About this ebook
John Ndege
JOHN NDEGE BORN JULY 12 1946 Married with children Diploma in Banking—Institute of Bankers 1969 Banker 1967-1980 Grindlays bank—Officer Trainee Bank Manager, Country Operations and planning manager Parliamentary Candidate UPM Party ticket (unsuccessful) 1980 Uganda controversial Elections Kenya—exile owner Kibichiku Hotel 1980-1985 Businessman from 1981 to date Ministry of rehabilitation—coordinator food relief Luwero triangle, and North Uganda war affected zones 1986 to 1988 Chairman Grain Exporters Association up to 2001 Vice Chairman Eastern Uganda National Chamber of Commerce 1999 up to 2001 Hon. Member of Uganda Parliament 1989-2001 Hon. Member Parliamentary Standing Committee Finance and Planning 1997-2001 Chairman Parliamentary Standing Committee 1997 Delegate to Constitution making Assembly for Uganda 1990-1995 Been resident in USA from 2001 to date The Author of Solution America
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Solutions America - John Ndege
Copyright 2012 John Ndege.
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isbn: 978-1-4669-1920-4 (sc)
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I would like to thank all people who helped me to make the writing of this book possible. This involved discussing, researching, typing and editing drafts along the way. These also include those who contributed to the cost of printing and marketing of this book.
I would first of all mention my wife Hope and the children Chocho, Dege, Bogo, Pewit, Pochino and Mumu. Friends and relatives who include the following Moses Likwases, Susan Matama, Gladys Kebut, Mike, Isaac, John and Conchita , Nancy Kamau, David Yano Singei, Margaret, Mellisa Kaijuka.
I would also like to acknowledge the members of Trafford Publishing who got involved along the way in the printing of this book. In particular I would like to mention the following Trafford staff whom I came directly in contact with namely Lou Fuentes the Publishing Consultant, Chris Toring the Check Coordinator, Evan Villadores the Publishing Services Associate, Vanessa Marzo the Publishing Services Supervisor and Lui Monsato the Marketing Consultant.
They were all Professional and fast in doing their work. Lou made me decide on Publishing with Trafford and Chris made me get courage to hand in my script although I still felt it was not yet ready.CHAPTER 1
1. Scope
(a) I am going to look at the past achievements, failures the present problems facing USA and future options and solutions which will help America launch itself into a prosperous future. Among the main topics I am going to research, discuss, give opinions and suggest solutions are the USA political history including the political party structure, the constitution and three branches of government. I will be looking at their achievements failures and possible solutions.
(b) I shall also analyze the weaknesses that have developed over time in the free market capitalist system and suggested possible solutions to what was once acknowledged to be, but is still is known as the number one envy of the world. It is a system that has encouraged so many people to try to come to the USA and participate in every way possible so that they can also realize their vision of the American dream. USA is known to have been built mainly by immigrants from all over the world, and that is why it is called and known as the country of immigrants.
(c) I am also going to highlight the main long outstanding unsolved social, economic and political issues that I believe must be tackled and resolved as a matter of urgency. These are the issues that the American people have in vain been expecting their political leaders to find solutions in a way that is good for them and the country. The problems still hanging are many and they are in need of urgent attention if America is to retain its number one position now and in the future. These issues are affecting the economic and social welfare of the people and if left unsolved there is no way that America can continue to lead the world. These issues can only be successfully resolved in a partisan manner because neither party has all the comprehensive answers to these long outstanding problems. These problems have encouraged more and more voters to switch to and from one partly to the other and some now define themselves as independents because neither of the two parties has the courage and take the bold step of taking pro American solutions to their problems. No one can therefore rule out the emergence of a strong third party and if this happened it would drastically change the USA political scene for some time to come. The idea of USA being and remaining the leader of the free market world is being compromised and undermined for as long as these issues remain unsolved. Many people believe that leaving these problems unsolved could have been is one of the issues which were responsible for the 2007 housing and economic meltdown.
