Go Ye Therefore … Down the Street!: Lessons from a Reviled Evangelist
About this ebook
Do you desire to fulfill Christs call to reach the lost? If so, what is holding you back? Why do many Christians disregard the Great Commission? If our message bears eternal consequences, why are the laborers so few? Many are afraid, some are unprepared, and others even appear unconcerned while millions enter eternity without the hope of salvation. If you are tired of being a spiritual spectator and are ready to hit the frontlines, this book is for you.
This book contains true witnessing encounters, biblical examples and support, and practical lessons that will challenge and equip you to do the work of an evangelist. It will help you impact your world for Christ with the message of the gospel. So if you desire to obey Jesus charge to make disciples and you care enough to reach out to those around you, read Go Ye Therefore, then Go!
P. David Haynie
Patrick “David” Haynie holds a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Maryland and a master’s degree in teaching from Chapman University. Since his conversion in 1998, he has served (primarily in association with Calvary Chapel Chino Hills) in prison ministry, children’s ministry, and evangelism ministry (known as “The Call”), where, for nearly twelve years, he has trained Christians to share their faith. He currently leads a home fellowship in Southern California, where he resides with his beautiful wife, Olivia, and their four wonderful children.
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Book preview
Go Ye Therefore … Down the Street! - P. David Haynie
Copyright © 2012 by P. David Haynie
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2011962791
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WestBow Press rev. date: 12/28/2011
lesson 1
lesson 2
lesson 3
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lesson 8
lesson 9
Questions for Reflection
About the Author
So what does one write in a forward? Having read a few (most of which are quite boring) but never having thought of writing one, I find myself at a loss! So I will start with the starting place—Follow Him
—His Name is Jesus! As David so well points out in this book, if indeed you Follow Him, you will be a fisher of men, and what a high calling and privilege that is!
I have had the pleasure of serving alongside David in several locations both here in the states and abroad and know him to be a willing slave to the One Who calls him to be salt and light, and a willing servant to both the saved and the lost in a very needy world. It is that slave-hood
and servant-heart that allows him to do whatever whenever the Lord calls. And this is the heart he longs to nurture in others as he trains the faithful in doing the work of an evangelist.
As David shares his insights and experiences (some of which I have witnessed) I urge you to prayerfully and intentionally put into practice the ways of God that are described here—head knowledge only puffs us up and has no eternal benefit! And what benefit you will find as you do that most wonderful work of evangelizing those the Lord puts into your life, whether it is a chance encounter
at the grocery store or a long-sought answer to prayer as a loved one finally is ready to listen to the Good News!
To my dear brother, fellow soldier and evangelist David, and to each of you who Follow Him
Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.
I always pray for you, and I make my requests with a heart
full of joy because you have been my partners in
spreading the Good News about Christ from the time you
first heard it until now. And I am sure that God,
who began the good work within you, will continue his work
until it is finally finished on that day when Christ Jesus
comes back again.
Philippians 1:3-6 NLT
In Christ Alone,
servant pastor tom worthington
Calvary Mission Outreach
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations . . .
—Matthew 28:19, KJV
Lord, empower us to reach the community for Your kingdom. We desire to see men and women won over by Your life-saving gospel. Go before us now and prepare the hearts of those we will meet today. In Jesus’ name, amen.
And so goes a similar prayer in evangelism ministries across the United States.
On this Spring Sunday afternoon in a pleasant Midwestern town, six of us had gathered in our pastor’s living room to pray before we hit the streets to share our faith. Three of us were experienced evangelism trainers, and the other three were our children, who were also equipped to witness. After a short time in prayer, we made our way to a nearby neighborhood.
As I made my way up a long driveway, I wondered—as I had many times—what awaited me behind the door. I rang the doorbell and waited, never expecting what was about to happen.
The door opened and a middle-aged woman appeared.
she politely inquired. Can I help you?
Good afternoon ma’am!
I exclaimed. My name is David and I’m here representing Calvary Mission Outreach, a local home fellowship in town. We’re walking the neighborhood to meet folks and get their thoughts on matters of faith. I was wondering if I could ask you a couple of questions about your spiritual life.
