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Holding Hands with God: Rivers  of  Living  Waters
Holding Hands with God: Rivers  of  Living  Waters
Holding Hands with God: Rivers  of  Living  Waters
Ebook119 pages1 hour

Holding Hands with God: Rivers of Living Waters

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About this ebook

Holding Hands with God is about one mans conversion from atheist evolutionist to Christ-centered believer by divine intervention. It is a story about faith, hope, love, and a true miracle from God. This is a true story written from memory. This book may challenge and confirm some of your beliefs.

You will know that by holding hands with God, all things are possible, and by holding hands with God on a daily basis, you will continue to arrive at a new destination in Christ. God bless you.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateNov 14, 2012
Holding Hands with God: Rivers  of  Living  Waters

Jimmie L. Chiappelli

I was born in Pontiac, Michigan, in 1948, the second of ten children. I had a very exciting and wonderful childhood, even though we were extremely poor. I was married at a very early age, and after forty-seven years, I am still madly in love with my wife. This book is a true story about a tragedy that took place in our lives that changed not only my wife and me, but our entire family forever. I was called to the ministry over thirty years ago, but because of my wife’s reluctance to participate and my heart attitude, it took twenty-five years of preparation and a brain aneurysm to bring us together as one, to help build God’s kingdom. My wife Karen and I live and travel in a motor home now and have traveled to all lower forty-eight states, to deliver a message to God’s people. This message is about His love for us. We believe God is calling to His people. He is saying this is a new day; it’s time to see My glory. (Jim and Karen Chiappelli, Miracle Ministries)

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    Holding Hands with God - Jimmie L. Chiappelli

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    ISBN: 978-1-4497-7343-4 (e)

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    WestBow Press rev. date: 11/12/2012




    Chapter 1 THE BEGINNING

    Chapter 2 GOD’S GRACE

    Chapter 3 THE KINGDOM



    Chapter 6 THE AWAKENING

    Chapter 7 REHAB.

    Chapter 8 MIRACLES

    Chapter 9 COMING HOME


    Chapter 11 VISIONS



    Hello! My name is Jim Chiappelli, called by God to bring unity to the body of Christ, and to help establish His kingdom in His Church.(Remember you are His church) My wife Karen and I, have come to realize, that we need unity in the body of Christ. As co-laborers together we will continue to strive to bring about the unity that's needed to bring God's people to maturity.(Or do we need maturity, to realize we need unity, I think both. ) This is a time when God desires maturity in His people. Furthermore, we realize that this is going to happen with or without our input. However, we feel blessed that God chose us to contribute to this cause. Our prayer is that we can prepare the way for others so that they will come to a more mature relationship with Jesus Christ. And by Holding Hands with God, and one another, we can be co-laborers with Christ for His purpose. -AMEN-


    I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for never giving up on me, and for always being faithful to me. Even when I wasn't always faithful to Him. And to all the people He sent to accomplish His goals. This includes all the people, who gave unselfishly of themselves, to be builders of God's kingdom. From the people who picked us up as children to take us to Sunday school, to the people who nurtured us along. I know I can't mention all of their names, I'm sure I don't even know all their names . Even the people who worked behind the scenes, and I would like to let them know that their works are a reflection of their faith.( See James 2:17-18 faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, you have faith , and I have works. Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.) and here is a partial list of some of those people the Freeman’s, the Shover’s, the Dell’s, the Koppelburger’s, the Koreiba’s, the Chiappelli’s, the Bills, and the Covarrubias family and on and on. -Thank you and may God bless you.-

    Chapter 1


    Hello. My name is Jim, and this is my first book. I hope you will enjoy it. This is not an instructional book. After all, there are thousands of instructional books out there, and besides, I’m not sure you should take instructions from me, even though I’m full of them.

    This is a story or testimony about faith, hope, love, and obedience, not in any particular order, as you will see. I would like to start at the beginning. Not at the very beginning of time, but I mean my beginning.

