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Einstein, Money and Contentment: Cosmolaw: Unifying Cosmology, Economics and Faith
Einstein, Money and Contentment: Cosmolaw: Unifying Cosmology, Economics and Faith
Einstein, Money and Contentment: Cosmolaw: Unifying Cosmology, Economics and Faith
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Einstein, Money and Contentment: Cosmolaw: Unifying Cosmology, Economics and Faith

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Bridging the academic and practical, Palmquist has taken what the open minded reader will view as a first step toward defining a generic Grand Unification Theory. Objecting to the use of the word, Theory, Palmquist refers to Cosmolaw, because he bases his work upon proven formulas controlling the behavior of electricity.

His proposed answer to the long-sought-after GUT should interest physicists. His inter-disciplinary application of those principles to the field of everyday life should interest economists. The attention he centers upon the commonalities between the laws of nature and the nature of God should get the attention of theologians.

Even skeptical scientists must fill out 1040 forms. If they take issue with Palmquist''s views of Physics and cosmology they can nevertheless grasp his reasoning that no government under today''''''''s monetary policies can be rational if it also insists upon collecting income taxes from its citizens.

The formulas discussed by Palmquist are shown to be common to all of nature and can be applied to all of life. His study embraces the fields of Economics and spiritual life. Blending observations from natural law with his observations about Economics and ordinary life, Palmquist makes the case that economists should try to provide a better society for us, while we as individuals, using Cosmolaw, find contentment in whatever state life finds us.

Release dateMay 21, 2013
Einstein, Money and Contentment: Cosmolaw: Unifying Cosmology, Economics and Faith

Richard H. Palmquist

Richard Palmquist founded Family Stations Inc., Radio Station KEAR, in San Francisco in 1957. From 1970, until retirement in 1997, he and his wife owned radio KDNO, Delano, California; the Handi-Directory telephone book company; and the once-weekly Enterprise News newspaper based in southern Tulare County, California. A resident of Nipomo, California, Palmquist has five grown children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. This is Palmquist’s third book.

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    Einstein, Money and Contentment - Richard H. Palmquist


    Money and



    Unifying Cosmology,

    Economics and Faith

    Richard H. Palmquist


    1663 Liberty Drive

    Bloomington, IN 47403

    Phone: 1-800-839-8640

    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

    Second Edition © 2013 Richard H. Palmquist. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 5/17/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4184-5241-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4259-5728-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4184-7098-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2005907070

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models,

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    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Table of Contents

    Cover Design




    PART I : Einstein

    CHAPTER 1: Einstein’s Quest

    Relativity is the Structure

    Quantum Mechanics is the Essence

    Strong Force is the Dynamic

    CHAPTER 2: Natural Order

    Laws of Electricity are the Structure

    Electrical Formulas are the Essence

    Generic Meaning is the Dynamic

    CHAPTER 3: Universal Law

    Consistency is the Structure

    Simplicity is the Essence

    Applicability is the Dynamic

    PART II: Money

    CHAPTER 4: Individual Liberty

    Limited Regulation is the Structure

    Conflict Resolution is the Essence

    Human Beings are the Dynamic

    CHAPTER 5: Meeting Needs

    Goods and Services are the Structure

    Monetary Policy is the Essence

    Price is the Dynamic

    CHAPTER 6: Social Relationships

    Education is the Structure

    Ambition is the Essence

    Empathy is the Dynamic

    PART III: Contentment

    CHAPTER 7: Life’s Purpose

    Worship is the Structure

    Clear thinking is the Essence

    Habit is the Dynamic

    CHAPTER 8: Life’s Source

    Love is the Structure

    Faith is the Essence

    Grace is the Dynamic

    CHAPTER 9: Life’s Breath

    God in us is the Structure

    Commitment is the Essence

    Enthusiasm is the Dynamic



    The Last Page

    About the Author

    Cover Design

    The cover is an artistic depiction of Cosmolaw. The three sides of the half-cube at the top are reflected in the three sides of the lower half of the cube. Imagine that as the cube splits apart the entire physical universe flows from it.

    The geometric form cube is known as the symbol of perfection.¹ It has three visible sides as you view one side; three more sides as you view the other. The numerology of the cube has been a passion of some writers. However, we are concerned here with only one aspect of symbolism: three in one mirrored in three in one. The Three in One Godhead shows His image in all aspects of the three-in-one of nature and of life.

