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Sandy's Miracle
Sandy's Miracle
Sandy's Miracle
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Sandy's Miracle

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From California, to Michigan, and Mississippi, Patsy Giddings book, Sandys Miracle, delves into some of mankinds darkest depravities regarding physical, mental, and sexual child abuse. She personally experienced extraordinary incidents of cruelty and rape from those in her own family, in social entities, and eventually in the clutches of her adoptive family. The secrets behind the scenes of these social iniquities are revealed. But Patsys miracle (Sandy's Miracle) came at the least expected time as God intervened into her life with salvation and rescue.
Release dateFeb 5, 2013
Sandy's Miracle

Patsy Giddings

JOHN BORGSTEDT: John has taken a special interest in being a part of this book, ‘'Sandy's Miracle' with author Patsy Giddings, involving a young child who became trapped in a multitude of abusive situations - from that inflicted by her own family - to being rescued - and then abused in the foster homes that were supposed to protect her. Also, both John and Patsy are involved with CASA. --As a motivational speaker for CASA and others, John travels nationwide throughout the year, speaking to both authorities and children of abuse. His first book written, ‘I Love You Mom … Please Don’t Break My Heart’ tells of John’s personal challenges as a victim of abuse and being let down by the 'system'. It tells of a frail and small boy who grew into a giant of a man standing over 6’5” tall – and no longer abused by anyone, going from this crippling status of abuse to standing tall and victorious. His speeches today include encouragement and inspiration as he relates some of the heartbreaking and gruesome stories, detailed in the book. This, along with his ceaseless work against child abuse, has gained him notoriety and national recognition as one of the country’s foremost child advocates. John's enormously successful book, 'I Love You Mom ... Please Don't Break My Heart' has also been featured on NBC, CBS, and ABC, and in the Houston Chronicle Newspaper as a significant contribution to the realities of child abuse. Because of this success, the book soon became a documentary produced by HEARTSTONE PICTURES and has won seven national and international documentary video awards and is being considered for release on network television, and at some later date as a movie. If you would like to contact John, or have him appear for a speaking engagement, go to his website at: for more information. PATSY GIDDINGS From California, to Michigan, and Mississippi, Patsy Giddings book, ‘Sandy’s Miracle’, delves into some of mankind’s darkest depravities – regarding physical, mental, and sexual child abuse. She personally experienced extraordinary incidents of cruelty and rape from those in her own family, in social entities, and eventually in the clutches of her adoptive family. The secrets behind the scenes of these social iniquities are revealed. But Patsy’s ‘miracle’ (Sandy’s Miracle) came at the least expected time as God intervened into her life with salvation and rescue.

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    Sandy's Miracle - Patsy Giddings



    Patsy Giddings


    John Borgstedt


    1663 Liberty Drive

    Bloomington, IN 47403

    Phone: 1-800-839-8640

    © 2013 by Patsy Giddings & John Borgstedt. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 01/25/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-0611-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-0610-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-0651-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013900688

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    My Prayer

    Chapter One My Earliest Memories

    Chapter Two Innocents Lost

    Chapter Three State Custody

    Chapter Four Emotional And Mental Abuse

    Chapter Five Foster Care

    Chapter Six Meeting My Adoptive Family

    Chapter Seven Adoption And Name Change

    Chapter Eight Abuse After Adoption

    Chapter Nine Loss Of My First Child

    Chapter Ten My Life Today

    About The Author

    Book Reviews



    I dedicate this book First and Foremost to God:

    You gave me the precious gift of life

    And then taught me to appreciate it

    I live for your honor and glory.

    I also dedicate this book to my husband

    And children

    Thank you, for all your love, support

    And understanding

    I love you all.



    This book is written with special thanks to:

    • My husband Mark,for your love,understanding,total support of all my dreams. for the outstanding job you did on taking the cover picture of my book. And most of all, for being my soulmate,I love you honey.

    • My children, Jonathon, Amanda, and Rebecca, you are the sources of my greatest joy, and my life would be empty without each of you in it, thank you for all your love, support and encouragement through the years.

    • My granddaughter Elizabeth, for allowing me to use your picture for the cover of my book.

    • David Ayers, for caring, believing in me, and initiating the writing of this book, which would not exist, had it not been for you, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    • Chris Mullens, for your professionalism, patience, endless hours of help and encouragement, for pushing me and being my voice when I needed one. I couldn’t have written this book without you.

