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Sunday Morning Volume 1: Inspirational Sermon Guide for Busy Pastors
Sunday Morning Volume 1: Inspirational Sermon Guide for Busy Pastors
Sunday Morning Volume 1: Inspirational Sermon Guide for Busy Pastors
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Sunday Morning Volume 1: Inspirational Sermon Guide for Busy Pastors

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About this ebook

The Purpose of this Busy Pastors Sermon Guide:

Greetings to my fellow laborers of the Gospel. As a Senior Pastor, I found it difficult at times to have well prepared messages each week. As you know, a Pastor's time is stretched. At times, new ideas and thoughts are hard to develop as our minds are often full of the cares of the church. Sunday Morning Volume 1 is a Busy Pastors Sermon Guide for pastors looking for sermon ideas or outlines. Sermons are easier to prepare if you have the RIGHT RESOURCES and the RIGHT INFORMATION.

It is my hope that Sunday Morning Volume 1, Busy Pastors Sermon Guide will provide inspiration, provoke new thoughts for sermons, and remind us all of what is eternally important. It is my desire that even the experienced expositor, as he works his way through this guide, will be refreshed and reminded of helpful principles and truths.

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Release dateApr 28, 2011
Sunday Morning Volume 1: Inspirational Sermon Guide for Busy Pastors

Dr. Richie Bell Jr.

Dr. Richie Bell Jr., is a God called, consecrated and commissioned servant of Jesus Christ. He serves as Senior Pastor of Pilgrim Travelers Missionary Baptist Church of Shreveport, Louisiana. He earned his TH.B. and TH.M. degrees from United Theological Seminary and Bible College; and Th.D. degree from Inter-Baptist Theological Seminary, Inc. He is internationally known as a Dynamic Speaker and Teacher of the Gospel. You will definitely enjoy listening, lending,learning, and laboring with him in the Gospel of Peace.

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    Sunday Morning Volume 1 - Dr. Richie Bell Jr.



    Volume 1

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    Inspirational Sermon

    Guide for Busy Pastors

    Dr. Richie Bell, Jr.

    FOREWORD: Dr. Leonard Rhone, Sr.

    iUniverse, Inc.


    Sunday Morning Volume 1

    Inspirational Sermon Guide for Busy Pastors

    Copyright © 2011 by Dr. Richie Bell, Jr.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4620-1196-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4620-1197-1 (ebk)

    Printed in the United States of America

    iUniverse rev. date: 04/18/2011


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    Seldom are we given the opportunity to peer into the heart and soul of a person who has been given an awesome assignment from God. Yet in Sunday Morning Volume One we are given a glimpse into the inner thoughts and struggles of a true prophet of the kingdom of God. Dr. Richie Bell, Jr. goes with his work where few are willing to go. He takes us into the soul of the preacher and causes us to see that there are many moves on the chessboard before one can say, Checkmate.

    When we accept the call of God first to preach God’s Word and then to pastor God’s people, we have no idea where that will take us. Preaching is the vehicle we use to communicate the message, by pastoring is the art of leadership, enabling people to get to the places God has purposed for them. Dr. Bell makes it clear that the pastor’s burden is heard in his preaching and the preacher’s struggle is felt in pastoring. However, he affirms that the Word of God is the answer and hope for the church and its individual members. He is not one who would replace preaching with fancy serendipities; he confidently affirms that it is through preaching that vision is seen, understood, and embraced.

    I hope that all who read this work will begin to sense what it takes to craft a sermon. I hope that you will see that only as the preacher bares his soul, with its fears and hopes, can a sermon emerge. A sermon is not; three points and a poem; nor is it just a verse-by-verse discussion; it is a window into the soul of the preacher who sits with God.

    As you begin to read the pages, I believe you will find it will be difficult to stop reading. When you have completed this book, you will find you have 25 recipes for spiritual guidance. You will be able to identify the ingredients needed to battle and survive the turmoil of conflict and evil present in our communities and world. No doubt, it will be a book that you will want to keep in easy reach to reference over and over.

    Again, I express my appreciation to Dr. Bell for the privilege and opportunity to offer my comments. This book may not make the national headlines as a bestseller and it may not be reviewed on the morning news’ shows or by the Oprah Winfrey Book Club. However, when you have completed the book, I know you will join me in feeling the fire of inspiration and concern for the acts of ungodly behavior that are constant in our communities.

    Read this book. Let others know about the 25 never-fail recipes for survival and challenging the Angel of Evil -Satan.

    Dr. Leonard Rhone, Sr.

    Oakland Baptist Church

    Shreveport, Louisiana


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    Sunday Morning Volume 1, Inspirational Sermon Guide is the best investment you won’t regret. It’s loaded with phenomenal sermons, and tremendous outlines. This sermon guide is guaranteed to instantly grab the attention of the congregation, enhance your personal biblical knowledge, and increase attendance of the membership.

