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Soul Identification and Other Goodies…..
Soul Identification and Other Goodies…..
Soul Identification and Other Goodies…..
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Soul Identification and Other Goodies…..

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Have you ever questioned who you really are?
Have you ever wondered about your soul?

Are you an "Old Soul"?
A "Newly Awakened Soul"?
Are you still "soul sleeping"?
Are you a "Star Child"?
Are you an "Indigo Child"?

Why have "The Elohim" and "Hybrid" souls incarnated?
Who are the "Crystal Children"?
If you are reading the back of this book,
thenb you belong to one of the soul groups listed above.

Which group do you belong to?
Find your soul "home identity" in the pages of this book!
Release dateNov 10, 2011
Soul Identification and Other Goodies…..

Sarah A. Schweitzer

Sarah draws upon a lifetime of spiritual knowledge and experience. In her adult life, she has received many certifications in spiritual disciplines; such as: Hypnotherapist, Numerologist, Palmist, Soul Design Analyst, DNA Regeneration Technician, Spiritual Energy Healer, Licensed Minister, Healing Touch Practitioner, Reiki Master, Chinese Energetic Medicine Healer, Polarity Healer, EMF Facilitator, Light Master Etheric Laser Surgeon, Psychic Reader, Channel, and more. Sarah is a gifted psychic, healer, and speaker. Read about all the sessions that she offers on her website at: She has been a long standing member of the Universal Holistic Healers Association, and at the College of Metaphysical Studies in Clearwater Florida where she received her Doctorate degrees and Ministerial recognition. She has earned a BA in Organizational Management, Spring Arbor College, MA in Adult Education and Instructional Design, Central Michigan University, and a Doctorate in Metaphysics and in Spiritual Psychology and Counseling, Florida. Sarah can be contacted at:

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    Book preview

    Soul Identification and Other Goodies….. - Sarah A. Schweitzer

    Soul Identification

    and other goodies…

    Sarah A. Schweitzer, Ph.D.


    1663 Liberty Drive

    Bloomington, IN 47403

    Phone: 1-800-839-8640

    © 2011 Sarah A. Schweitzer, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 11/04/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-3739-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-3740-2 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-3738-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011917556

    Printed in the United States of America

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    The information contained in this book is not intended to replace any medical, mental, or emotional advice, diagnosis, or treatment from a qualified health care professional.

    Please consult a qualified health care profession for any matter relating to your health, physical, mental, or emotional well being.

    If you are experiencing any medical reason for alarm, call 911 for immediate medical attention.

    The information contained in this book is for your entertainment purposes only!




    Previously Published Books:



    Defining The Soul Groups

    The Old Soul

    Indigo Children

    Star Children

    The New Root Race of Man

    Hybrid Soul Group

    The Elohim

    The Crystal Children

    The Ascension Process: General Information

    Spiritual Soul Polling

    The Purpose of a Spiritual Polling

    Working it Out

    The Space Holders

    The New Lightworkers

    Keeper of Knowledge

    Spiritual Pioneer

    Just a Quick Note

    The Third Polling, 2004 Soul Assignments

    Overlay And Template Of Light

    The Newly Awakened Soul

    Message for Old Souls

    Sleeping Souls


    Appendix I


    Appendix II


    Appendix III


    Appendix IV


    Appendix V



    The Crystal Children

    Medical Reform

    Unhealthy Crystal Children


    A Few Words On The Lightbody Ascension Process

    Parallel Shifts and Dimensional Mergers

    The ET’s

    An Additional Soul Group Enters








    This book is presented in three sections. It is highly recommended that the sections be read in the order presented.


    The information presented in Section I represents the original book as written during the mid-1990’s.

    Rather than re-writing the book with current information, I have decided to publish it as it was originally written.

    Section I presents most of the soul groups existing on the planet when the planet held 3rd dimensional awareness.

    Since the majority of the book was channeled, information about the new Crystal Children was also included. This was preliminary information and held a predictive tone about the soul group that would incarnate in the future.

