The Four Pillars of Evangelism: Simple Steps to Help Any Child of God Evangelize Just Like Jesus
By C L Thomas
About this ebook
What is evangelism? Have you ever asked that question? For most people the word conjures up a great deal of pictures or thoughts that run the ambit of fanatics running the streets with tracts in their hands to the nice little Christian who models their faith through a quiet lifestyle. Is either of these correct? Is the answer somewhere in the middle? Is there a correct answer at all?
I believe that there is. This book is designed to walk one through the ministry principles and actions of the greatest evangelist of all times, Jesus Christ. He remains the best example of communicating the good news in a purposeful, personal, progressive, practical, and pervasive manner. The steps to an effective witness are in following pillar principles demonstrated by Jesus. The confidence to be involved in evangelism is tied to following the pillar principles of evangelism. The understanding of what to say, how to say it and when to say it are found in the pillar principles of evangelism demonstrated by Jesus and are explained in this book.
If you desire a practical tool to learn more about evangelism and teach others the same then this book is for you.
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The Four Pillars of Evangelism - C L Thomas
© 2011 C. L. Thomas. All rights reserved.
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First published by AuthorHouse 8/4/2011
ISBN: 978-1-4634-3935-4 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-4634-3934-7 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2011912987
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1.jpgThere are many voices expounding on the need and methodology of evangelism. Some share from years of experience, some shout from passionate pulpits, while some speak from active duty in the good fight of faith. Cedric Thomas should be prominent among these. His is a voice that needs to be heard.
Minister Thomas has the gift of evangelism. I witnessed its working as he labored with me in the Brooklyn area. The only moment he enjoyed above sitting down with a seeker or skeptic was to bring them to the water. The Kings Church in Brooklyn experienced great growth because of that gift.
Cedric is an effective strategist. Evangelism must mean more than a dynamic preacher at a Gospel Meeting or the sporadic visitor being converted. It requires the consistent efforts of the church body to accomplish ministry. This requires the right understanding of Evangelism and suggestions of productive methods. The Four Pillars of Evangelism
is a strong message that conveys just that.
I believe that The Four Pillars of Evangelism
will light the fire of evangelism in some hearts that have grown cold, but it will also be a guiding light for those who are passionate for the lost.
David Wilson
Senior Minister of the Kings church of Christ
1.jpgThis book is dedicated to many who have shared in and in some degree are sharing in the cultivation of the subject of evangelism. I want to first thank God who constantly amazes me by what and how He uses me to do! All praise, glory and honor truly belong to Him.
I want to secondly thank and dedicate this first work to my amanuensis, my first and most prized secretary, the wife of my youth, my best friend and confidant Stephanie Ann Thomas, AKA Redd! This book literally would not be complete without her tireless efforts to check and recheck, make arrangements with publishers, finalize the set up, etc…
I would also like to thank my kids, Nikki, Cev’n, Lizzy, and Grace for being patient with their Father.
I have a number of preachers who have been instrumental to me for the development this work.
David Wilson, my preacher, who encouraged me to focus on my gift. He charged and challenged me to codify my constant rambling and activity in a way that God’s people could be blessed to understand and apply them. Thank you preacher! I was blessed to work with Bro. Wilson and the Kings church of Christ for more than five years where the bulk of this book was developed and put into action. God bless the Kings church in Brooklyn New York.
Dr. R.C. Wells who fundamentally prepared me to communicate and think analytically. He sat through scores of questions about the church, Christianity and the like. He blessed me as both a mentor and a friend. His legacy and expertise in communicating the Truth has served me and hundreds of others well as they have met up with the Gospel of Christ.
Arnelious Crenshaw allowed and trusted me to teach my first evangelism workshop with the Northeast church of Christ which gave way for the pillars to meet up with great wisdom at birth. His encouragement is priceless.
Orpheus Heyward has encouraged this effort by both dialogue and regular scheduled presentations of the workshop and my understanding of evangelism. As a friend, his encouragement and regular critical ear is of tremendous value.
Donald Bennett has through the years been a great encouragement, a great friend and a great thinker. His sharp and poised dialogue about evangelism will be missed tremendously. His passion for the truth and the Gospel of Christ continues to resonate in my heart. May he rest now in the bosom of Abraham. May God bless Geannetta and their children in his absence.
Jamel Hamilton and J.K. Murray were also among the ministers who have had the Four Pillar Workshop held in their congregations. Thank you both.
I want dedicate this book to the following churches.
Kings Church of Christ, Brooklyn NY
Church of Christ in Harlem
Woodward Park church of Christ, Fresno CA
West End church of Christ, Atlanta GA
Roosevelt-Freeport church of Christ Long Island NY
Ivory St. church of Christ, Slaton TX
Others who have impacted me: Sandra Thomas, Charmaine Lyiscott, Elizabeth Benjamin, Nyron Blake, Paulson Forde, DesRoy Ellis, Perry Perou, Hardley Dupont, Jamila Lyiscott, The Winn sisters, Carla Brathwaite, J.K. Manzay, Nichola Cauzabon, Sis. Isaac, Nadia Hines, Sis. Gatson,Walter Maxwell, Charlie McClendon, Molo, Behilu, Demra, and last but not least, the Sunset International Bible Institute.
