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Striving for Greatness: Living, Loving, and Learning
Striving for Greatness: Living, Loving, and Learning
Striving for Greatness: Living, Loving, and Learning
Ebook108 pages1 hour

Striving for Greatness: Living, Loving, and Learning

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About this ebook

With love comes happiness. With forgiveness comes liberation. With pain comes glory. With originality comes ingenuity. With failure comes knowledge. With knowledge comes ability, in which combined with ambition, a work ethic, and perseverance comes success. With compassion comes mercy.

Love hard. Forgive. Be aware. Be you. Be Great.

Release dateSep 11, 2012
Striving for Greatness: Living, Loving, and Learning

Jesse M. Griffin III

Jesse M. Griffin III earned his bachelor’s degree in kinesiology. He is an author, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and proud father. He currently lives in Las Vegas, Nevada, where he enjoys fitness and sports.

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    Striving for Greatness - Jesse M. Griffin III

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    Moving Forward Letting Go



    Quick Tips

    Real Love The Greatest Gift

    Loving Others


    Staying True Doing You



    Dancing To The Heart’s Beat

    Parenthood Growing Up


    Show Love

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    Knowledge The Strongest Strength

    The Hunger For Knowledge

    Destination Success Going Get What’s Yours



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    Work Hard




    Giving Back Fulfilling A Duty

    Giving And Receiving



    The Gift Of Guidance

    Final Thoughts


    I first must give obedience to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, because through him, all things are possible, and this book is a example of that fact. I hail from Ama, a small province in St. Charles Parish, Louisiana. I am son to my late father, Jesse M. Griffin Jr., and my mother Mrs. Cynthia LaGrange Mollaire.

    I want to acknowledge a few special people in my life:

    My son, Jesse M. Griffin IV, to whom I owe a lot to. Without him, my life would be much different. I would not be half the man I am today, had it not been for his presence. He is my motivation to be a better man and father, and I hope I can do the same for him one day.

    My mother, for the love and care she has always shown me.

    My sister, Keioka LaGrange White, who always has had my back through the good and bad over the years.

    I love you all!

    Striving for Greatness is a journey I began as thoughts and emotions that chaotically bounced off of the walls of my mind—I carefully organized, and then transferred to paper.

    I had found myself at a point in which I hated my life, and I resented myself for what I had allowed it to become. My disgust with my current circumstances was what triggered those negative emotions, which were composed of my personal financial crisis, family disputes, and other daily struggles. At any given moment, when I would reflect on some of my past and then current shortcomings, mistakes, and setbacks, it would only add fuel to the fire.

    Talk about being depressed—man, I was depressed to the extreme. I was so depressed that had I been a suicidal person, it would have been over, because without question, I was at the lowest point I had ever been in my life. I attempted to deal with my depression in the common ways, such as eating excessively and drinking alcohol, but none of it would get rid of the pain—I now know that it did not because it could not. In fact, the only thing that behavior did was put me in the worst physical shape of my life, causing my health to deteriorate. Moreover, it kept me confined to the psychological trap that I already was in.

    By God’s grace, however, and through my own intuition and desire, I was able to come up out of that hole and change, even though it came gradually. It began when I made a very profound and life-changing discovery; which was the power of my mind and the significance of me changing my way of thinking. I became fully aware of this theory when I heard a minister preach about it at my church. I was impacted by his message, because I recognized that I had been hearing this admonition in various ways and from various people that I would see on television or whose books I would read. These individuals were successful, credible, and profound as well, so I embraced the message. I knew it was a message sent to me from God, because it was too ironic that I went to church that day and heard it. I did not attend church often, and it was at the time in my life in which I needed to hear that message the most.

    I began with the first steps to changing my mentality, which meant sequentially changing my surroundings, activities, associates, and influences. I put down the television remote control more often and started reading more books. Even when I was watching television, I watched fewer programs that were purely entertainment and began watching more programming for knowledge and inspiration. In other words, less BET, MTV Jams, and A&E and more CNBC, Trinity Broadcasting Network, the History and Science channels, and National Geographic. I found myself going to the library more and to the clubs less. I became less infatuated by the material benefits attributed to successful people and more intrigued by the formulas they used to achieve their success—because I wanted my own, and this was when I went from being a follower to a leader. I developed a hunger for knowledge, and that is what allowed me to gain enlightenment—which is what then created a desire in me to express myself artistically. This is how Striving for Greatness became possible, because writing became one of those ways I chose to actively express my thoughts.

    After I changed my way of thinking, I became cognizant of a couple of crucial things that further encouraged me to write this book. The first was my self-appreciation. I finally accepted who I was and understood what I wanted to do for me and my family and I grew to be happy with that. I had to learn and understand that no matter how cool I am or how much swagger I have, rich or poor, and

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