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Life's Songs of a Born Superstar
Life's Songs of a Born Superstar
Life's Songs of a Born Superstar
Ebook111 pages1 hour

Life's Songs of a Born Superstar

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The life of aspiring entertainer growing up in South Carolina. Struggles and trials do not have to define us, but it can make us stronger. It doesn't matter how many times we fall, but how many times we get up and keep on trying. This book allows you to take a walk in my shoes and see how I over come some of my obstacles. My love for music and dance and how it saved me when I had nothing else to turn to. The love of a strong minded mother, to broken hearts, empty promises, and loneliness. From romance, true friends, the wrong friends, roads of distruction, to roads of success. Also, my personal thoughts on real men and learning from the past so you can have a brighter future.
Release dateMar 13, 2012
Life's Songs of a Born Superstar

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    Life's Songs of a Born Superstar - Wylanda Blanding

    Life’s Songs of a



    Wylanda (Indika) Blanding

    iUniverse, Inc.


    Life’s Songs of a Born Superstar

    Copyright © 2012 by Wylanda Blanding.

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    Superstar born

    I was born In Anderson, South Carolina. South Carolina is one of the most boring places to live in the entire United States. I wish I actually could of said wait, stop when I was born and say God please don’t let me grow up in a state where there is absolutely no opportunities and nobody with any real dreams or ambition. It was bad enough I had to grow up with a family that is well known for drinking Thursday through Sunday and fighting, cussing each other out, breaking bottles over each other’s heads and just being flat out crazy. I always thought I wasn’t really suppose to be in this family. I just didn’t think like them, act like them, or talk like them. While they was always too busy settling, I was always off some where in the corner… simply dreaming, dreaming of one day to get out of here, out of this state and become something GREAT! Dreaming became my best friend. Considering where im from . . . that seemed like all I could do was dream. I wanted to leave my mark on this world . . . some way… somehow. Whenever I got on that stage, or perform… that was it… It’s like someone else took control over my body. Almost something like my idol . . . Beyonce… she she becomes sasha fierce!!! I haven’t come up with a name for my other person yet, I will though.

    Anyway, since I got a touch of dancing, I have never let it go. If I’m sad dancing bring me back up, if I’m mad dancing makes me happy, if I’m frustrated dancing changes all of that. If I need to just blow off some steam dancing is what I turn to. To me dancing was there when nobody else was, including my father. He left when I just a baby. I think that is what started everything. I started feeling like something was missing. So I stopped dancing for a while and started writing songs replacing that with everything that I was feeling. I would write music. Singing started to be my outlet. I fell in love with music, it got me through a lot of disappointing times. So I went back and forth with music and dancing for a while. Once I hit middle school, I jumped straight into cheerleading. I fell in love with it right away. Shortly after that, I started doing the choreography for the squad.

    I was care free at that time in my life. Even though being the youngest of three was not easy I always knew my place. I like to think of myself as a very nice person, maybe too nice. I love meeting new people, I love to travel, and I am very open minded. I don’t meet any strangers; I am a drama free person. I like to be around people that are positive and is trying to do something with their life. I am a firm believer of hard work paying off. Keep God first and nothing and nobody can get in your way. Some people spend a lifetime trying to figure out what it is they want to do in life. I always knew entertainment would be a part of my life. I grew up in a family of entertainment. My father sings, my mother use to sing, my grandmother use to sing, and all of my uncles and aunts on my daddy side still sing. So it was only human nature for me to sing too. I started dancing at the age of seven. Learning a lot of different dance styles while attending cheerleading and worked my way up to competitive cheerleading. I have gone from tap, ballet, jazz, belly dancing, hip-hop, reggae, and reggaeton. I was teaching Latin dance for two years and now teaching all styles! I started modeling in the 8th grade. At first It was just for fun, but then I started loving it. I loved being able to transform into a totally different person! So I stuck with it over the years. Now I’m ready to learn more about my craft and really take it to the next level!

    I always knew I was different from your ordinary little girl growing up with a dream to be a great entertainer. I knew I was different when my mom told me the story about me having a veil over my face when I was born. Now, if it sounds strange to you . . . imagine how I feel. My mom explained to me that this meant that I was going to have a gift of seeing spirits and having contact with the spiritual world. Okay, I already know what you are thinking. This is some freaked out stuff, I know right. When I was a little girl spirits would come to me as cats and not the form of a human being. I don’t know why they appeared to me like that. When I got up to some age, they would appear to me as they would if they person was still alive. I also have premonitions. This was a gift I wish God would have kept because to this day I am still not use to it. I don’t really like to talk about my gift. Even though I know it might help some other soul out there in the world with the same gift as mine, I just cant do it. I don’t want people to think I’m crazy because I’m not. I know most people don’t understand and probably never will. People fear what they know nothing about. So If judging me, making fun of me, or calling me a lie is going to make you feel better or sleep at night, then do it. I know my truth and that’s all that matters. I find watching that show that they have on TV about kids with the same gift as me helps It helps me realize that I am not alone and it makes it a little easier for me to deal with this.

    My mom has really helped me. She is one of the most strong minded women I had ever known. She was a single parent, and I take my hat off to her. She was always there for me and my siblings. It wasn’t too weird to see a woman in that day in time playing both the daddy and mommy role . . . but still it was amazing to me. My mom appeared to us as strong but I know she has had a very tough life growing up. Having a white father was already going to hand her a pretty difficult life back in those days. Her father was white and her mom was half Indian. So no wonder me and my siblings are all crazy. We were mixed up with a crazy combination. It took me a long time to except the fact that my grandpa and some of my aunts, uncles, and cousins were actually white. In fact I didn’t talk to my mom for about two weeks after I found out. I actually cried. I had nothing against white people or anything. I was upset that my whole family, including my sister kept it from me. I was in the middle school when I finally found out through my big mouth aunt. I was the only one in my family who didn’t know. I couldn’t understand why they lied to me. I eventually got over it. I love my mom and I would do anything for her.

    Everything was great in those days. It was perfect. All that mattered was school, cheerleading, dancing, and my family. My grandma came to live with us around the time I was in middle school. She had got sick and was paralyzed from the waist down. So we had to take care of her. Grandma was my best friend I would find myself sleeping on her floor in her room whenever my sister would be mean to me or hurt my feelings. I would just grab my blanket and go sleep on her floor and she would already know why I was in there. She would say your sister being mean to you again? I would

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