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Beirut Seizures
Beirut Seizures
Beirut Seizures
Ebook99 pages34 minutes

Beirut Seizures

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On April 13, 1975, four Phalangists were murdered during the attempted assassination of Pierre Jumayyil. In a retaliation effort, the Phalangists attacked a bus filled with Palestinian passengers, killing twenty seven of the occupants. And so began a civil war in Lebanon that would last sixteen years and take more than one hundred thousand lives.

In his posthumous collection of poetry, Haas Mroue offers deeply moving lyrical verse that details his traumatic experiences as the chaos of the war in Lebanon engulfed his childhood, as well as the experiences of the some nine hundred thousand who were forced to flee their homes. Recalling how he helplessly witnessed rockets flying over rooftops and listened for names of the dead on the radio, Haas relies on strong imagery as he shares how he lived through a war with no name and somehow managed to escape Beirut with nothing but his memories.

Originally written some twenty years after he fled the war, the poetry in Beirut Seizures carefully examines difficult subjects and politically charged ideas with grace, emotion, and a strong voice, making it a powerful statement about the impact of war on ordinary people.

Release dateJan 4, 2012
Beirut Seizures

Haas H Mroue

Haas Mroue (1965-2007) Haas Mroue was born and raised in Beirut. He fled the war with his mother in 1975 and lived in several countries before he laid his roots in the United States of America. Haas graduated from UCLA and completed the Master’s programme from the University of Colorado Boulder. For the last ten years of his life he was living and writing in Port Townsend, an idyllic city in Washington State. His stories and poems appeared in a wide variety of journals and periodicals. He is the author of the screenplay A Photojournalist, Kabul to Beirut and the acclaimed collection of poems Beirut Seizures.

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    Beirut Seizures - Haas H Mroue

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    ISBN: 978-1-4620-5269-1 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011915957

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    Introducing HAAS MROUE

    Haas Mroue died suddenly of a heart attack on October 6, 2007.

    In his memory, his friends wrote the following articles introducing aspects of his life, poetry, and thoughts.

    Remembering HAAS MROUE

    by Christine Hemp

    Poet, travel writer, aviation enthusiast, culinary wizard, and friend-gatherer Haas Mroue died October 6 of a heart attack in Beirut, Lebanon. He was forty-one. A Port Townsend resident for nearly a decade, Haas had spent the spring and summer in Lebanon, preparing the launch of a new airline magazine. He was to have returned to Port Townsend in October.

    Though he was reared in a region of conflict, Mroue was an ambassador of peace. He spoke French and Arabic and was a regular contributor to Frommer’s Travel Guides, Berlitz, and the Lonely Planet. He wrote the current edition of Frommer’s Memorable Walks in Paris. In fact, he spent most of his adult life boarding flights to such destinations as Bangkok, the Galapagos Islands, Abu Dhabi, and the French Riviera.

    During a recent stint as editor at Airways Magazine, he hosted a gala banquet for international airline luminaries at Seattle’s Museum of Flight. He always attracted people who admired his travel-savvy elegance and border-erasing spirit.

    Born Haseeb Haseeb Mroueh in Beirut in 1965, Haas was raised by his mother, Najwa Mounla Mroueh, on the shores of the Mediterranean. Haas’s father, Haseeb Hassan Mroueh, a professor at the American College in Beirut, died of cancer three months before his son was born. Haas attended schools in Beirut, Bahrain, and London, as well as the American College in Paris. After high school, he moved permanently to the United States and attended UCLA, where he received a BA in film and screenwriting. He later earned an MFA in creative writing at the University of Colorado–Boulder, where he wrote Beirut Seizures, a book of poems about his childhood during the occupation of Lebanon. The imagery is

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