The Millenium Church: A Now Prophetic Word to the Body of Christ
About this ebook
The Millennium Church is a book of revelatory insight into how we can reach and establish a diverse body of people who are infused with the DNA of God Himself. The new Generations that make up Christendom will settle for nothing less than the best for the Kingdom of God. From fishers of men to shadow casters; from titles on our office doors to towels around our waists; from Shepherd boys to kings; we have to change our spiritual mindsets. It is past time for the Church to think outside of the box; and even color outside of the lines. The Millennium Church will stretch our spiritual thought patterns and give to us the boldness and elasticity to reach a difficult generation for the sake of Gods Kingdom. You will never view The Church the same after reading: The Millennium Church! Author: Rev. Mrs. Kathy Sandlin
Rev. Mrs. Kathy Sandlin
Rev. Kathy Sandlin, an ordained minister in the International Pentecostal Holiness Church, holds a Bachelor of Theology degree. She is the founder/president of the International Cathedral of Prayer; a 24/7 prayer center. ICOP houses two church plants, Kingdom Bible Institute, and twenty-five diversely anointed ministries of prayer and intercession. She is a gifted teacher, much-sought-after conference speaker, and operates in the Five Fold Ministry, with her strongest gifts being apostle and prophetess. She is a singer, songwriter, musician, and a prolific writer. She has ministered across denominational lines for thirty years, making herself available for conferences, camp meetings, revivals, schools of ministry, etc. She is married to Frank Sandlin, has two children and four grandchildren. She and her family reside in the Greenville area of South Carolina.
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The Millenium Church - Rev. Mrs. Kathy Sandlin
Copyright © 2002, 2014 Rev. Mrs. Kathy Sandlin.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2014916324
WestBow Press rev. date: 9/18/2014
Statements of Endorsement
Chapter 1 The Millennium Church
Chapter 2 The Model Church
Chapter 3 The Maternal Church
Chapter 4 The Militant Movement Church
Chapter 5 The Mobile Church
Chapter 6 The Mighty Warrior Church
Chapter 7 The Musical Church
Chapter 8 The Multiethnic Church
Chapter 9 The Meticulous Church
Chapter 10 The Miraculous Church
Chapter 11 The Multiplication Church
Chapter 12 The Maiden Church
T his book is dedicated to all the pastors and leaders of America and around the World operating in five-fold ministry who are raising up Millennium Churches in this hour.
I would like to thank my staff and ministry team The International Cathedral of Prayer for their loving support, encouragement and much more valued intercession over the writing of this work.
I would like to thank both Melanie Riddle for her editing skills and Elisha Oles for her typesetting skills and techniques on this project.
A s each of us had come to learn in life, there comes a time when the spiritual and practical will work hand in hand. You, like me, have probably read a lot of great church growth material which focuses greatly on the practical without much spiritual insight. In this book I feel that Kathy has given us a deep spiritual look into the future church, along with tools of practical implication. We must always believe God is birthing something new in us.
Rev. Derrick G. Gardner, Sr. Pastor
Life Springs Worship Center, Lexington, SC
As Apostolic Pastors planting church in Europe, we are confident that you will not want to miss the prophetic insights that God has given to Prophetess Kathy Sandlin for The Millennium Church described within this book. As these paradigm shifts are implemented and take place, God will break through mightily! Then the church will affect our world and bring in the last day harvest!
Pastors Bert & Melodee Phagan
Praise Center, Brussels, Belgium
It is an honor to place my endorsement upon this book, The Millennium Church.
This special Lady of Grace has been called forth by God as a Prophetess to the Nations. The book is filled with Prophetic Instruction that will catapult the church into a brand new dimension of a mighty move of the Holy Spirit! As I read this book, I found myself with desire to do more than pastor an organization that the Father breathes upon, but to passionately pastor an organism that the Father breathes through.
David Oxley, Sr.
Calvary Christian Fellowship, Oklahoma City, OK
The Millennium Church is an excellent text, which provides significant insight into the purpose and pattern of the much-needed 21st Century Church. Prophetess Kathy Sandlin brings important revelation of prophetic insight to the Body of Christ which alerts us to our divine call and duty. This book will equip the Church to achieve its maximum impact.
Garry Bryant, Superintendent
Redemption Ministries, International Pentecostal Holiness Church, Eastern Virginia
The Millennium Church is a book for the church of today and tomorrow. An invaluable tool to help leadership and laity understand how God is suitably adapting His Church for unity in history’s greatest hour of Harvest. It echo’s Revelation 3:22, He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
Dr. David E. Hayes, Pastor
Family Worship & Praise Center, Hopewell, Virginia
P salm 45: 1&2 says, My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the King; my tongue is a pen of a skilled writer. You are the most excellent of people and your lips have been anointed with grace, since God has blessed you forever.
(The Leadership Bible, NIV)
These two verses express the criteria of my heart as I have written for you this book entitled The Millennium Church.
