Be Awake and Prepared: A Message from God Given in a Vision
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This book will touch peoples hearts and help them to get closer to God than ever. God revealed through a vision a secret place where his people can run and be protected against the terror and the attack of these last days. Be awake and prepared.
Ernestine N. Moussa
Ernestine Moussa was born in Eastern of Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa in 1965. She earned an associates degree in management and a bachelors degree in economic science from the prestigious Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She is conversant and fluent in Swahili, French, Portuguese, and English. She is married and the mother of three; she currently lives in Loganville, Georgia, USA. She is not a pastor, and she never went to Bible College. But she loves to pray, to listen, and to meditate Gods word. One day during the meditation, God showed her a vision, and later he asked her to write it as a book for his people. In this book she gives her testimony. This book contains wonderful messages, teachings, and revelations from God.
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Be Awake and Prepared - Ernestine N. Moussa
A Message from God Given in a Vision
Ernestine N. Moussa
missing image fileCopyright © 2011 Ernestine N. Moussa
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The Holy Bible, New Revised Standard Version, 2005, Cambridge University Press
La Sainte Bible, Version Semeur, 2000, Societe Biblique Internationale.
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Words of Encouragement
Chapter 1:
The Vision Given by God and My Testimony
Chapter 2:
The Beautiful Garden of Eden
Chapter 3:
The Great Righteous People of God
Chapter 4:
The Rescue of the Israelites in Egypt
Chapter 5:
The Shadow of Sacrificial Love
Chapter 6:
Prophesies about the Messiah
Chapter 7:
Jesus, the Real Sacrificial Love
Chapter 8:
The Foundations of a Successful Spiritual Life
Chapter 9:
The Revelation of the Vision
Chapter 10:
The Safety Zone of Protection
Chapter 11:
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
I dedicate this book to the lost sons and daughters of the mighty God who still suffer in the misery of this world, forgetting that the Savior has paid the fine and set them free. I hope with all my heart that this book will help them come back to their senses and remind them who they are and what they have in God’s house. Whatever they have done, whatever they have become, it doesn’t matter. Today, if you hear God’s voice, repent and decide to return to his house and you will be welcomed. The loving Father is ready to forget, to forgive, and to celebrate your return. The will of God is to see his children enjoying life abundantly and praise him for his goodness.
Dear Father, thank you for your faithfulness. When I was in trouble, you rescued me; you showed me your love and you honored me by calling me your daughter. When I was faithless, you forgave me and renewed your covenant with me. When I was passing through a time of testing, you made it easier by walking by my side day and night. When I was feeling small and weak and unable to reach your most high throne, you came down and gave me your strength. When no one could give me a job, you hired me. Because of your grace, your generosity, and your kindness, I know I will receive all the desires of my heart and you will fill my life with hope, joy, peace, and blessings.
Who am I, that you have chosen me to be your messenger? I am not important, but you have shown your care for me, your servant. I would like to express my love to you with special words and songs that your angels usually use in heaven to express their love for you. Let me sing for you a song of love: You are the breath I breathe every day. My soul and my heart rejoice in you, my Lord and my Savior. You have been a great God, a great friend, and a great Father to me. I delight myself in your friendship. I praise you for who you are and for all you have done for me and my family.
Please, Father, give the understanding and wisdom to your people and open their eyes for them to see how wonderful you are and to see the place that you have prepared for them for eternity. Thank you for Jesus Christ, who made the sacrifice, died for us, and brought us back close to your throne. In his name, I proclaim your majesty and your power over all the nations of the Earth and over any creature that lives on high in the heavens and down on the Earth. You reign today and forever. Amen.
Finally, here’s a book that gives you insight and practical teaching on how to be awake and prepared for the move of God. Ernestine has been given a unique revelation from God that addresses every area of our walk with the Lord. You will be given insight into how to lay foundations for a successful spiritual life.
I believe this book will change your thinking, which in return will change your life. If you are looking for a book that is easy to read but has extensive information to apply, you have found it. Ernestine is truly an ambassador for Christ and in this book reveals how we need his work at Calvary for everyday living.
This book will teach you how to live a life of prayer and holiness. Ernestine goes into detail about how not to be anxious and worried in our daily lives. I am excited about this revelation that has been given to a mighty woman of God for his people.
You will thoroughly love this book and be encouraged as you read it. Are you ready to uncover the new you? Then get ready, find a place to relax, and let God speak to you. Be awake and prepared for change to take place and for the coming of Jesus Christ.
Pastor Chris Aikens
New Life Praise Center
Webb Gin House Road,
Lawrenceville, Georgia
Words of Encouragement
When you feel alone and left behind by society, and when you have been deceived by men, get back to nature. Observe how the grass is green, the trees are dancing with the music of the wind, and the birds are singing and flying in the blue sky. Let this remind you that there is a wonderful God among his creations who did not forget you and who cares about you and is not finished with you yet. You are precious to God than the nature.
