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Scenarios for Singles: Sketches and Scriptures Signifying a Master Plan
Scenarios for Singles: Sketches and Scriptures Signifying a Master Plan
Scenarios for Singles: Sketches and Scriptures Signifying a Master Plan
Ebook163 pages1 hour

Scenarios for Singles: Sketches and Scriptures Signifying a Master Plan

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About this ebook

Todays Christian singles are as complex and multi-faceted as the numerous challenges they consistently encounter. In Scenarios for Singles, Ms. Richardson presents a collection of scenarios and sketches that portray Christian singles confronting an extensive range of moral dilemmas. Along with each dilemma comes the opportunity to make bad situations better by both knowing and obeying the Word of God. The guidelines for effectively seeking definitive answers are shown through Bible study, critical thinking and group interaction.

Richardson, a born-again Christian, relies on her personal experiences and the experiences of others to share relatable situations accompanied by four-fold lesson plans that include a case study, role play, group interaction, and Bible study guidance. Christian singles are encouraged to rely on scripture as they contemplate a variety of questions:

Should an unmarried person go out to dinner with a married person?

Is fasting more about giving up pleasure or about repentance over sins?

Does a woman have a right to wear what she wishes to church?

When seeking a mate should all trivial flaws become deal breakers?

Can forgiveness bridge a gap in relationships?

Single people frequently find themselves inundated with difficult choices and often choose the worlds perspective simply because they are not familiar with the biblical viewpoint. Scenarios for Singles provides the opportunity for Gods people to dialogue about important issues from a solid foundation and a master plan.

Release dateMay 31, 2012
Scenarios for Singles: Sketches and Scriptures Signifying a Master Plan

Annette Richardson

Dr Annette Richardson is a plant physiologist who specialises in kiwifruit physiology and management. She has 35 years research experience leading fundamental and applied research programmes as well as transferring new technology to the kiwifruit industry. This work has ranged from understanding dormancy and flower production, factors influencing fruit development, climatic effects on kiwifruit and carbohydrate metabolism of fruit and vines. This has resulted in 38 peer reviewed publications, 26 scientific conference presentations, 52 industry articles, as well as many industry presentations (70+) and industry client reports (90+).

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    Scenarios for Singles - Annette Richardson

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    Ways to Use This Book

    Doug and Danielle—Coming Clean

    When Rebels Engage

    Terri and Kenneth—the Pursuit of Happiness

    Derrick and Tiffany—Made for Each Other

    Marvin and Maria—the Complexion of Love

    Estelle and Stan—Hooking Up over Sixty

    Angela’s In-Crowd In-Laws

    David and the Giant Irony

    Evelyn Reaps a Bitter Harvest

    Sam and Libby—That Was Then

    Tammy Wants a Husband

    Felix—Honoring the Onerous

    Jennifer—Deflecting the Darts of a Devil

    Connie’s Money’s Funny

    John—Love Me, Love My Son

    Jessica—Diffusing a Bombshell

    The Preacher’s Pride

    Distinguishing and Extinguishing God’s Gifts

    Joanne’s Vicious Cycle

    Tony and a Taste of Vinegar

    Abortion—the Deliberate Death

    Charlie, the Self-Appointed Magistrate

    Paula and Great Expectations

    Harold, Bianca, and the Bite of the Dragon

    Rachel’s Gift

    Fred, the Carnal Christian

    Eddie and Keisha—Promises and Pity


    Any similarities in the characters or events depicted in this book to actual persons dead or alive are purely coincidental.

    This book is lovingly dedicated to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank You, Lord, for making all things possible.

    Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom…. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through him (Colossians 3:16—17).



    Scenarios for Singles is a compilation of twenty-six scenarios that portray Christian singles facing a range of personal dilemmas. Each scenario or case has a four-fold lesson plan that includes a case study, a sketch, group interaction and Bible study. Through these tools, your study group will seek to find viable solutions for the case study subjects in a single session.

    As a psych major, I initially wanted to write a book that analyzed the complexities of making good choices versus bad choices, which would have been the perfect lead-in for Larry Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. I would have then built onto Kohlberg’s theory by adding the steps of obtaining self-actualization based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. From Maslow, I would have moved on to Sir Francis Galton’s great debate involving nature versus nurture. Once Sir Galton was presented, there is no way I could have omitted Freud’s theory of personality. I have always had a burning desire to clarify that the id is really what laymen call the ego and the superego is really where our morals reside and so on and so forth.

    I wanted to give everyone a brief psych 101 refresher with diagrams, charts, and graphs. From there, I would have moved on to the Bible. Yet, through His holy and gentle Spirit, the Lord led me another way. I sensed He was guiding me to keep the book simple, and that is what I’ve done. The bottom line is that God has already shown us through His wonderful Word how to make wiser decisions. He has shown us how to seek His will. No psychological theory can match a solid relationship with the true Logos. When we choose to ignore or disobey His Word, we continue to make bad choices. Sadly, bad choices lead to sin. It’s as simple as that; no diagrams needed.

    I am aware that the intricacies of sin are not always simple or straightforward. I do not pretend to have cut-and-dried answers to each scenario depicted in this book. I do believe, however, that studying and obeying the Word of God, along with diligent prayer, should always be the chief resources of Christian guidance and instruction.

    Displayed in many of the cases throughout the book are examples of Christian singles who have not used all of these resources. Some of the sketches are deliberately oversimplified, with no complexities whatsoever in the resolution process. Some, on the other hand, are a little tougher to figure out. My objective was not to solve every given situation with pat answers or generic clichés. Rather, it was to help people within your group to start talking and thinking about the way Christian singles are making decisions. How are singles impacting the lives of others with the challenges they face? With what decision-making tools and skills are they equipped? From what sources are they drawing their conclusions? Are they drawing from the riches of God’s Word or even from the wisdom of a godly pastor? You may find the answer to be discouraging.

    A vast number of decisions made by Christian singles have no basis in the Word of God whatsoever. Regrettably, many Christians take the world’s view instead of the Word’s view on many of life’s decisions due to ignorance. Let’s face it: some topics are simply not discussed in a traditional church setting. Therefore, many Christian singles are not properly equipped to make godly choices. They are unable to defend their faith, make wise relationship choices, budget money, or handle a host of other situations. They’re simply not being taught how. Most church and evangelistic programs are geared strictly toward a nuclear family life, but the reality of the nuclear family no longer fits everyone.

    The harvest of singles is plentiful. What a glorious opportunity for church laborers. If singles are strengthened in Christ then marriages, families, churches, and societies will be strengthened. Today’s Christian singles are complex, multifaceted souls in need—period. Yet they are often overlooked, ignored, judged, or just plain forgotten within the body of Christ. Of course, this is not the case in every church, but is it the case in your church?



    I would like to express my gratitude to my immediate family members; my mother Leola, and to my sisters Dorothea, and Carlotta. I would also like to express my appreciation to my sisters and brothers in Christ who encouraged me to write this book. They are: Karen, Velisha, Susan, Sabrina, Kim, Lori, Jackie, Diane, Paulette, Carolyn, Cora, Edward, Dewayne, James and Charles; to my aunts Helen, Doris, Mildred and Lorine; to my extended family, my church family (especially those in Brother Wood’s Sunday school class) and to my beloved friends. Thank you for your prayers, you support, and your diligence in helping to make this book become a reality.

    Ways to Use This Book


    Following are some tips that will make this book more helpful for readers:

    • Welcome Jesus

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