    • My CASA family, Johnnie Wheeler, Judy Greenwood, Rita Turnipseed, Rondi Van Vorce, for all your encouragement, support and most importantly your friendship.

    • Jennifer Kelly, L.C.S.W, for your unconditional love and encouragement, for helping me to accept and overcome my childhood abuse, and for accepting me just as I am, God truly blessed me when he brought you into my life, thank you dear friend for your tireless efforts.

    • Sue Fredrick, for your generous spirit, encouragement, and our lunch dates; I am so blessed to have your friendship.

    • Dr. Richard H. Wearing, for the interest you’ve shown and the encouragement you’ve given, thank you.

    • Jennifer Stainbrook, Randi Thomas, for your support, friendship and always lending a helping hand when I needed one.

    • David Giddings, for all the love, support, and help that you gave me through the years, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    • Pat Thomas, for your editing skills which allowed this book to be published.

    • Manhattan Beauty Salon, thank you Jennifer Brown and Shannon Lee, for your creative talents in hair and makeup and the wonderful look you gave me for my picture.

    • Willard Cantrell, for the outstanding pictures you photographed for my book.

    • And to the Lord, for His constant inspiration, guidance, and unconditional love…

    Thank you all for making this book possible



    Heavenly Father, creator of the universe, and everything in it, I humbly approach your unreachable throne at this time, to thank you for the privilege and honor of being used as your instrument, to glorify you and Your Son, Jesus. I thank you for the opportunity that’s been given me, to be a voice for the abused and neglected children of the world. Thank you for the sweet precious life and many blessings you have given me throughout my life. Father in Heaven, You are the master Author of the greatest book ever written, The Bible, so I humbly pray for your guidance, direction and blessing in the writing of my book. I pray this prayer in Jesus Holy name. AMEN!




    I sit on the sofa in my living room, with a cup of coffee in reach, and my computer on my lap. My four Toy Chihuahua dogs have surrounded me, one on each side, and the other two laying across my neck. I am now about to embark on the story of my life’s journey, and expose to the world, the deep dark hidden secrets of my past. I pray God will bring back to my memory, the severe childhood abuse I struggled so hard, my whole life to forget.

    I was born in Los Angeles, CA. My parents named me Sandra Gene, and gave me the nick name Sandy. Shortly after I was born, my parents moved our family to Lansing, MI, where we lived in an upstairs duplex apartment. My family consisted of my parents, one brother and two sisters. My siblings and I shared a bedroom and at bedtime, we would all sleep on the same bare mattress. We had few toys to play with and very few clothes to wear.

    When Uncle Chester, my daddy’s brother, would come to visit, he would find us kids, many times not wearing shoes, or coats, while playing outside in the winter snow. Yes, my family was very poor, but my siblings and I were too young to know or care.

    Both my parents were unstable, uneducated, and had no parenting or money management skills. Instead of buying food for the family, my mother would spend her food stamps on drinking and partying. My daddy’s pay checks never made it home either, like my mother, his money was spent on drinking and eating out. With all this said about my parents though, I can still say I loved them both very much. I was far too young to realize they were not being good parents, so in my heart I had the best parents in the world.

    Some of my earliest memories, at about the age of four, are of good times spent with my Uncle Bob, my mother’s brother and his wife, Aunt Marie. Uncle Bob and Aunt Marie had five children of their own and frequently would take my siblings and me on extended visits to their home. Uncle Bob and Aunt Marie knew that mother and daddy were not taking care of us, and were very concerned for our wellbeing. I recall a time while on a visit with them, Uncle Bob picked me up, and put me in his lap while he was eating. He began to feed me from his plate and with a big smile on his face, he asked me if I was his little girl and I replied, Yes, uh-huh. Of course at that moment I felt just like a princess!

    I also remember a time, when my mother came home from grocery shopping, and called us kids into the kitchen for a bowl of ice cream. The minute I heard ice cream, I began to jump up and down with sheer joy, and ran as fast as I could to her side. Yes, I can truly say, the memories I have of living with my family, at the most tender and innocent years of my childhood are like having precious gold.

    I have etched them deep in my heart and soul never to be erased!

    I had a mother and daddy that I loved very much and a brother and two sisters to play with. In my four year old mind, I was happy and life was good! But little did I know my life and everything in it was about to change forever.

    I was told years later, while mother would be out partying and drinking, that she would leave us kids home alone, or with whomever

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