    By the time you read Part III of this book, the author hopes you will understand the relationships between the upper and lower halves of the cube, linking the parallel sides, observing the connection between God the Father and the Structure of natural law, God the Son and the Essence of natural law, and God the Holy Spirit, the Dynamic of natural law.

    The swirling, pulsating wave propels a symbolic atomic particle. The wave, a Dynamic intertwining of DNA and the Voltage sine wave of electricity, works in every Structure of material and thought. It works in harmony with the driven Essential particle, depicted on the cover as an atom, the symbol of the tiniest to the most distant reaches of the Universe..

    All heavenly bodies, all microscopic mysteries, all aspects of physical and spiritual universe (seen or unseen) make up a complex outworking of what the author has coined the three-in-one Cosmolaw.

    Cover artist Carolyn White ([email protected]) created the design based upon the author’s concepts.

    Richard H. Palmquist

    PO Box 344

    Nipomo, CA 93444

    [email protected]

    Dedicated to the memory of

    Herman Phillip Palmquist, my father

    (April 15, 1905-July 10, 2001)

    My Dad taught me to turn out the lights when you leave the room, demonstrating his respect for electricity. Together with his wife Margaret, my beloved mother, Dad provided a stable, loving environment for my sister and me. Our lives developed in an arena of economic difficulty, hard work and positive attitudes. Honesty, faith and hope were love gifts from my parents.

    Dad worked his way from being a teenage farm laborer to driving a coal truck, to cutting ice blocks from the Mississippi River for the WPA, to graduating from Coyne Electrical School in Chicago, eventually allowing him to become chief electrician of a major electrical generating plant.

    In my youth, Dad gave me the medallion coin pictured below. It was produced as a promotional give-away by Iowa-Illinois Gas and Electric Company, Davenport, Iowa. Dad served for decades as chief electrician at the Moline, Illinois, power plant. The symbolism on the coin, shown below, sets out the basic formulas of electricity. Those laws are the heart of Cosmolaw.


    Illustration 1 — Laws of electricity

    "For as a man thinks

    in his heart, so is he."

    — Proverbs 23:7

    "Those who are not prepared for the apprehension of a great purpose, should fix their thoughts upon the faultless performance of their duty, no matter how insignificant their task may appear. Only in this way can the thoughts be gathered and focused, and resolution and energy be developed, which being done, there is nothing which may not be accomplished."²


    It would be impossible to cite the detail of every contribution made by authors listed in the Bibliography. I have read carefully and indexed the books in the Bibliography over a period of many years. A Bibliography ten times larger would not have produced this book, though, without the spiritual guidance I have received through my seven decades.

    Members of my family have supported me. My devoted wife, Dolores, sacrificed her claim on my time and gave many hours of her proofreading and editing talents. Our sons Philip, a CPA, Dr. Stephen, a professor in Hong Kong, and Timothy, who is dedicated to pro-life ministry, along with their sisters Mary and Carol, have all impacted my thinking, as have our 24 grandchildren.

    Conversations with my longtime friend and business associate, Barton Buhtz, have helped me clarify my thinking. Finally, I want to mention my friend and former neighbor, retired professor Dr. Charles McClelland, who spent many years on the faculties of Cal State, San Francisco, and USC, Los Angeles. Our spirited discussions added depth to the book and have also kept me from making some errors.

    I have copied and pasted Bible quotes from Rick Meyers has created a helpful tool for those interested in Bible study. His program can be downloaded and used free of charge.

    My gratitude for the above does not diminish my appreciation for others who have influenced my life and work, including my sister Margaret Ransom, and my parents. However, only I can take responsibility for errors you may find. My e-mail address is [email protected]. Or you may write me at P. O. Box 344, Nipomo, California 93444.


    A retired instructor in radar circuit analysis told me, It is impossible to teach a concept. If he is correct, this book is attempting the impossible. The volume you hold in your hands contains thousands of words, many facts and a great number of opinions, but all this information is centered on a single concept.

    The instructor explained: A concept is often a very fuzzy object. It cannot be put into words. It is different for each person. Several facts, unknown to the instructor (and different for each student), must be absorbed and assimilated by the student. The student has to form the concept in his/her own mind. The instructor can help by questioning the student, trying to find out what basic ideas are missing or misunderstood.³

    As I considered the opinion of the rocket scientist, I determined all I can do is share information. The question and answer method of teaching is the only effective way to be sure a student learns what is being taught. No book, however, is interactive. So, if you are ever to grasp the concept, it will be because you have determined to learn it.

