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L.I.F.E.: Living Is for Everyone
L.I.F.E.: Living Is for Everyone
L.I.F.E.: Living Is for Everyone
Ebook146 pages1 hour

L.I.F.E.: Living Is for Everyone

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It has been said that no sooner are we born, we begin to die. Still, our perspective can just as easily be that no sooner are we born, we begin to live. As a student of life, you may discover that there are sadly far too many of us who never really live, but rather simply exist. We squander our youth foolishly only to find ourselves in the autumn of our lives filled with sadness and regret. Some of us become old and tired long before our body ages, left to face the finality of our lifetime in solitude and despair. Oh to be young again and know then, what we know now! What would we have done differently, and what might we have shared with others who may have never truly come to know us? But what determines how much time is left to live life to the fullest? When is it ever too late?

Life can change in an instant, and that moment is now. Begin your journey today and discover how one thought, one choice, one specific moment can make one day of life worth more than a lifetime of simply being. Challenge yourself with every turning page to experience the ultimate transformation of your spirit. Allow the student of life within you to evolve into a genuine master of living. Accept your purpose and find absolute fulfillment in the knowledge that if you are here, it is because you are meant to be. Rejoice in knowing that Living Is For Everyone!
Release dateDec 17, 2015
L.I.F.E.: Living Is for Everyone

Dr. Ana M. Romero

Born and raised in a middle-class family, Ana M. Romero grew up with her two brothers and Cuban parents who strongly embraced their cultural background while equally appreciating the opportunities found only in America. Strong connections with extended family led her to explore the dynamics of all relationships. She started her professional career as a youth counselor and social worker for a government program where working with children from dysfunctional families helped her see the effects of social and economic circumstances. Ana lost her maternal grandmother to cancer in 1977. Having never experienced such a loss, this one event changed her life forever. Ana married in 1979 and gave birth to her only son, Christian, in 1981. His birth had an even greater impact on the author’s life than her grandmother’s death. She found that this immeasurable blessing and the joy that followed provided closure, complete acceptance, and deeper understanding of life’s natural cycle and God’s greatest miracle. Christian’s birth was truly the author’s defining moment. From that day on, no challenge ever went unnoticed, and no achievement ever went unappreciated. Life was now a journey not to be traveled alone. After a difficult divorce, Ana resumed her education, researching both conventional and unconventional perspectives of life, death, spirituality, and the relationships that define our existence. Dr. Ana M. Romero established Abacus International Worldwide Marketing, Inc. (A.I.W.M.) in 1999 and lives in South Florida, with her husband Steve, whom she married in 2005. As an international singer/songwriter, poet, motivational speaker, marketing consultant, corporate trainer, and personal growth advisor, her love of L.I.F.E continues to grow.

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    L.I.F.E. - Dr. Ana M. Romero

    © 2016 Dr. Ana M. Romero. All rights reserved.

    Cover photo taken by Emilie C. Gonzalez

    Author photo taken by Frank Varona of Frank's Studio

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    Published by AuthorHouse 12/15/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-2739-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-2737-6 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-2738-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015920685

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    Chapter 1 Let's Begin With Laughter

    Chapter 2 It's Called Integrity

    Chapter 3 Finding Forgiveness

    Chapter 4 Exploring Empathy

    Chapter 5 Time to Share My Morning Prayer

    Chapter 6 Lots of Love

    Chapter 7 If There Is Intimacy

    Chapter 8 Family Comes First

    Chapter 9 Experience Enlightenment

    Chapter 10 Invocations and Affirmations

    Chapter 11 Listening and Learning

    Chapter 12 Inspire Independence

    Chapter 13 Fearless Faith

    Chapter 14 Endless Eternity

    Chapter 15 In Everything You Do Your Life Begins With You


    I dedicate this book to The Giver of all things and The Keeper of my soul. I pray that all who are touched by this personal perspective regarding such a simple yet complex subject will, in their own way, find an emotional and indisputable connection to Him, and finally discover all that which makes life worth living.

    Wishing my readers an eternity of blessings,


    (Dr. Ana M. Romero)

    Heavenly Father, Creator of all things, I thank You for Your influence and inspiration.

    I pray with all humility that this project will serve to bring others to the realization of Your infinite grace.

    Let us rejoice in Your countless blessings and selflessly share Your Divine Miracle ... LIFE.

    In Loving Memory of:

    My father, Manuel Agustin Romero, who loved us with all his life.

    My grandparents, Ana Ester Peral and Benito Peral, who gave life to our family.

    My mother-in-law, Elsa Camejo, who gave me a precious part of her life; Steve, her son.


    To all who occupy this earth as breathing miracles of birth,

    May you consider well your worth. The journey has begun. Your destination all too soon, above the stars, beyond the moon, each spirit sings a different tune, as Living Is For Everyone.

    Dr. Ana M. Romero


    To all of my family members, friends, and business associates, I express my deepest appreciation for your encouragement and support. I cannot name you individually, for that in its self would be a book, but each of you knows how much you mean to me and the joy you bring to my L.I.F.E.

