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Sales Training Workshop Leader Guide for Selling 101: Consultative Selling Skills: Small Business Sales How-to Series, #6
Sales Training Workshop Leader Guide for Selling 101: Consultative Selling Skills: Small Business Sales How-to Series, #6
Sales Training Workshop Leader Guide for Selling 101: Consultative Selling Skills: Small Business Sales How-to Series, #6
Ebook225 pages1 hour

Sales Training Workshop Leader Guide for Selling 101: Consultative Selling Skills: Small Business Sales How-to Series, #6

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About this ebook

This Sales Training Workshop- Leader Guide is the instructor's guide for the text, Selling 101: Consultative Selling Skills. 

Both Selling 101 and this Sales Training Workshop - Leader Guide are part of the Small Business Sales How-to Series, by the same author.


--Sales managers looking for materials for sales team meetings.

--Instructors in new entrepreneur training workshops.

--Instructors in community colleges or similar job-training programs

Written by the author of Selling 101: Consultative Selling Skills, this Workshop Leader Guide is designed for the sales manager or instructor of a new business skills workshop.

The 14 Modules in the Workshop Leader Guide track the coverage in Selling 101, linking to specific pages for ease in linking across. 

A chart at the start of each Module provides a succinct overview of what that module is about, suggested time to allow, as well as materials and set-up. 

The content within the modules guide the instructor or leader through clearly-marked sections, such as, 

--Overview and set context,

--Lead discussion,


--Pair trainees for one-on-one role plays,

--Conduct whole-group debriefing, and,

--Wrap-up and overview the next module.

PRE-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS for each module are provided, which the workshop leader can copy and pass out in advance. These guide the trainee on the reading assignment (chapters or sections from the course text, Selling 101), as well as other preparation, such as discussions and role-play exercises to prepare for.

Release dateJul 25, 2018
Sales Training Workshop Leader Guide for Selling 101: Consultative Selling Skills: Small Business Sales How-to Series, #6

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    Book preview

    Sales Training Workshop Leader Guide for Selling 101 - Michael McGaulley


    Instructor Modules


    Handouts for Trainees:  Pre-class Assignments



    Welcome to  this Sales Training Workshop. Leader Guide for Selling 101: Consultative Selling Skills a supplement to my Selling 101Consultative Selling Skills(Selling 101 is available in print version: ISBN-13: 978-0976840664, and in Kindle E-book form: ASIN: 0976840669).

    This Sales Training Workshop Leader Guide provides you tools and a structure for using  Selling 101 as a group instructional text.  This Guide does not replace Selling 101, as that carries the how-to content for the trainees. There are pre-class assignments before each module that call on the trainee to use Selling 101 as a reference, adapting the book’s content to your particular product or service.


    About Selling 101

    The title is Selling 101, which suggests it’s a book mainly for beginners (as in all those 101 courses you took in college).

    That title, for better or worse, was the publisher’s choice, not mine.  As you read Selling 101, I suspect you’ll find, as have others who’ve given me feedback, that it really should have been called Selling 301 or 401, as there is a great deal  of how-to content packed into the pages — much more than any sales beginner can absorb at the start, though the kinds of practical nuggets that can give a boost to experienced people.


    How to use Selling 101 with this training guide.

    1. You can use Selling 101 as the course text for a variety of trainee levels, from beginners through refreshers for experienced sales people.

    2. You can use Selling 101, and this Workshop Leader Guide as course material both for,

    ∙  sales teams (if you’re managing or training a sales force), as well as,

    ∙  the foundation of sales training courses that you may be teaching for colleges, vocational tech centers, or job retraining centers (both for those who are going into sales as well as for those preparing to set up businesses). . . . for which selling skills are the key to survival and success).

    3. If you are, in addition to your role as instructor, the manager of a sales team, then you will find an array of practical content etc in that aspect of your job.

    The 14 Modules 

    This training course is set up around 14 modules, which focus on the core of the sales process. You can cover them in the sequence here, or can skip around to fit the needs of your trainees.

    I’ve set up the course to give you maximum flexibility. You could cover the material in an intense two or three day course, but I anticipate that most will run the 14 modules over the span of several weeks, perhaps as weekly meetings.

    As you will see on the chart later in this Introduction, some of the modules are short enough that you could cover two or three in one session, while  others may be best stretched over a couple of sessions to give more practice time.


    How the Modules are set up

    Each of the 14 modules follows the same pattern.  An Overview at the start of each module  details what you need to set up, prepare, and assign as pre-class preparation for next time.  All modules follow the same basic format, contained in the chart at the front of each module.

    Objective of the module.  This details the practical abilities the trainees will demonstrate upon completion of that module. 

    Time.  This is a rough  estimate, based on a group of 4-6 learners.  Allow more time if you use video or audio feedback for the role plays, or if the class is larger.

    Reading assignment and trainee preparation.  This tells you the relevant chapters and pages in Selling 101 that are covered in this module.

    Materials needed/Set-up/Equipment.  You will need a teaching room.  If you have other rooms for break-out sessions (small group activities and role plays) that is ideal, but not essential.  A flip-chart with tear-off pages (or a black-board, etc.) is needed for most of the modules.

    ∙ Trainees will of course  need materials for taking notes.

    ∙ Audio or video taping is an option.  Certainly the chance to see oneself in action via a role play is a good way for trainees to see themselves as others do.  But that

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