    This guide is not intended to suffice for Pastoral sermon preparation. It’s only intended use is to assist when needed to facilitate greater efficiency in sermon preparation. Sermon preparation follows the study and precedes the delivery of the message. Needless to say, the design and writing of the sermon is at the heart of producing and preaching a good sermon. I truly believe that Sunday Morning Volume 1, Inspirational Sermon Guide will help you reach that pinnacle. There is no doubt that you will be energized, enlighten, and encouraged with the use of this guide.

    Contrary to what some churchgoers may think, Pastors are busy. Pastors do more than teach and preach. Today’s busy Pastors are expected to lead their congregations, guide planning efforts, administer church business, visit the sick, provide counseling, and much more. It’s understandable that many Pastors search for sermon outlines to help them in their sermon preparation. For those who may object to prepared sermon outlines from an outside resource! Sermon outlines are not full sermons. They are merely tools to help the Pastor in his preparation.

    Pastors wanting to use these outlines must flesh them out further through additional Bible study, prayer, and research. Pastors should also feel free to add their own personal stories and observations. They must also add their own conclusion, something appropriate to their personality and congregation.

    It is my continued hope that Sunday Morning Volume 1, Inspirational Sermon Guide provide inspiration, provoke new thoughts for sermons, and remind us all of what is eternally important. It is my desire that even the experienced expositor, as he works his way through this guide, will be refreshed and reminded of helpful principles and truths.

    Dr. Richie Bell, Jr.



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    Thanks to each of you who supported me to write this pastor’s guide. I would like to thank my pastor Dr. Leonard Rhone Sr., pastor of Oakland Baptist Church, Dr. Leon Richmond, pastor of New Light Baptist Church, Dr. T.C.L. Ward (President), and staff of Inter-Baptist Theological Seminary Inc., Dr. Milton McGrew (Dean), and staff of United Theological Seminary and Bible College, Dr. Rickey LJ Moore Sr., pastor of Sunrise Baptist Church.

    I would like to express a special thanks to my entire biological family for their continued support. To the incredible members of the Pilgrim Travelers Missionary Baptist Church of Shreveport, Louisiana; whom I have served for several years, thanks for your support.

    This Busy Pastor’s Sermon Guide, is an inspiration which expresses my deepest sympathy, compassion and devotion for preaching the uncompromising Gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Effective Preaching Tips

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    Table of Contents

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    I Got the Pastor’s Back

    God’s Facebook Page

    Let Jesus Have It

    The Price Is Right

    What Was In the Cup?

    Are We There Yet?

    Is the Lord among Us or Not?

    What Happened To The Noise?

    A Mother’s Tears

    Walk With Me Lord

    The Atoning Blood of Jesus

    She’s Cheating On Me

    Can These Bones Live?

    The Pastor’s Love Day

    He Did It for Us

    Stop Playing Church

    More Than Enough

    Get Right Church and Let’s Go Home

    Can I Have This Dance?

    They Gathered At the Cross

    Discovering Our Assigned Roles

    Being Sure In a Strange World

    You Are Not the Father

    Top Priority of Authentic Worship

    God’s Super Bowl Game

     Chapter 1

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    I Got the Pastor’s Back

    (1 Kings 19:21 KJV)

    And he returned back from him, and took a yoke of oxen, and slew them, and boiled their flesh with the instruments of the oxen, and gave unto the people, and they did eat. Then he arose, and went after Elijah, and ministered unto him.

    Nearly nine centuries before Christ, Ahab, king of Israel, married the daughter of the pagan king of a neighboring country. During the 22 years of his reign, the name of his wife became a household word more accurately, a household curse! Yes Jezebel was her named. This manipulative woman Jezebel manipulated everyone she met and repeatedly defied the Word of God spoken through the prophet Elijah. Jezebel always got her way and woe unto those unfortunate enough to get in her way! Her happiness depended on being on the top of others; even to this day, she abides with the record of Scripture as an embodiment of a power-hungry and unreachable heart of animosity and outraged.

    In the text we read about Elijah, he is larger-than-life. He is faithful, confident, and authoritative. He is able to bring about miracles through prayer, even raising the dead and calling fire down from heaven. He is able to confront a powerful king and accuse him of sin, and he dares to challenge a large crowd of people who follow the god Baal. In this chapter we find the prophet Elijah an intimidated, suicidal, self doubting yet self-righteous whiner who is on the run.

    God spoke encouraging words to Elijah the Tishbite the prophet "Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him" (1 Kings 19:18), at a time when he felt very lonely and thought he was about to die because of ministerial depression.

    While these accounts shock us, they also serve to help us. How? They remind us that depression is a common experience. It is something that often happens in life. In other words, if you go through a time of depression, you are not alone. Notice these facts concerning

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