta for being true sisters. I love you for being women with purpose.
To Dr. Stacey Dupree, you said you were going to get your Masters of Divinity along with your Doctorate of Psychology. You completed both degrees. During that time, while you were in school with your Masters of Divinity, I told you that I was writing the book: "Queen Vashti: Since When Does A Queen Wear Her Royal Crown To A
Wild Party?" You completed your goals and I am completing mine. Thank you for being an example of completing assignments.
I acknowledge Jane, Ronnie, April, Janette, and Cynthia who showed us how to turn challenges into triumphs. You are all secure women who refuse to allow anyone to disrespect your crown.
I acknowledge all Queens who have been overlooked, downplayed, minimized, diminished and stepped on, while being a beacon light shining as one of the rarest diamonds on earth!
This book is also in honor of Queens whose voices and accomplishments have been overlooked, downplayed, and minimized because they were misunderstood while being a beacon light shining as one of the rarest diamonds on earth to spotlight changes that need to take place. Know that the Creator of all has a smile on His face because you allowed your voice to become His voice.
I wish to thank all of my enemies, what you meant for my evil actually turned to my good. All of your schemes, and staged scenes that were acted out to get me distracted. The only thing that you each did was to put me more on my knees in the face of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!
T o all of the fans of Queen Esther, please be advised that this book is not to diminish or take away the splendiferous, exquisite, magnanimous assignments and tasks that she undertook, which resulted in positive outcomes. We respect and honor her as being one of the champions and heroes in the story. It is with reverence that I salute her for putting herself last to save a nation of people. Esther’s, uncle Mordechi charged her not to make known her race or culture to anyone during the selection process of her becoming the future queen. Queen Esther walked in God’s favor; therefore she found favor with King. One day while the king’s general, Haman, was passing through the gates,
Mordechi refused to bow to him. Mordechi was a Jew and knew the Mosaic laws that states thou shalt not bow or serve any graven image
. Haman being one of King Aherasuas officers became enraged. He went before the king bad mouthing the Jews. The king gave him authority to do whatsoever he pleased to the Jews. Within a few days he put out a bounty on all Jews. Mordechi, learning of the slaughter about to take place went to the palace gate to mourn.
When Queen Esther heard about her uncle’s behavior at the gates of the palace she sent Hatach the eunuch, who the king had appointed unto her, to speak with her uncle regarding his behavior. Mordechi divulged to the eunuch that Esther was a Jew. Prior to revealing Esther race and culture to the eunuch, her biological heritage had not been made known. This alone could have caused her death or resulted in her being disqualified for withholding pertinent information, during the selection process of the new future queen.
Many today in society would view the information purposely withheld by Queen Esther as being a deliberate outrageous scam or cover up. Her purpose was to mask one’s cultural roots, to conceal the truth in order, to gain desired outcomes. Contingent on a family’s attitude toward other races and cultures, surmountable individuals would consider Esther act as being a low-down dirty shame. In reading a story each, individual could get a different picture based on how one viewed the story.
The Way a Story Is Told, Determines How a Story Is Perceived
Two people could tell the same story but see the story not identical. One could see only the negative points in a story, whereby others view the weak points as strong points or see strong points as weak points, depending on the storyteller. How a story is portrayed and told could make a world of difference, according to theorist Jung. As a writer, I felt compelled in my spirit to tell the way I see the story with regards to Queen Vashti. Therefore, I am writing this story as I
see the story. There were two queens in the book of Esther and for centuries the norm has been only one has received an honorable mention.
How Many Have Seen the Abuse of King Ahasuerus, as It Stares One in The Face?
Throughout my life I have heard various ministers compare King Ahasuerus to Jesus Christ, yet on several occasions he made unwise choices. I realize there are some situations that one could compare and contrast, however I believe, that the king made too many mistakes and unsound choices to be put on any measurable level with Jesus Christ! Jesus was faultless and blameless. He abuses no one. How many have looked deeper into the story to determine the pivotal role that Queen Vashti played in assisting King Ahasuerus to hold out the golden scepter to Queen Esther?
Queen Vashti’s Name Has Been Tarnished For Years
M any have downplayed the role of Queen Vashti, whereby she is viewed by scores of human beings as being the defiant queen, while trashing her name. However, I believe that