The smile evaporated from her face. Oh… is that it?
she grumbled. Her countenance went from cordial to aloof and then descended into resentful. Well, I don’t like this one bit! I just came from church; I gave God my time, and I certainly don’t want you people out here peddling Jesus.
I was stunned! Peddling Jesus? I don’t understand. What about the Great Commission? You know, ‘Go ye therefore…’
Before I could finish my sentence, she interjected.
Well… go ye therefore down the street!
And with that she firmly closed the door.
I was at a loss. What had just taken place? So many questions raced through my mind; I was so confused. Aren’t Christians supposed to make disciples? Aren’t we meant to take the gospel message to the uttermost parts of the earth? How could a churchgoing believer
discourage another from doing what we are all called to do?
These questions shuffled through my mind as I walked backed down the driveway dejectedly. As I rejoined the group and shared what had just happened with Pastor Tom, a man who God consistently used to both exhort and encourage me, his initial reaction was laughter. It set off a chain reaction; we were all chuckling before long. Then our jovial moment turned to heaviness. Although we all got a kick out of this woman’s bold rejection of our attempts to evangelize, we were also hurt by the realization that anyone, especially a proclaiming Christian, would find fault with compassionate believers preaching the life-saving message of the gospel.
So where do we go from here? In this mixed-up, end times environment where lawlessness will abound, [and] the love of many will grow cold,
what remains for the passionate, if sometimes downcast, believer who is ready to do God’s will?
The premise of this book is a necessary point of discussion in today’s church: we must reach a lost and dying world during these last days—even if all we seem to get in return is ridicule and scorn. Is giving up an option? Can we simply leave the world to its own devices, allowing our nation and world to go to hell in the proverbial hand basket?
Of course, the answer is no. Now, more than ever, the Bride of Christ is called upon to stand against the wiles of Satan, the destroyer who never ceases to attack lost souls. We must do more than refuse to not grow weary while doing good,
we must also take up our cross
with a revived passion that is increasingly necessary given the world’s encroaching darkness.
How do we do that? Well, there are of number of outstanding methods for sharing one’s faith that can hardly be improved upon—so I won’t try. The danger in introducing a new method is the presumption that it somehow improves upon Jesus’ example of reaching the lost found in the Gospels.
Oswald Chambers rightly warned us to never try to make your experience a principle for others, but allow God to be as creative and original with others as He is with you.
¹ Therefore, I will not attempt to promote my experiences as the proper way
to share one’s faith. The experiences shared in this volume are personal reflections that will hopefully remind Christians that we can’t know what any given encounter will bring, but we must continue to engage our culture. Additionally, I will suggest a few evangelism tools in order to demonstrate that there are a number of effective methods to share the gospel.
The main purpose here, then, is to stir up the Body of Christ to put on our spiritual armor and re-commit ourselves to the mission: making disciples. I can attest, through years of first hand evidence, that when a Christian is regularly sharing the message of Christ’s atoning death and resurrection, that individual will be linked to the greatest power the world has ever known, and will thereby be a healthy believer because he is fulfilling his very purpose.
Why do so many churchgoers suffer with psychological ailments and sinful failures? It is oftentimes due to a lack of spiritual exercise. We must not only return to our first love,
we must also be introducing others to Him. When Christians faithfully and consistently carry out the very thing they are commissioned to do, they will stop looking to the world for fulfillment and, instead, overcome it. For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith
(1 John 5:4).
So let’s examine some lessons I’ve learned through years of door-to-door, missions, personal, and street evangelism. Better yet, let’s get out there and start learning our own lessons as we put our beautiful feet
to the test.
Well, keep all things so in thy mind that they may be as a goad in thy sides, to prick thee forward in the way thou must go.
—words of the Interpreter from
John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress
lesson 1
Don’t Take It Personally!
Blessed are you when men hate you, and when they exclude you, And revile you, and cast out your name as evil, For the Son of Man’s sake.
—Luke 6:22
Yikes! How does that one feel? But go ahead and check your Bible—it’s in there. There aren’t many preachers who will touch that verse (especially on Christian TV), and it’s no wonder. No one wants to hear that following