That which began as a four-point sermon outline, has turned into twelve chapters of a revelatory, Prophetic word for the body of Christ both now and in the days to come. In this writing I have made every possible effort to captivate, embrace, and express that which I see with a Prophetic eye for the last day move of God in and through our churches. All around the world there is a move of the Holy Spirit that is revolutionizing the Body of Christ and comparable to none which we have experienced in the past.
Yet the coming move of God that is on the horizon will far supersede the Azusa Street Revival, along with all of the present day outpourings that are taking place. This synopsis of the third day church, The Millennium Church, is exciting and exhilarating to the spirit of man, and I believe will help to raise up a new breed of people who will be drawn together by the Holy Spirit, to welcome and embrace this powerfully unique New Testament Church! Jesus said, If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto me.
If we are going to reach the population of the world for Christ, we must prepare to make Jesus the center of attention and the main attraction in our fellowships.
We must be willing to change our mindsets and continue to do things differently than ever before. We must also pray for the grace that we will need to set the flesh aside and be led by the Holy Spirit as we lead these Millennium Churches to victory!
Spiritual Maturity is not an option. It is a necessity! God is looking for an army, not a nursery! Lambs do not feed lambs. Sheep feed lambs. We must grow up and mature. The church must arise in this hour. We are definitely living in the Holy Spirit dispensation and this is His day!
We must be: Millennial; conducive to the will of God for this day and for this hour.
Model; setting an example so that others will want to pattern their ministries and churches after ours. Maternal; being willing to give birth to daughter churches on a continual basis. Mobile; purpose to be movable – when the cloud moves we must move and when the cloud stops, we must stop! Mighty; a spiritual warfare mentality will be that which will pull this last day church to the forefront. Militant; clothed with the whole armor of God and ready for battle!
Musical; people of praise and worship that will know how to usher in the presence of the Lord and honor Him once He gets there! Multiethnic; understanding that we are all created in the image of God and if we turn ethnic groups away from our doors, it will be as though we are turning God away from our church doors as well. Meticulous; extremely careful to attend to details in caring about the most important things and making sure that they have priority. Miraculous; filled with those who will be shadow casters and impart healing as we walk the streets of our cities. Multiple; all areas should and will experience increase. And finally, The Maiden Church; a Church Bride that will adorn herself, and passionately long for intimate spiritual relationship with her Bridegroom!
As you read this book my prayer is that God will enhance your vision, sharpen your skills, impart greater wisdom, equip you for the work of the ministry, put new fire in your spirit, and release the five-fold ministry gift or gifts within you that we may all work together as one to build The New Millennium Church for the glory of the Lord! You may not agree with all of it. Parts of it may rub against our religious grain. However, we may all receive parts of it for the building of the Body of Christ!
We must never be afraid to implement new things for the Kingdom of God. The Red Sea might not have parted if Moses had not raised his hand. Peter would have never recognized his dependency upon Jesus if he had not gotten out of the boat. Esther would have never known her level of favor with the King if she had not taken a chance! Hannah might never have prayed a desperate prayer had she allowed herself to be intimidated by Eli. Millennium Churches will be made up of kingdom people. Millennium Church pastors and leaders will be composed of kingdom personnel. We must be willing to take a chance. We must never be afraid to step out! What God employs us to do, He will empower us for!
When I was a little girl, I lived with my grandparents. My granddaddy worked in a cotton mill and my grandmother was an industrious housewife. She always cooked two times a day. Breakfast was imperative for my granddaddy and she prepared supper for us around four o’clock every afternoon. She was a tremendous cook and liked to try new recipes. It would make me very nervous because she expected everyone to eat what she prepared! Whenever I would appear not to have a desire to eat her new recipes, she would say to me, Kathy, just try it. If you don’t like it then leave it on your plate.
So I say to you, Just try it. And if you do not like it, just leave it on your plate!
Come on Church! Arise, shine, for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. May this book lay a foundation for you and I to build together powerful, effective Millennium Churches!
With great expectations,
Prophetess Kathy Sandlin
The Millennium Church
M uch of today’s society entertains a kaleidoscope of concepts regarding what the Church,
or the Body of Christ
, should appear to be, and how she should function. Some people consider the church to be nothing more than a structural, architectural frame, simply a place to house a weekly ritual of worship. They hold on to a material structure because of ancestral heritage. This thing or its people have become sacred cows that have yet to be sacrificed upon the altar before the Lord. Someone in their family may have previously attended, or even started the church. It could be a friend or the Pastor at some point in time. Whatever the case, there is always room for adjustment regarding our concepts of the Church as Christ’s Church!
Some of them may appear to be grandiose cathedrals in their outward appearance, and yet the beauty of the outward camouflages a house of dead men’s bones. Hidden within the walls of these types of structures are spiritual diseases, that if allowed to remain in us, can restrain us and stagnate our progression in the things of God. These diseases are such things as sectarianism, manipulation, control, pride, politics, greed, and power struggles just to name a few. These are all works of the flesh that will hinder the mighty flow of the Holy Spirit that the Father desires to have operative within His Church, especially in The New Millennium. Over the years,