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Shenandoah Songs
Shenandoah Songs
Shenandoah Songs
Ebook137 pages28 minutes

Shenandoah Songs

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About this ebook

This book is the record of a component of a brief affair of the heart.
Release dateFeb 7, 2012
Shenandoah Songs

Elizabeth Clayton

Elizabeth Clayton is a retired college and university professor in fields of Psychology and Literature. Since retirement, she has written almost daily and has produced twenty-three works, primarily poetry. She has received numerous commendations including membership in Sigma Kappa Delta, nominations for the Eric Hoffer award, and representation at numerous world book fairs. In addition, she has received several U S Review recommendations. She has also received several Golden Seal of Excellence Awards by her publisher. Her first work was I, Elizabeth which dealt with her struggles with Bipolar illness and her most recent work was published in early 2019, a review in poetry of the fable/myth of the White Hart. Other outstanding titles are Scarlet Flow, Quiet Sheba (a trilogy), We Lesser Gods, and Addendum, and The Kept Ecclesia of Agatha Moi. She lives alone in her country home near Jackson, Mississippi. In 2018 a large volume of poetry was published, The Kept Eclessia of Agatha Moi, and her most recent work, a review of the myth\fable of the white hart, Jason’s Pause, was published in early 2019.

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    Book preview

    Shenandoah Songs - Elizabeth Clayton

    © Copyright 2012 Elizabeth Clayton.

    Illustrations by Elizabeth Clayton, assisted throughout by Tonia Germany

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or

    transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or

    otherwise, without the written prior permission of the author.

    ISBN: 978-1-4669-1074-4 (sc)

    978-1-4669-5068-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012900132

    Trafford rev. 08/02/2012

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    The Verses

    Part One: Coming Bliss

    Part two: Dark Holiday (the songs)

    Part three: Recognition Into Denouement

    Aquiesing Towards Closure

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    We must hold to ourselves the little

    Pieces that fall to us, always

    Adding to the

    Whole, with individual feelings.

    I write of the substantive, that solid, the terrestrial; I write of the ethereal, the fluid, the celestial. I pen lines of light and dark around the lovely and the unlovely. The path of day offers many subjects for thought and contemplation, but it is probably, more often from the interaction with those others who enter my scape that I find most think and say. Love, with its togetherness and pulling apart, is a familiar, if often misunderstood construct, but it is said to journey with us, always – with friends and family, old and new acquaintances, easy and problematic encounters. It is no surprise, then, that happenchance is allowed to contribute to shaping many of our actions and feelings.

    For me, happenchance is an opportunity, and a barrier to what could be opportunity – for accomplishing the good and the beautiful. It seems that one must enter it, in a particular circumstance, into the equation with all other relevant variables, and, then, step back to see what has been allowed to arrange in any particular, established composition.

    Proximity is probably the most influential factor in relationships, or any activity – any bowl of fruit from which to draw an expression. And so, it is not an unusual circumstance that I found myself composing Shenandoah Songs, intensely felt passions, during an isolated

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