(d) At this juncture I would like to mention some of these pending issues that I have been mentioning. These items among others include problems relating to Medicaid, Medicare, the 2010 healthcare act, social security, energy policy, comprehensive immigration reform, the USA political party structure including the voting system, social problems such as definition of marriage that is not so well defined and predictable foreign policy. These are some of the urgent and vital problems which must be tackled right away partly by the executive but more so by congress. Congress should adopt a non-partisan and pro American approach so that solutions can be found so that other equally related important issues such as the budget shortfalls, tax reform and the national debt can also then be successfully addressed.
(e) On top of the above, i am also going to look at the recent events which have impacted the USA in various ways. These include the following;
(i) The 2001 September 11 attack on USA and what followed thereafter.
(ii) The 2007 housing bubble and economic meltdown which culminated in the worst recession since World War II.
(iii) I’m also including mention of the unexpected natural and unnatural occurrences but with particular reference to Katrina because it exposed glaring weaknesses in the way the capitalist free market system is being implemented. This system was once acknowledged to be the best and the most efficient in the world. The system was let down by too much bureaucracy which lacked quick and fast decision making decisions and procedures.
There is a growing tendency of running a private capitalist system mixed with too much government restrictions and micro managing policies at all levels of government. This leads to inefficiency and unfair blame on the free market system when the results do not turn out as efficiently as should be expected. In the case of Katrina, the federal and state governments, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other relevant agencies appear to have under estimated the magnitude of the task before them. They did not take enough precautions or make adequate preparations for the impending disaster from Mother Nature. The residents of New Orleans, Mississippi and surrounding areas were overnight almost reduced to a third world status. Furthermore the people were disappointed by the mismanagement of the funds which congress and other donors voted to handle the situation.
These situations like Katrina should be run by private agencies with logistical support from the concerned government department. The private agencies should form a coordinated system to run these emergencies which need quick action because they are time sensitive.
My experience in emergency response is that privately run agencies such as Red Cross can respond within about 48 hours to a problem. On the other hand, government run organizations such as World Food Programme (WFP), FEMA etc can take days or weeks to respond to urgent emergencies because of the bureaucratic procedures they have to go through. WFP has to get permission from Rome and for other government agencies they would even take weeks because they have to follow standing procurement procedures. Since emergencies are time sensitive it is clear that private agencies such as NGOs, churches etc do the response job most efficiently. They are more likely to give better value for the money utilized in such cases.
The best way to begin with is to discuss the political history of USA. The first thing we shall look at is the declaration of independence and constitution. Since the two are the main pillars of democracy in USA.
This is one of the landmarks in USA political history. The declaration of independence states that we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It goes on to say that whenever any government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it.
It is therefore clear that government should be for the people and by the people and not vice versa. Governments which do not hold regular free and fair elections which reflect the free will of their people must be resisted by the people and world community. This is the only way to ensure that the fundamental rights and freedoms as mentioned in the declaration of independence can be seen to be respected and guaranteed. In USA these rights are usually taken for granted because they are there.
Although in USA the electoral system still needs some adjustments, as was clearly experienced during the 2000 presidential elections, the election results which are usually declared reflect the will of the people. There are systems put in place to challenge any short comings or abuse of the electoral system. Many other developed countries, especially those in the Western World, also generally adhere to the principals of the free will of the people’s choices and the election results also generally reflect the will of the people.
It is however regrettable to note that there are many people in many other countries who are still struggling and waiting for the opportunity to enjoy these natural rights and freedoms which nobody should beg or fight for. They are still struggling to have their will to decide their political system and leadership choices be respected by their political systems. For instance in many countries especially the far left socialist leaning countries such as Cuba and North Korea they hold regular elections but the electoral results do not necessarily reflect the will of the people. There is a tendency for such countries declaring election results with a yes popular vote of 90% plus in favor of the sitting party president or favored candidates. It is usually clear and known that the voting procedures and results were not transparent and did not reflect the will of the people.
