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The Opposing Brothers and The Key to Success: Gymnastics for the Brain: Gymnastics for the Brain
The Opposing Brothers and The Key to Success: Gymnastics for the Brain: Gymnastics for the Brain
The Opposing Brothers and The Key to Success: Gymnastics for the Brain: Gymnastics for the Brain
Ebook46 pages28 minutes

The Opposing Brothers and The Key to Success: Gymnastics for the Brain: Gymnastics for the Brain

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This story is an example of what is most important is not exactly what happens to people, but the way they react to events. Depending on that reaction, we can let chance determine the route of our life, or else take control and be the authors of our own destiny.

This book is part of the collection "Gymnastics for the Brain", which contains a pioneering method for exercising the mind. It can contribute to the enhancement of the benefits resulting from reading, such as imagination, reasoning, pattern recognition, among others

One of the most famous methods for brain exercising today is Neurobics, created by neuroscientist Larry Katz. The collection Gymnastics for the Brain is based on Neurobics concepts. It provides reading in a different and new way, and thus activating different areas of the brain.

Release dateAug 15, 2018
The Opposing Brothers and The Key to Success: Gymnastics for the Brain: Gymnastics for the Brain

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    The Opposing Brothers and The Key to Success - Eduardo Newton

    The Opposing Brothers and the Key to Success. Gymnastics for the Brain, 2018. NR-657.557 LV-1.425 FL-352

    Author: Eduardo Newton

    1. Motivation for study. 2. Resilience. 3. Sense of life. 4. Personal domain. 5. Planning. 6. Success. 7. Overcoming Obstacles. 8. Overcoming difficulties. 9. Lessons Learned. 10.Neurobics


    This story is part of the collection of short stories called "Gymnastics for the Brain" by the same author. In this collection, he presents recurrent situations of daily life, followed by lessons learned as a way of reflection. These are written in leetspeak language, whose purpose is to stimulate the mind to practice the habit of reading in a playful way, but with greater intensity, as a form of brain exercise and improvement of the results obtained through reading.

    One of the most famous methods for brain exercising today is Neurobics, created by neuroscientist Larry Katz. It considers that, just as the body needs exercises to develop and keep fit, the brain also needs to exercise both to evolve and to prevent future wear and tear that occur with age. The collection Gymnastics for the Brain is based on Neurobics concepts. It provides reading in a different and new way, and thus activating different areas of the brain.

    Leetspeak is a specialized type of writing that uses symbols and numbers to replace letters of the Latin alphabet. The habit of reading, as we know, can result in benefits such as increased imaginative ability, reasoning, memory, pattern recognition, among others. This book uses Leetspeak as a technique for exercising the mind, thereby promoting improvements in brainpower and reading ability.

    Researches into how the brain works has found that complex cognitive functions require both regions of the brain to work in an integrated fashion to get better results. And this ability, which is the key to innovation, can be sharpened and improved.

    The combination of stories for reflection plus texts written in leetspeak provides a complete experience in working with both hemispheres of the brain. This way, it produces an increase in perception, and improves capacity for understanding and reflection on the transmitted messages. As a result, it is an efficient way of mental exercise.

    In the first part of this book, the story and messages are written in leetspeak (basic level). In the second part the stories and messages are written in normal language, because if

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