    Reading Section I first will give the reader a basic foundational knowledge of the different incarnate soul groups.


    This section presents knowledge of soul groups after the planet has ascended to 5th dimensional positioning. It goes into detail about the Crystal Children and their potential impact in society. This section was written during the early 2000’s when the impact of 5th dimensional positioning was in its emerging stage.


    This section was added just prior to publication. It presents updated information as currently channeled to date of publication.


    I wish to thank all my spiritual friends, and clients who have patiently waited for this book to be completed and published!

    Thank you for holding the vision of this book—especially during the times when I could not.

    Your encouragement, faith, patience and support in the work that I do is greatly appreciated.

    So, here it is….I hope you enjoy the book!

    Previously Published Books:

    Your Guardian Angels

    SEPTEMBER, 2009



    Are you an Old Soul? A newly awakened soul? Or are you still a sleeping soul? Do you know an Indigo or Star Child when you see one? Who are the Crystal Children? Can you answer the question: Do you know who you are? If you have ever wondered who you are, what your soul lineage holds, what your soul signature means, or what soul group to call home, then this is the book for you.

    In every spiritual modality you have a divine appointment to be at the right place, doing the right thing, at the right time. Reading this book, right now, is in the correct divine timing for you. It doesn’t matter how this book came into your possession, or if you are reading it electronically, or holding the book in your hand physically; what is important is the fact that you are now ready to investigate your soul lineage.

    Very similar to the way our physical culture identifies our national heritage, our soul lineage identifies the soul group to which we belong. Our soul lineage identifies our energy frequency and associates that frequency with a particular soul group. Our soul frequency is how we are identified as we traverse the universe, or as we reside within our physical bodies on planet Earth.

    We, as human beings, carry within us the blending of our ancestors’ nationality heritages. This blending of heritage such as Asian, German, French, etc. identifies characteristics that are bred into our very DNA. Many times, we exhibit characteristics unique to the blending of our various nationality roots. We carry within us the genetic codes, cultural and behavioral DNA patterns of our ancestors and pass those codes and heritages on to our offspring. Like our human nationality composition, we also carry within us our unique soul characteristics. These soul characteristics identify the soul group and energy frequencies with which we are aligned. These identifiers are imprinted upon the energy known as our soul, and we carry them with us from incarnation to incarnation.

    Understanding who you are as a human begins with the investigation of your family tree. Understanding who you are as a soul begins with the investigation of your spiritual soul group affinity.

    As you begin to read the pages of this book, please remember that one soul group holds no more importance than another. Each soul group that will be identified in this book is a unique soul group unto itself. Each soul group has a definite purpose, as well as a beginning and an end. Just as individuals learn to speak, read, and write in more than one language on Earth, many souls have learned how to merge their frequencies in several soul groups so they can cross over easily between groups of souls. This allows an endless means to grow spiritually. In the pages that follow, you will learn the characteristics of the different soul groups and how they are defined on the Earth plane. If you keep an open mind as you read the pages that follow, you just might discover a soul group that feels right for you. It would be a safe bet that the soul group that feels right is the group with which you have aligned your spiritual signature. You have most likely chosen that particular soul group energy to imprint upon and begin or continue on the wheel of incarnation on Earth as a human being.

    Keeping an open mind as you read is also important to help your deep soul memories to surface. As each of us took physical form to prepare for our birth into the flesh, our spiritual memories sank deep into the recesses of our minds. These memories fell into a deep sleep and stayed sleeping in order for us to play the game of duality on planet Earth. As we begin to remember that we are spiritual beings of light, those memories slowly trickle to the surface of our conscious mind. The process of deep soul memory recall can be a long process and for some individuals, it can take a lifetime to achieve. This book has been written to act as a catalyst to jog your deep sleeping soul memory into awakening. If you have already begun the remembering process, you probably already have a good idea who you are as a spiritual soul. If that is the case, then these words will open deeper memories for you. If you do not know what soul group you belong with, then just keep an open mind as you read this book and allow the words that you read to introduce you to your deep soul memories with ease and grace.