I do not have the space to expound upon how all of these people and organizations have contributed to my passion for evangelism and the thoughts in this book. Let me sum it all up to say that my passion, perspective and purpose are all brought into laser-like focus when I think about the love, loyalty and wisdom that have been invested in me by the aforementioned names. I thank you dearly.
1.jpgIt was an amazing realization to obey the Gospel of Christ. I can remember my anxiety and anticipation. I remember being so excited about my decision that I met the sunrise in a gray suit that was slightly too big, a pair of Stacy Adams dress shoes and a grey tie to match. I can remember making it to the building and telling the preacher, Today I’m going to be baptized!
I can remember hearing the sermon that seemed to complement my racing thoughts the night before. The sermon title was, What if I died last night?
After this textual lesson, I can remember the song leader singing. The song was a favorite of my great-grandmother who I never met, but was told that she sat right at the front. The song was Nothing but the Blood.
Making my way to the front pew I began to tear up and there was this unknown quiver in my voice. I don’t really know where it came from or when it got there exactly, but as I was asked the question that changed my life this quiver clothed my voice and humbled my presence. I was asked, Cedric Thomas, do you believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God?
I answered in the affirmative as I repeated the statement to the audience. My tears, shaking voice, and pounding heart were further impacted when I turned to face the members of the church to which I would soon be added. When I turned to them, I saw my mother’s eyes welled and flooding her make-up hinted face. I saw my aunt crying with joy. My cousins were all smiling with awe and some with curiosity about this moment. We were really one big family that celebrated this most precious occasion.
Taking me to the dressing room, the minister began to share with me what was about to physically take place. I had brought my clothes with me to show how serious I was about this moment. I put on my jersey and black shorts, forgetting to remove my underwear and moved toward the baptistery. I stepped into the water which was cool but not too cold and turned to face the door and stairs that I had just entered. The preacher began to place my hands in a form very much like a dead man who is being fitted to a casket. Whispering in my ear to hold my breath and keep my nose pinched closed, we prepared for the formalities of the moment.
Lifting his right hand in the air and holding my left shoulder simultaneously, he lifted his voice and said, Based on this penitent believer’s confession that he believes Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, I will now baptize him in the name of the Father, and in the Son, and in the Holy Spirit for the remission of his sins.
With this statement, he placed his raised hand over my right hand which held my nostrils closed and asked me if I was ready. After I nodded my head, he told me to bend my knees and lay back.
I know it was only a few seconds, but it seemed like more than that. I can remember saying in my head, I want to keep my eyes open. I don’t want to miss anything.
If it were possible to see my sins being removed, I wanted to see it happen. If it were possible to see the Holy Spirit take up residence in my being, I certainly didn’t want to miss this. If it were possible to see the Lord add me to His church, I wanted to witness this moment. But just as quickly as I went down in the water, I was back up and looking over the audience with a completely wet body and a smile that couldn’t be wiped away for quite some time.
Making my way back to the dressing room, I toweled off and kept shouting under my breath, thank you Lord…thank you…thank you Lord!
At one point my uncle knocked on the door and asked me if I was okay. I answered yes and the combination of joy, smiling and tears just kept coming out. What was this? Why haven’t I stopped crying? Why do I keep having this urge to shout? I concluded it was joy. Finally, right leg in, left leg in, shirt on correctly, and tie to follow, I made my way out.
I was now standing in front of my new spiritual family. We prayed and we sang and I was still overwhelmed. I could remember saying over and over again in my head that all of the concern about hell is over now. It doesn’t matter what happens to me in this world anymore. I am saved! I am saved and I am glad! Just then, the communion passed my way and I looked at the plate, grabbed a piece of unleavened bread and the grape juice and ate and drank. This was my first time to have communion.
Standing up to leave, my light gray suit was now marked with the line of my underwear and jersey. It was dark gray in those areas because in all of my private joy and excitement, I had forgotten to take them off. I didn’t care though, I was saved! It was the most awesome time in my life and I wanted to tell all of my friends.
That night I prepared what I would say. I went over scenarios and possible responses and even where I would take them if they too wanted to be saved. Monday came quickly and I can remember making my way to the bus stop. I kept thinking to myself, It is going to be neat to have all of my friends saved and in the same church. We will be a little church in the school and we can all have better grades, sit together, and pray at lunch. Right?
I was even thinking that Jeffery (a friend in class) and I could alternate in praying for the school each day. What a great idea!
The bus arrived and I got on. I was smiling and people kept saying, What’s wrong with you?
The bus driver was a member of the church so I felt kind of connected in a new way. Bus six made it to the school and we all filed off. Walking into the gym I saw everyone playing basketball and running and the like. Now was the time. I kept going over in my head all that I wanted to say and where I would