There are also autocratic regimes such as Iran, Zimbabwe, Egypt and Burma which also hold regular elections but they also do not reflect the will of the people. They also have a common factor of rigging elections and announcing the rigged results almost immediately after the polls are closed. During the last elections in Iran for instance, within hours of closing the voting president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was announced to have won the elections. The voters could not believe the news from the election officials because the counting could not have possibly been completed in such a short time. They immediately challenged the results. They organized protest demonstrations but they were unfortunately ruthlessly crushed by the regime. Nobody will ever forget that girl Neda Agha-Soltan who was mercilessly murdered and will always stand as the symbol of struggle for free and fair elections for the people of Iran who took the risk and fought for their rights in order to have a government which reflects their will.
In Zimbabwe, the international community had to intervene and negotiate a government of national unity because President Mugabe would not leave his presidential seat without bloodshed even if he knew that he had possibly lost the elections. In Zimbabwe, the politics is reported to be so bad that areas which during the election had not voted for Mugabe were denied food and other supplies which were donated by the international community during the famine period that Zimbabwe was experiencing. It is also alleged that the Zimbabwe regime developed and practiced a scotch earth policy for those areas which did not vote for ruling party. Many people are alleged to have fled to other areas of the country and others fled to the neighboring countries for fear of reprisals. The only way to clear the issue was to recount the votes in a clear and transparent manner. People do not have to beg for this right.
It’s a pity that in this 21st century, the world can allow political leaders to treat their countries and people as if they were their personal property. People who try to resist these regimes are often intimidated, repressed, tortured, denied basic freedoms, respect, and justice. Many of them suffer unfair and painful detentions. These regimes orchestrate incidents against their opponents and manipulate votes in their favor to make it appear as if they have won the popular vote.
One of the longest political fighters is Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma. She spent 15 out of her 21 years of politics in detention fighting for freedom and political rights in Burma. Nelson Mandela spent almost half of his life in prison fighting for political rights and equality for all the people of South Africa. Here in USA Martin Luther King paid with his life trying to fight for equal human rights for the minority communities in the USA. The minorities in USA had to use everything at their disposal including church venues in their struggle to gain equality. They had to form alliances with other disgruntled people like the environmentalists, communists, equal rights women groups, gays etc in order to put up a strong group fighting for equal treatment. All these had to form alliances because they were fighting a common enemy of unfair treatment. They were fighting for rights as embedded in the declaration of independence and the constitution. Many people in other countries have paid with their lives fighting for political and other freedoms. In Cambodia for instance, millions lost their lives during the political infighting in the country.
It is therefore important that fundamental rights mentioned in the declaration of independence are jealously defended by the people of USA and they do not allow them to slip through their fingers. The loss of these rights normally starts as a joke. The people start losing these rights piece by piece and over a time they come to realize that they have lost their rights because they did not challenge the perpetuators. This is usually done in the name of national security concerns. The most sensible solution is putting provisos for bad elements who do not respect the natural rule of justice. The executive always enjoys in amassing power so that they can direct and control the lives of the people. This eventually ends in the politics of intimidation and fear instilled in the population. To revert back to the good days of good governance is usually bloody and costly. Because no regime enjoys handing back whatever power they have usurped.
The United Nations Organization should devise a system where they can give an opinion whether any country’s elections results reflect the will of the people and also whether the election was free and fair. They should also devise scores for the degree of respect for these fundamental freedoms and rights. In this way, at a glance people can assess how democratic these countries are. This would be a great contribution to world peace and democracy and should be endorsed by all the UN members.
The other landmark was the promulgation of US constitution which has been operative since September 17th 1787. The constitution created three branches of a federal type of government namely:
2 c (i) The Legislative Branch. This is the bicameral branch known as congress. It has the House of Representatives who represent the people and the senate whose members represent the people in those states. The two houses are co-equal and it requires both of them to accent to a bill before it can be sent to the president to be signed into law. Congress makes laws and all legislative power is vested in it.
2 c (ii) The Executive Branch. This branch enforces the laws and is lead by the president. There is a vice president, secretaries and other state servants of some of whom require senate approval. The president also enjoys among other federal executive powers as the commander in chief of all federal armed forces.
2 c (iii) The Judiciary Branch. This branch is headed by The Supreme Court. The Supreme Court and the lower federal and state courts interpret