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America’S 25 Issues to Fix and Make the United States Great, Again!
America’S 25 Issues to Fix and Make the United States Great, Again!
America’S 25 Issues to Fix and Make the United States Great, Again!
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America’S 25 Issues to Fix and Make the United States Great, Again!

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Everyday we are bombarded with images about how bad things are. Everyone points fingers and argues as to who is at fault never really coming up with solutions. Half the time they never really acknowledge the real issues. Instead it is just a finger pointing session. Then what happens Nothing! Well, that is not entirely true... Bars, restaurants, living rooms become filled with arm-chair leaders who discuss and debate the evils of the world. Making statements about how this needs to change or that. But they never actually follow through. Why? Because no one wants to rock the boat or because they think it doesn't matter anyway. Often times it is said nothing will change. Well that simply is not true. Things can change but it usually goes from bad to worse when no one will take a stand to make change. It is time to change back to when America was strong. It is not too late and yes we have a long list of issues. But we can start with these 25...
Release dateJan 18, 2010
America’S 25 Issues to Fix and Make the United States Great, Again!

Peter D. Fleming

Peter Fleming has had the unique opportunity to see life through various perspectives. He worked as a Military Support to the Counterdrug Operations and as a Peace Keeper and a security contractor. In the last 20 years he has served this great nation (in peacetime and during war) and has had the remarkable opportunity to see what others may never see. Both how America is viewed oversees and how America's influence has shaped the Modern world. He has worked with foreign Military and civilian officials. These experiences have given him insight which is often lacking. He has not only seen the results of America's influence but he has actively participated in those actions.

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    America’S 25 Issues to Fix and Make the United States Great, Again! - Peter D. Fleming


    Peter D. Fleming

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    1663 Liberty Drive

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    © 2011 Peter D. Fleming. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 7/25/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4490-5055-9 (e)

    ISBN: 978-1-4490-5053-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4490-5054-2 (hc)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2009913466

    Printed in the United States of America

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    Section I

    Section II


    Take Personal Responsibility


    Remember something called the Constitution (and the Declaration of Independence).


    Return to family values and roots.


    Stop saying sorry.


    Stop the nation building.


    We are not the ‘World Police’.


    Laws, statutes, ordnances, regulations, and amendments.


    Hold elected officials accountable


    Enough big government already.


    States rights.


    Taxation, revamp the tax system.


    Gold Standard, we need to back our currency.


    Oil and other resources.


    America’s education system.


    Frivolous lawsuits and insurance claims.


    Revamp the justice

    & prison system.


    Illegal aliens… key word illegal.


    The Armed Forces.


    Fix our infrastructure first.


    Stop the political correctness.


    The bias news media.


    National security.


    Allow the military fight.


    The war on drugs.


    Silent majority stop being silent.

    Section III

    Power to the people

    Section IV

    The Bill of Rights

    Proceeds from the sale of this book

    will go to support Truelander Dreams.

    A Veteran run organization, helping Veterans…

    Section I

    It is ok to be proud to be an American,

    even if we need to find it’s not perfect…

    Look back over the past, with its changing empires that rose and fell, and you can foresee the future, too.

    - Marcus Aurelius-

    We stand today at a crossroads: One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other leads to total extinction. Let us hope we have the wisdom to make the right choice.

    -Woody Allen-

    Opening thoughts…

    Do you enjoy your freedoms and rights? Well of course you do. We have the choice of any type of music, movies, the freedom of movement, expression, to bear arms, live free as we wish. We have a Constitution that provides us with the written proof of these rights and freedoms. That is what made this country so great.

    The United States of America was once considered the greatest example of what a nation should be. We were viewed as the example of what a person could do, if he/she had the willingness to try. All they had to do was have a dream, drive, and a willingness to follow through. People from all walks of life came here to follow their dreams. In a very short time we went from a mismatched group of colonies to a nation the world both feared and respected.

    To understand ourselves we must try to understand the world in which we live. Our political state has become deeply intertwined with the rest of the world. Our political and economic influence has reached every corner of the globe. Some of this has been intentional and some by chance. By intentional, I mean that our government has actively gotten involved in the affairs of foreign nations (Kosovo, Vietnam, Taiwan…) and by chance is more the influence of our ‘pop-culture’ (movies, music, magazines…)

    Currently there are 203 sovereign ‘nation states’. These are then split into two groups, 193 which are sovereign, to include those with membership in the United Nations and the remainder have ‘de facto’ or ‘de jure’ status, but are not universally recognized by other nations. Keep in mind this may not be completely accurate due to the fluidity of the ‘nation building process’, wars, coups, and other such activities.

    Politics have now become a part of everyday activities. Trade negotiations are dictated on commerce and trade, which is nothing new. What has changed is the depth to which these seemingly unconnected events are intertwined. A hundred years ago it was common for entire communities to be almost entirely self-sufficient. But that has changed which each passing generation.

    We now rely on products not just from neighboring communities or even neighboring states but from foreign nations. Whether it is clothing from China or tech support from India we have reached a point that we now rely very heavily on foreign products and services. This fact is then exploited during trade negotiations.

    The United States was once an industrialized nation but we have become a service oriented society. We continually rely on outside sources to provide our needs, our products and our services. This has greatly weakened our nation. We have reached a point where we really don’t have anything to offer our trade partners. Though we live in a nation rich in resources, we lack the productivity needed to recreate products sought by foreign markets.

    It takes less time to slide backwards than it does to move forward. The US has been sliding the wrong direction for some time now. However, it is not too late to stop, regroup, pick up the pieces, and move forward again. We just have a series of issues which needed to be addressed, properly dissected, and actively corrected.

    Because somehow, in the last fifty to sixty years, the United States went from being the strongest nation on the planet to being viewed as the cause of all the world’s problems. How far the mighty can fall, we were the winners of World War Two, defenders of freedom and free enterprise, and are now viewed as the primary cause of the global financial crisis and evil war mongers. Well that is simply not the case.

    Everyone likes to point fingers as to who is to blame for our current predicament. The east blames the west, democrats blame the republicans, the poor blame the rich, the liberals blame the conservatives, the religious blame the non-religious, the dogs blame the cats… and so it goes for the past couple

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