    I was born in 1948 and named Jimmie Lee Chiappelli. I was the second of ten children: eight girls and two boys. Yes, I am a baby boomer. I am eighteen months younger than my sister, Yolonda, and six girls later, we had another boy, Tony. The set was finished with one more girl.

    I’m not sure bowling or other recreational activities had been invented at that time. I did learn later though, that the number of children my parents had wasn't accidental. My dad I learned, had decided very early on to have twelve children, and I don’t think my mother had too much to say about it. Things were different back then. Women didn’t have too much to say about their futures.

    My first memories as a child took place at 314 Prospect Street in Pontiac, Michigan. At that time, there were four of us: Yolonda, me, Diana, and Cindy.

    I didn’t have much contact with my dad because he wasn’t around much. I’m not sure he knew what his role was as a father. The reason I say this is because we were always hungry and didn’t have any clothes to speak of. We had cracks in our walls and dirt floors.

    I vividly remember my sister Yolonda and me collecting snow from those cracks in the walls. There were times when my sister and I had only one outfit each. As we got older, we often washed our outfits by hand and hoped they were dry by morning.

    When we lived on Prospect Street in Pontiac, we often slept on a hide-a-bed with my mother in the living room to keep warm. We were extremely happy and didn’t realize we were poor. I think we had a special closeness because of these adversities.

    I don’t think television had been invented yet at least not for us. However, we did have a radio to listen to, and it was great. Weekends were wonderful. My dad would come home load us in the car, and take us to our grandparents’ house, on Florence Street a few miles away. That’s when the fun would really begin. We all congregated—the adults together and the children together. If you could walk and you were not wearing a diaper, it was pretty certain you were going outside.

    The older ones watched out for the younger ones. It wasn’t a perfect system, but it worked most of the time. There were a few injuries but nothing serious. If someone got hurt, going inside wasn’t usually an option. That usually meant playtime with your cousins was over.

    There was a bunch of us, and at that time, we ruled the neighborhood, but not in a bad way. We knew that if our behavior was out of order, there would be consequences. Back then, that meant a whoopin. Now, if you’re younger, you probably don’t know what a whoopin’ is. I had three sons, and they definitely knew what it meant, but it’s a different story for my grandchildren.

    I can remember one particular instance when one of my grandsons was misbehaving. Jokingly, I asked if he wanted a whoopin. He looked at me, somewhat puzzled but very seriously, and asked, "What is a whoopin?

    It's something I used to give your dad when he was your age.

    He said, Could I have one?

    Jokingly I said, Well, maybe later. I don’t really believe in whoopin’s anymore. And besides, my grandchildren never do anything wrong.

    Getting back to the family: it was a large family. Keep in mind, my grandmother and grandfather had ten children, and some of them had large families. As you can imagine, that home on Florence Street was always packed, especially on weekends and in the summer.

    We were all very close and weren’t afraid to show it. We became very protective of one another.

    Okay! Now that you know something about me and where I came from, I will continue where I left off.

    When talking about the books I mean all those instructional books it’s hard to know where to start. Have you been to the bookstore recently? I know when I first became a Christian or let’s say when I rededicated my life I was around thirty-two. I started reading every book I could get my hands on, especially books that were written by other Christians. After a while I became so confused I didn’t know in which direction I needed to go. This was a difficult time in my life because of the conflict inside of me.

    Prior to my conversion, I was an atheist and had given a great deal of thought to that topic and to the topic of evolution. I was extremely confident in what I believed or didn’t believe. I had developed every argument to prove God doesn’t exist. And anyway, how about evolution! Didn’t our schools teach us about evolution and how we evolved from a substandard species?

    This, in my opinion, totally eliminates the work of our Creator. If you really think about it, you will realize evolution is completely ridiculous. Sit down and think about it sometime: Did half a bee pollinate a half of a flower? Or when did egg-laying animals decide to put shells on? As you can see, it’s no wonder our children have become so confused. I could go on and on and on for hours, so I’ll drop it right here. I will address this topic more in my next book.

    All right, let’s get back to the story. As I mentioned previously, I had become a very confident individual, but around

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