    Defining The Soul Groups

    Life on Earth is full of rules, definitions, and hierarchy structures of importance. As children, we are taught to categorize, identify, and rank in order of importance, nearly every tangible and intangible person, place or thing that crosses our life paths. It is only appropriate in upholding this social standard, that the metaphysical teachings that have been passed down through generations of soul incarnation also support the definition of soul groups and spiritual hierarchy in order of importance. Soul groups also follow this pattern.

    There are numerous types of soul groups that reside within the influence of our solar system. The human soul group is only one facet of the souls that comprise the planet’s population. Soul groups from different universes, parallels, dimensions, and realities also inhabit our planet. The animal kingdom, insect kingdom, virus kingdom and many more known and unknown to our conscious mind share the soul consciousness of our great planet Earth. Every living and non-living thing has some kind of origin. At the core of origin, the soul group is identified. As humans, our soul group represents the homo sapien consciousness. Sentient beings, like whales, dolphins, manatee, etc., have a different soul group than humans do. Insects belong to the insectoid soul group, birds to the bird soul group, and so on. Each soul group has their own rules for incarnation and evolution. Even the mineral kingdom has a soul group and a pattern of evolution that it follows. Plants, trees, and the dirt beneath your feet have a core essence, evolution pattern, energy imprint and group consciousness unique to their soul group identification. To document, discuss, and analyze each specie soul group co-existing with humans on Earth is well beyond the scope of this book.

    The focus of this book is to identify the different human soul groups co-existing on the planet in these current times. On this planet, there are several different cultures, nationalities, races, and creeds. Each one of these separate cultures, nationalities, races, creeds and other diverse groups have distinct characteristics and identifiers that set them apart from each other and allow for a diverse range of differences within the category of human. For example, German people are associated with Europe and come from a specific part of the European continent. Japanese people are associated with a country called Japan and come from the Asian countries. Americans are associated with The United States and have a strong connection with the native American Indians; as well as historically being known as a melting pot for all peoples of all nations that wish to immigrate to, live and prosper on United States of America soil. All who do so are called Americans. Just as we are identified with specific countries and nationalities, so also are our soul groups associated with specific incarnation waves, identifiers, and defining characteristics. There will always be subdivisions, crossovers, and numerous overlay hybrid strands within each soul group. To identify and explain each one of these soul group in exacting detail would involve an enormous amount of time. To keep things simple, this book will briefly cover the five human soul groups that currently share the planet. These groups do not include what is typically referred to as ET’s, (extraterrestrials) nor does it include any of the non-human soul groups that share the planet at this time.

    The Old Soul

    Beginning with the oldest of souls who have incarnated onto the Earth plane, the label, Old Soul, is associated with this group of incarnate souls. Old Soul implies that the soul is old. The Old Soul is a soul who has been incarnate on the earth plane for many years of dedicated service. Their years of service not only include the present human incarnation, but countless incarnations spanning many years of Earth history. In those years of human incarnation, they have learned many lessons of life. They also have had many opportunities to advance in the evolution of their individual and group souls’ growth. When the term, Old Soul is used to reference a soul in a human body, it typically defines a person who has been on his/her soul path for a very long time. These are souls who are skilled at learning his/her lessons in a set pattern, and advancing his/her soul to the next highest level possible in the current incarnation. To be labeled an Old Soul usually describes a person that has a great deal of wisdom, accurate judgments, and good sound advice to share. By the time an Old Soul has been recognized for these traits of wisdom, discernment, and sound advice, they are often approaching middle age or are much older. Some Old Souls only achieve recognition as they begin the transition known as death.

    Inasmuch as many Old Souls possess the qualities of common sense and wisdom, many do not. Some Old Souls are still sleeping in their spiritual awareness. They are dragging their feet in learning their life lessons and may even appear to be careless in their spiritual nature. Some Old Souls do not possess the traits and characteristics that an aware Old Soul is attributed with at all.

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