Grief and Hope—The Journey to Serenity
About this ebook
Death and Dying are two of the most feared and misunderstood words in our language. When someone is told they will die from a diagnosed illness, fear grips their heart and mind.
This book not only gives insight into my journey of loss but also gives helpful suggestions to friends and family who are a support system. Not only for a loved one facing end-of-life issues, but also for friends and family coping with loss.
Dr Ann Ragobar
Dr. Ann M. Ragobar is a Non-Denominational Minister, Lecturer, Grief Counselor and a Final Phase Transitional Facilitator. She is also Director of Serenity of Hope in Bolton Ontario, Canada.
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Grief and Hope—The Journey to Serenity - Dr Ann Ragobar
Grief and Hope—The Journey to Serenity
Dr Ann Ragobar
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2012916576
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Balboa Press rev. date: 09/12/2012
Definition 1. Divine
Chapter 2. Coping With Grief
Poem 3. Never Alone
Chapter 4. On Death and Dying
Chapter 5. Diagnosis
Poem 6. Afraid To Die
Listen With Your Heart
Chapter 8. Caregiver Burnout
Chapter 9. Care For The Caregiver
Chapter 10. The Importance Of Journaling
Chapter 11. Listen With Love
Chapter 12. Keys To Emotional Loss
Chapter 13. Child/Teen Grief
Chapter 14. Sudden Death
Chapter 15. Loss – Grief – Healing
Chapter 16. Grieving To Heal
Chapter 17. Peace And Forgiveness Begins With Us, An Introspective On Looking To Seek Wholeness Once Again.
Chapter 18. The Path That Grief Takes Us Through
Poem 19. Prayer For You
Chapter 20. The Way of the Ancients. My Personal Voyage To Begin Healing
Poem 21. Life
25273.jpgThis Book is dedicated to:
Wayne, my husband, love and best friend who taught me so much; but more importantly he taught me that we are never alone.
To the higher powers who are my Guides and Angels, thank you for your continued guidance through this storm of life and for helping me to recognize that we are never alone.
This is for the many people out there that have lost loved ones and for those that will lose loved ones in the future.
A few years ago a very dear fellow walked into my life by the name of Casey Moran. He is a Psychic Medium and started working with me to bring to the surface the psychic gifts and talents that I have had well hidden since birth. Casey taught me the meaning of the word trust, he taught me to go within, remain in the silence and allow spirit to speak and guide me. He is one of a few that told me I would write books that would help many. To him I say Thank you, dear friend for your encouragement and support.
The completion of this book would never have happened if it wasn’t for (NC) who came into my life at a time, when I had no more energy to give. So, he lovingly gave me of his own energy, trust and support. All I can say is, Thank you
from the depths of my soul.
To my Hawaiian Ohana ( family), Mahalo Nui Loa for all your love, encouragement and support. Without all of you these pages would not be written.
My heart felt appreciation goes to my dear friend Sandra, who did the one last time look at this script. Sandra Shrieve and her family has been an inspiration, they have accepted me for who I am. For this I am eternally grateful.
Christine Francis of Ask Your Angels, she was very instrumental with the first edit as well as instrumental in confirming the book’s title.
Carol-Ann Kirby who was not only a great help with the final edit but she is also a very gifted artist. Her painting is what graces this book cover.
Mary Ellen Brock who has been a dear friend for more years than I care to count has been not only a support system over the years. But is also a gifted photographer, even though at times she doubts her abilities.
At this time I would also like to acknowledge Wayne’s sister Karen, who gave of her time and talent as an artist to create the black and white picture of her brother. She captures