    How I adore you my gentle and passionate husband, Steve, for being the voice of reason whenever doubt clouded my judgment and for kindly and patiently looking past my vulnerabilities. You hold my heart in your warm hands, and I continue to thrive in your unconditional love for me.

    To my most treasured blessing, my son Christian, thank you for showing me that I didn't need to be the perfect mom but simply your mom to feel complete and for only seeing the best of me through your loving eyes. You are my greatest work of art, and all that I am I owe to you.

    I also thank you and our loving cousin, Emilie Gonzalez for the outstanding illustrations that have effortlessly brought each chapter to L.I.F.E. in a most profound way.

    To my younger brother and best friend, Kent, (Kenny) I will be forever beholding to your loyalty and drive. I'm certain you will recognize the extending branches of integrity, courage, and strength that you painfully salvaged (by clearing the roots of my spirit of constricting fear and doubt) within many a written line and paragraph of my L.I.F.E.

    To my mother, Maria Teresa Romero (Conchy), I thank you for just quietly being there at times when I needed your presence, and nothing needed to be said. Crying together through sad movies and Disney cartoons is as rewarding as laughing together. I learned to appreciate you so much later in L.I.F.E.

    To the ultimate musician of my youth (who learned to play with boat hands), big brother Manny, the official family Santa Claus, I fondly embrace our funny childhood memories and proudly remain the Harriet Tubman of the under-ground railroad to your dreams.

    To each and every one of my Personal Growth clients who allowed me the privilege of sharing in your most intimate thoughts and for breathing the very essence of what is captured in these pages into the core of my being through our sessions, I thank you.

    To the mentors who have inspired me by sharing their wisdom and consistently raising the bar of strong ethics, I continue to aspire following in your footsteps. Your genuine selflessness and sincere concern for the well being of others take my desire to make a difference to an ever increasing level.

    As there are just too many to mention, my top ten must suffice, but be most assured that listed or not, living or deceased, my many mentors are the role models and teachers whose challenges, examples, and guidance illuminate my path:

    Jesus Christ - my Lord and Savior - Through You, all things are possible. Amen!

    Fred Pryor - Working as a corporate trainer and onsite specialist for your company was the key that opened countless doors of opportunity and re-awakened my passion for learning. You confirm by example that greatness and humility are compatible traits.

    Anthony Robbins - As the ultimate expert in personal growth, you encourage me to acknowledge that the journey to self-discovery is meant to be taken with others.

    Les Brown - Thanks to your unyielding desire to conquer adversity, you have kept me hungry and determined to live full and die empty. I no longer ask Why me? but rather Why not me? I am forever in your debt.

    Jack Canfield - Thanks to you, I better understand The Secret to self-fulfillment. You are certainly Chicken Soup for my soul!

    Glenn Beck -- Never have I been more proud to be an American than when I have felt that pride reflected in you. Even with the many challenges that lie ahead for our nation, you keep us united and aware.

    Dr. Phil McGraw - How you love, respect, and honor your family shows in every fiber of your being. You and your amazing wife, Robin, promote change that lifts the spirit of all humanity. I am so very blessed to follow your example.

    George W. Bush - With just one kiss on the forehead you changed my life. Thank you, Mr. President, for standing tall when others would have relished in seeing us on our knees. Remember always that only Our Creator will judge us. He knows us from within.

    Ileana Ros Leightinen - As an activist, I am forever grateful for your strong support and encouragement. You are personally responsible for strengthening our community.

    Ronald Reagan -- The very first time I ever exercised my right to vote, it was you who I voted for... the first of many wise political decisions. Your love and admiration of our country was only surpassed by your complete dedication to protect our freedom. I loved you as a president, adored you as a celebrity, and cherish you as a mentor.

    To my very special mentees, Jerry Zapata, Erica Suarez, Dylan Lundgren, and to all who have adopted me as their mentor, I am forever humbled by the honor to provide you with whatever guidance and insight that we've explored together. I pray that throughout our interactions, I have adequately conveyed all that you are to me. Thank you for the gift of discovery and adventure. Know that this too is your L.I.F.E.

    To my most loyal supporters, the Super Seven: my darling husband, Steve, my aunt, Margalida Peral-Caro and her sweet husband, Jose Luis Caro, Caridad Tundidor (La Tia), my beloved friends, Dulce Prol, Olga Gonzalez and the recently deceased and greatly missed Elena Fernandez; you dared to journey with me for three unforgettable nights on a luxurious Royal Caribbean ship and ignited a fire that has burned brightly ever since.

    On November 20, 2009, we all set sail on the beautiful Majesty of the Seas and became the pioneers of the very first "L.I.F.E. Cruise." You not only encouraged me to convert my interactive Personal Growth Seminar, Living Is For Everyone into a book, but each of you caringly contributed to saturating me with the courage, wisdom, and excitement needed to bring this concept from a dream to a completed project in which I have fully invested my heart and soul.

    Those memories of our time on the ship, our adventures in Coco Cay, and our mini excursion in Nassau, are so very precious to me. Most of all, I am forever in your debt for allowing me to teach and learn as we exchanged our deepest philosophies during the seminar itself. You are the realization of the indisputable fact that living is the path to learning, and that we have not begun to live until we can fearlessly accept that we will

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