"Oops, I Did It Again!": God Hates Sin, but He Loves You!
By Ron Kelly
About this ebook
: a person (as a student) who fails to achieve his or her potential or does not do as well as expected
I dont feel like a very good Christian at all. Everybody at my church seems to have it all together. Perhaps religion isnt for me after all, because Ill never be spiritual enough.
If you share in this sentiment, then this book is for you! Im writing this book for the silent majority who has said repeatedly, Im never going to get this Christianity thing right! Imperfections, unfinished goals and sporadic failures are some of the defining characteristics of Christians. In fact, if youre looking to find Jesus, He can be found in the midst of incompetent religious leaders, burnt-out believers and moral misfits people whose lives are far from perfect!
In this book, you will find a practical approach to Christianity that will help you, the believer, deal with the day-to-day disappointments and shortcomings that your sin problem causes. I am thoroughly convinced that genuine faith begins by admitting that we will never completely or totally have our act together. That being said, I am in no way suggesting that we have a license to sin. This book was written to help you understand that while you are flawed and imperfect, God thinks youre beautiful, and He loves you unconditionally!
Ron Kelly
A native of Kansas City, Missouri, Ron Kelly has carried the gospel all over the country preaching the Kingdom of God. Kelly is known for his uncompromising teaching messages which transcend cultural and denominational barriers. He is a prototype of emerging, new visionary leaders with the goal of reaching the lost while equipping and empowering believers for effective ministry. As pastor at New Generation Christian Center in Lee’s Summit, Missouri, Kelly transforms lives through his unapologetic preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is also a multi-subject conference speaker, workshop facilitator and author. He and his wife Kelsey have three sons.
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"Oops, I Did It Again!" - Ron Kelly
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© 2012 Ron Kelly. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 7/16/2012
ISBN: 978-1-4772-4008-3 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2012912249
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First and foremost, I give thanks to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who is the author and finisher of my faith. Philippians 4:13 is etched into my spirit: For I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
I thank God as He continues to provide me with the wisdom necessary to do a great work in His Kingdom.
To my wife, Kelsey, thank you for the love and support you’ve shown me throughout this journey. To my New Generation Christian Center family, I always feel your love, support, encouragement and prayers. Special thanks to my editors, Theresa and Grace, as well as all the professionals at Author House Publishing.
Finally, to all of you who will read this book. I pray that you find liberation through the sacrifice of what Jesus did for you on that ole rugged cross. He loves you unconditionally, even when you find yourself saying, Oops, I Did It Again!
Prologue: The Sermon behind the Book
Chapter 1 Just Forget About It
Chapter 2 Stop Faking It
Chapter 3 His Grace and Mercy
Chapter 4 A God of a Second Another Chance
Chapter 5 You Must Be Born Again!
Epilogue: Be Encouraged
Several months ago, while getting some work done at Panera Bread Company, which I jokingly refer to as my second office; I happened to overhear a conversation among two young women and a young man. They were hanging out, joking around and discussing life. As usual, I had several books spread across the table, including my Bible. As I pecked around on my laptop and sipped on my coffee, I wasn’t particularly tuned in to these young people’s conversation. That was until I heard one of the young ladies say:
I’m really getting turned off by the whole ‘church’ thing. I’ve been going to church all my life, but I just can’t seem to get it right! I’m really starting to think religion is not for me.
As soon as I heard this statement, I immediately stopped what I was doing and focused my attention on their conversation. As I listened in, I tried to remain inconspicuous so they would continue their candid chat.
The young man then said, Whatever! You couldn’t stop going to church even if you wanted to! Your whole family is a bunch of holy rollers!
Yeah, that’s one of the main reasons I’m thinking about quitting. I’m always being compared to them, and I don’t even come close to measuring up!
she replied.
The other young lady chimed in, I feel the same way whenever I go to my church. It seems like everybody there has it all together and can see right through me with their spiritual bifocals! My life is not as raggedy as those of most people my age, but I always feel guilty and ashamed whenever I get around church folks!
The gentleman responded, I know what I believe, but I don’t think I’ll ever walk or talk like the people at my church. They’re just too holy for me!
The first young lady added, Maybe we’ll grow into it later on in life. They said my uncle was a hell raiser, but now he’s a preacher!
The three of them laughed off their casual conversation, refilled their coffee and moved on to the next topic of discussion. I nearly held my peace and let them continue their casual lunch, but I couldn’t resist the opportunity to witness to them. On this particular day, I happened to be wearing a sweat suit, ball cap and Jordan tennis shoes, not looking at all the part of a minister. I know now that it was my attire that made me seem approachable to these young people.
I introduced myself to them as a minister and apologized for eavesdropping. I then asked if I could talk to them about their previous conversation. They invited me to join them, and for the next hour, we had a wonderful and fulfilling discussion about Christianity. They were like sponges, soaking up what God had placed on my heart to share with them. These bright twenty-somethings asked a plethora of faith-based questions. At times, I even felt comfortable enough