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Its amazing how God works! Would you ever imagine that you would be where you are today, or accomplish some of the amazing goals you have achieved over the years? God doesnt make mistakes and everything that has happened to you is a part of His divine plan and purpose for your life. Each step of the journey brings you one step closer to your destiny. Destiny is not a destination, but your unique quest to reach your ultimate place in life. Your journey is not for judgment or critics, but to assess your relationship and walk with your Creator.
Have we all made mistakes, questioned God, and have wondered why these things have happened to you? Have you accepted the fact that you are unique and you have a specific purpose in life? Maybe you are experiencing difficulties or having problems grasping who you are or what can you contribute to the growth of the Kingdom? I know I was once there and throughout this book I expressed my true heartfelt feelings as it relates to this spiritual journey. Looking at the young boy I was, and the young man I became, and how God has transformed me into the man I am today. This is my journey to this point in my life. Not saying that I have all the answers, but I keep pressing until I reach the prize that God has for me, and I challenge you to do the same.
Strive for perfection, reach for that prize, and overcome each obstacle that may come in your path. Know that God is in control of your destiny and each step is a step closer to you realizing your divine purpose in life. Its through poetry that I get a chance to converse with God and have a dialog thats both frustrating yet very rewarding. Its in those moments that I am true with Him and I hear Him speaking directly to me. I never felt comfortable talking to others, but I found a friend in Jesus who I could express all of my thoughts, fears, ambitions, and aspirations.The book may end yet the journey will continue. Let your Journey begin today, and watch how far God will take you.
Release dateSep 30, 2011

Darian A. Williams

Darian Williams, currently an accountant in the health care industry, resides in Augusta, Georgia, with his wife. A born-again believer in the gospel of Jesus Christ, his deepest desire is to fully demonstrate his commitment to the Lord with his life. To him the Bible is like a mirror. In order to look and feel better, he always refers to it, and if something is wrong the mirror will show it, so that he can try to make it better.

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    Journey - Darian A. Williams

    © 2011 by Darian A. Williams. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 08/17/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4634-6034-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4634-6033-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4634-6032-7 (ebk)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011915070

    Printed in the United States of America

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    There Is A War Going On

    Listen to the Voice

    He’s Your Biggest Fan

    Running won’t get you far

    Count the Cost

    Listen And Learn

    The real

    A Little Talk


    The Thought Process


    Get back


    Who am I?

    Light as a Rock.

    Are You Willing To Die?

    What Path Are You Going To Take?

    A Good Book

    Our Eyes Tell It All


    Wearing That Mask

    Who told you?

    Which One Will You Be?

    A Dream, A Simple Fantasy


    Times Like This

    Looking Back

    They Have Gone On Before Us

    My Letter To Dad

    From A Boy To A Man

    Keep A Liv’n



    Finishing Line

    Best Friends

    If Tomorrow Never Comes!

    To be Continued…

    Using what was Given

    Truth be told

    Open your gift

    A time such as this


    Screw up, then I grew up

    The Diary of a sinner

    Old path way


    99 ½ won’t do

    A new beginning

    Think About Me

    Let your light shine

    Be a Man


    A Message

    Mommy I love You

    Speak To Me


    A Walk, a Journey

    Unleash what’s inside

    Only Time will tell

    End of a stage

    Passing the Torch

    A Choice

    No One Knows

    Dealing with what you did to win.

    Shift Your Thinking

    Because He came

    Back to the Basic

    Why Worry

    Remember my chain

    Listen to the Voice


    God can get you through

    Confront the Killer

    A Soldier Cry


    Real Talk

    Picture This

    Truth be Told

    Somewhere Beyond the Sky

    Why are you here on earth?


    The Key to Unlock… .

    What will you give

    Words in the Song

    A Dream Defined

    The Realist thing I ever Wrote


    What you are

    Don’t Hurt Me No More

    Willing to change

    I hear you Calling

    It’s No Mistake

    Mother’s Love

    Get from behind the mask

    I’m not perfect

    Get it off your chest


    Follow the game plan

    Each line tells the Story


    Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it, but one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead. I press towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

    Philippians 3: 12-14

    It’s amazing how God works. Would you ever imagine that you would be where you are today or accomplish some of the amazing goals you have achieved over the years. God doesn’t make mistakes and everything that has happen to you is a part of His divine plan and purpose for your life. Each step of the journey brings you one step closer to your destiny. Destiny is not a destination but your unique quest to reach your ultimate place in life. Your journey is not for judgment or critics but to assess your relationship and walk with your Creator. Have we all made mistakes, questioned God, and have wondered why these things are happening to you? Or have you accepted the fact that you are unique and you have a specific purpose in life? Maybe you are experiencing difficulties and having problems grasping who you are, why you are here, and what can you contribute to the growth of the Kingdom. I know I was once there and throughout this book I try to express my true heartfelt feelings as it relates to this spiritual journey. There is a continuing battle between my spirit and my mind. Looking at the young boy I was, and the young man I became, and how God has transformed me into the man I am today. This is my journey to this point in my life. Not saying that I have all the answers, but I keep pressing until I reach the prize that God has for me, and I challenge you to do the same.

    Strive for perfection, reach for that prize, and overcome each obstacle that may come in your path. Know that God is in control of your destiny and each step is a step closer to you realizing your divine purpose in life. It’s through poetry that I get a chance to converse with God and have a dialog that’s both frustrating yet very rewarding. It’s in those moments that I am true with Him and I hear Him speaking directly to me. I never felt comfortable talking to others, but I found a friend in Jesus who I could express all of my thoughts, fears, ambitions, and aspirations. Through poetry I could speak my mind without worrying about what others felt about it. It went from an outlet to a passion which I continue to this day. The book may end yet the journey will continue. Let your Journey begin today, and watch how far God will take you.


    Chapter 1

    The Inner War

    The Battle between Your Spirit and Your Mind

    There Is A War Going On

    There is a war going on all the time

    For there is a constant fight between

    Your spirit and your mind

    What can be done, how can you win?

    First one must find that what’s hidden within.

    One must seek that inner glow

    That allows us to decipher yes from no.

    The war will continue day in and day out

    For it kind of reminds you of

    A heavy weight bout

    Except for this fight never comes to an end

    For daily we’ll have our battles with sin

    You need the tools that will only help

    Like the sword, shield, and protective belt.

    Learn the word for it’s like a double edge sword

    Cuts through worries like blades cut through boards

    Read your bible for it’s your protective shield

    For when evil thoughts try to enter the mind

    You’ll remember to do God’s will

    You have the sword and shield

    Now the last tool you need it’s the real deal

    It’s similar to a belt how it

    Holds everything in place

    And when life seems to get you down

    It’ll help you finish the race

    It can be as small as a mustard seed big as a tree

    What I’m speaking of is faith and believing in Thee.

    Believe that He can part your Red sea

    Believe that He actually saved a wretch like me

    Believe that He will cleanse you

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