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!
—Philippians 4:4
I thank the Spirit of the Lord for this book and for his teachings. Who am I that he has chosen me to be his writer? I give glory to God for everything.
To my pastors, Roger and Chris Aikens: Thank you for preaching the gospel with integrity, honesty, and simplicity of heart. You have prophesied about this book and God has accomplished it. Glory and honor to our God.
I would like to thank with all my heart Pastor Jentezen Franklin for anointing me and for encouraging people all around the world to fast and pray. May God bless you and continue to use you powerfully for his kingdom.
To Pastor Edson Rebustini, my pastor in Sao Paulo, Brazil: God bless you for being a humble, honest, and nice man of God. I thank God for your life.
My beautiful daughters, Gloria and Linda, and my handsome son, Matthew: I love you so much. You bring joy to my life. Thank you for being good kids for me. I am proud of where you are in the Lord. May God bless you and keep you always in his ways.
A special thanks to my husband, Jean Moussa, for humbling himself and letting God’s will be fulfilled in my life: I thank God for making you a good husband and a good father. May God keep you safe and bless your life.
To my big family all around the world: brothers, sisters, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, and nieces: Thank you so much for your financial, emotional, and spiritual supports. May God bless you and protect your lives.
The television ministries TBN, DYSTR, ANGEL, 7OO CLUB and many others: Thank you for being a source of inspiration and spiritual education for God’s people and for the lost. We learn and receive words of knowledge, revelation, and inspiration from men and women of God whom he is using through your ministries. May God continue to use you powerfully for his glory
I thank with all my heart all my prayer partners and friends for being a solid spiritual support in my life. May God continue to use you and bless your lives.
This book is a teaching book with messages from God. The main message of this book was given in a vision. God has always revealed his will to his people in many ways. For this book, God gave me a message through a vision. In this vision, God revealed a secret place where people have to run while waiting for the coming of the Messiah. That place is the only secure place where people will be protected against the horrible events of the last days.
The hand of the mighty God will surround and protect those who have reached that place. In that place, people will find happiness, rest, joy, and peace. God wants everyone to be awake and prepared and to run to that wonderful place and experience heavenly treatment while they are on Earth. This book is based on biblical truth. We will use the scriptures as references to reinforce God’s message because the scriptures bring light and understanding. There is no truth outside of God’s words.
Every person on Earth would like to live a wonderful life, but many don’t know how. Today, people desire to live a good life and will do whatever it takes to have it and to get to what they believe is a place of happiness and peace. People talk about promotion, success, money, and a better life. But by pursuing their dreams, many people leave behind important things such as love, peace, and a relationship with God, family, and friends. They have taken the wrong way to reach the good place.
This world has taught people evil, selfish ways to reach happiness. We can’t sow a bad seed and expect to reap good fruit. Bad seeds will always produce bad fruits. It is like going somewhere and taking a wrong turn and expecting to get to your destination. If you figure out early that you are going the wrong direction, you can take a U-turn and go back in the right direction and then expect to get to your destination. But because of that mistake, you wasted time and energy that you can never catch again. It’s gone.
Today we are living in a world full of crises, disappointments, and lamentations. The entire world system looks vulnerable and unable to offer stable solutions. I am an economist, and an economist’s job is to prevent economic crisis and offer economic solutions. These economic crises are proof that economists have failed and men’s sciences are not perfect.
Life is a cycle full of good and bad times. Good times make people happy, but tough times are painful and include a lesson to learn. Usually, we wish only for good things, but bad times happen to good and bad people. The way bad people and good people handle tough times are different. For bad people, tough times are opportunities to complain and to murmur, but for good people bad times are opportunities to learn, to grow, and to glorify the name of God who is able to solve the impossible.
There is a message behind every tough event. Sometimes that event is an opportunity for God to help us redefine our life priorities or redirect people’s lives in the right direction and bring them closer to him. Whatever the message behind a tough time is, it serves to push people in the right direction. If people could always discover those hidden messages, understand them, learn from them, improve, and grow, this world could be different.
Where do people have to turn when they are lost and want to learn good ways of reaching happiness? First, we have to believe in goodness and know that we can’t reach happiness using evil ways. There is the author of goodness and happiness. His name is Yahweh, God, the creator of heaven and Earth. He has instructions for the right direction to get to that place of blessing. People have to turn to him for help and for wisdom and knowledge.
God, who created the sky, the Earth, and the oceans, exists and lives among his creatures. He has the power to protect, to prevent, and to solve any crisis. He has the instruction book that we need to learn and follow, so that we avoid wasting our precious time. If people seek God in all they do, he will show them what path to take to achieve success, promotion, and a good life. God is almighty. He has the perfection, the control, the balance, the authority, and everything we need.
We are living under God’s control and power. God’s love is available to both good and bad people, giving everyone the same opportunity. If