The Antibiotic an Ailing America Needs
About this ebook
This book is a fast-paced, clear, and concise exposure of a declining America with solutions to restore her greatness. Full of inspiring quotes from the giants of our history as a nation, this book explores our godly heritage, information you were probably not taught in school. The story of our nation is best told through her peoplegood and bad, famous and infamous, law-abiding citizen and criminal.
Colonel Don Wilson
Lieutenant Colonel Don Wilson, US Army (retired) having reached the age of eighty-three, has written from experience, lending realism to his story. He freely admits the book is mostly fiction. Colonel Wilson is also the author of The Antibiotic an Ailing America Needs.
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The Antibiotic an Ailing America Needs - Colonel Don Wilson
Copyright © 2012 Colonel Don Wilson
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Chapter 1 Who Are We?
Whose Side Are We On?
The Match That Ignited the Revolution
Some Just Don’t Get It
Lest We Forget
Obey the Commands
The Ten Commandments
God Hears Those Who Ask
God and the Supreme Court
Believer and Citizen
Chapter 2 Uncle Sam Is Annoyed!
Finding Our Way Back to Eden
America, America!
An Outlaw Nation?
Chapter 3 Balance
The Greatest Teacher
What Is Faith?
You Are Spirit
Chapter 4 Living the Christian Way
The Sermon on the Mount
Chapter 5 A Christian World?
It’s Coming with Jesus
A Sense of Urgency
Another Way of Saying It
Church and State
Chapter 6 The Two-Party System
Free Will
The End of the Book
Chapter 7 Moral Courage
A Good Man
Congressional Reform
Chapter 8 Independence Day
Chapter 9 The Bill of Rights
Chapter 10 Physical and Spiritual Balance = Well Being
Let’s Face It
This book is dedicated to those brave heroes who died defending this nation under God.
About two years ago, I started a blog designed to bring traffic to my web mall. I was astounded to see it take on a life of its own. I stopped counting my reader comments at three hundred thousand. This book is a compilation of some of those blogs.
First you should understand that I speak from the perspective of an eighty-two-year-old who has lived an active and adventurous life as a career soldier and after retirement, a business man. I am a devout Christian and a middle-of-the-road conservative—a reflection of Winston Churchill’s comment, If you are not a liberal by the time you are twenty, you have no heart. If you are not a conservative by the time you are forty, you have no brain.
As one grows in maturity, life teaches that liberalism is the Devil’s playground. Yes, Satan would have us all be liberals. Liberal people and liberal government have a hard time with the Holy Bible because God commands rules for a beautiful life, without which we live a pagan existence without hope of salvation. Decline is not a condition, it’s a choice; we choose to tolerate what we should stand strongly against. Therefore, we tolerate evil, error, and downright nonsense. Silence is taken as acceptance, if not agreement.
I point to a public education system that has taken God out of the classroom and thus made all sorts of bad behavior a matter of choice. Truth is no longer clear and bright but instead is blurred and obscure. If we only believed as our founding fathers did, that truth is that which agrees with the Word of God, we’d be far better off. Because the Bible covers every circumstance which can befall man, God’s truth is the only trustworthy guide to civilization. Our all-knowing God anticipated all human folly and provides the only road to safety—His truth. He warns against error with all-too-human stories and provides guidance and direction. And having fallen we have the means to stand up and begin again through the love and forgiveness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who bore your sins and mine to the cross, suffering a cruel and inhuman death only to rise again after three days.
I shall authenticate my legitimate points by freely quoting the giants of our history as a nation. Our godly heritage is evident in our Constitution, many of the provisions of which were taken from the Bible by authors who were Bible educated from birth. Because the Constitution is the people’s directive to the government, we became the greatest nation on earth. Because of the policies of the last two generations, we have thrown that greatness into the trash can.
It is vital that we as a people know who we are, where we came from, and where we are going. Reading this book will illuminate your rights and privileges but also your responsibilities as a citizen of this declining nation. You will learn that the assertions made here, and more to come, are true and how important it is that Americans behave themselves as God’s children.
This is the first in a series highlighting America’s noble heritage through the words and deeds of our founding fathers, which, with the passage of time, some of us have forgotten, and since we have forgotten, people of lesser wisdom have influenced our society in losing its way. We’ll begin with some quotations reflecting the tenor of the times of our forefathers and the high priorities they held.
The propitious smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained.
—George Washington, 1787, Inaugural Address¹
I therefore beg leave to move that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of heaven, and its blessing on our deliberations, be held in this Assembly every morning.
—Benjamin Franklin, 1787,
Constitutional Convention
I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.
—Thomas Jefferson, 1781,
Notes on the State of Virginia
It behooves us then to humble ourselves before the offended power, to confess our national sins and to pray for clemency and forgiveness …
—Abraham Lincoln, 1863,
Proclamation of National Fast
Let’s go back to Benjamin Franklin, who should be a role model for all who seek elective office. He served as a diplomat, the governor of Pennsylvania, and the founder of the University of Pennsylvania and was a signer of Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution. He was also acclaimed as the author of Poor Richard’s Almanac, which contains many proverbs that would make King Solomon chuckle, such as, God heals, and the doctor takes the fees.
God helps those who help themselves
(1736, not to be interpreted as stealing). Work as if you were to live 100 years; pray as if you were to die tomorrow
(May 1757).
The careful wording of the founding documents of this nation under God shows us that God had first priority in the hearts of our founding fathers. When we as a society lose sight of that fact and fail to maintain that priority, we risk losing God’s blessing and decline as a nation. Yes, in the past God has blessed our arms as we fought evil from without, but what about the evil from within that has caused the downfall of kingdoms and empires? Will America be one of these? We are headed in that direction because we have lost our way as a nation. We must regain our greatness, but not by asking, Is God on our side?
We should be asking, Are we on God’s side?
This is the second of a series of eight articles highlighting America’s noble heritage through the quotations of the most famous of our founding fathers and supporting statements of other great men and women of world history. Let us begin with a statement made by the longest-reigning monarch in history, Briton’s Queen Victoria: I so look forward to laying my crown at the feet of Jesus.
On March 23, 1775, the Second Virginia Convention had moved from the House of Burgesses to St. John’s Church in Richmond because of the mounting tension between the colonies and the British king at the time. It was here that Patrick Henry’s famous oration took place. We know it mostly out of context, so here is a fuller quote.
For my own part I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery … It is