    An author went to a wise man to ask for advice about how to write a book. The wise man replied, If you speak to them in profound truths they yawn, and, if they dare, they will leave you, but if you tell them absurd fables they are all eyes and ears. They wish the doctrines preached to them, whether religious, philosophic or social, to be agreeable, to be consistent with their conceptions, to satisfy their inclinations, in fact, that they find themselves in them, and that they feel themselves approved by them.

    If that author is correct, we may have a problem. I do not deal in fables, and I don’t care to build up your ego. The fact is you may yawn while reading some of this book. The reason is I have not written it just for you. It is for many different types of people. Of one thing you can be sure: this book does not parade under the banner of any government agenda.

    Winston Churchill said during World War II, in time of war the truth is so precious it must be attended by a bodyguard of lies.⁵ Since World War II, the United States has been under a continual cloud of war. Not all have been battlefield conflicts. For example, we have faced the cold war, the war on drugs and the war against terrorism. Some battles taken on by our government reach to legitimate concerns, but the root purpose of war in our Republic is that without war the presidency has little power.

    In this book I reach for power sourced in the persuasion of my words, not by artifices. However, some of those words may go beyond the areas of your interests. Abdus Salam, in his Unification of Fundamental Forces, advised, … if you have a reasonable idea, don’t send it to a great man; publish it yourself.⁶ That is what I am seeking to do.

    If you are a hurried reader, you can treat the Table of Contents and the Index as headlines in a newspaper. You should be able to tell in advance what parts of the book you most want to read.

    E. Stanley Jones wrote: Whatever gets your attention gets you.⁷ If you understand that what you think forms your destiny, you will benefit by reading this book. It is important to think clearly if the purposes of life are to be fulfilled. Yet, few of us recognize how vital to success is a consistent method of framing thought. This book is devoted to helping you establish clear and accurate thought patterns.

    However, Cosmolaw suggests we intend to study the cosmos – natural law. Therefore, I must mention scientific ideas, some of them outside popular interest. Yet, the point of the book is so simple I would like to have avoided scientific terms. Nevertheless, I hope scientifically trained people will read these pages and respect my ideas. If you have no interest in science, just skim through the technical sections. You can still understand the message of the book. Bertrand Russell wrote, Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so.⁸ Try not to connect with that group.

    The brief introductions following the major headings for each of the three parts of this book contain a simple summary of the chapters within that part. If you want a quick understanding of Cosmolaw, read only the introductions to each of these three parts.

    Cosmolaw is sound science. However, it has a more important application to your life. R. Buckminster Fuller experienced this serendipitous connection between life and science. He studied the triangle’s almost mystic relationship to the sphere. Picture a geodesic dome such as the one at Disney World. Fuller invented that three-sided no-sided structure. He admitted, I didn’t set out to design geodesic domes. I set out to discover the principles [operative in the] universe.

    Our task is to identify the triangle that defines the unitary circle of natural law, the circle defining the principles operative in the universe.

    Take all this seriously and try to comprehend that one plus one can equal three and you will benefit by studying these pages. Yes, one plus one can equal three. If that seems impossible, read on.


    How can one plus one equal three? Here is how it works. A function, according to Webster, depends on and varies with something else. There are two parts to a function: an Essence that depends upon a Dynamic. These two wrap around each other and are interdependent. So, there are two parts to a function. Any function operating in a Structure creates a Result. One Structure plus the two parts of the function equals three. These three create a Result. You started with Structure and function, one plus one; but now you have Structure, Essence and Dynamic coming to a single Result. That’s three: three-in-one. Keep this three-in-one key idea in mind as you read, and you will be able to skim over technical details without missing the important tool of thought this book offers you.

    Within any function you will find an Essence. Wrapped around that Essence will be a Dynamic. If you have studied Calculus, you know the concept of function involves a derivative and an integral, working together.

    In electricity, Amperage and Voltage have this same relationship. In Physics, the functional Essence is a particle and the functional Dynamic is a wave. The particle and wave are inextricable. They work together within the resistive Structure to produce the Result we call the element.

    Orientals call the Essence and Dynamic the yin-yang. Call them what you will, the Essence and the Dynamic function within a Structure to accomplish a Result. This is the core of natural law. I call this characteristic of natural law Cosmolaw.

    "To communicate is to shape concepts, language, and style in ways that simultaneously satisfy the desires of the communicator and the unfilled needs of the audience,"¹⁰ writes Burton Kaplan. This strategic communicator has fallen into our Cosmolaw pattern at the outset of his book. His desired Result is communication. He looks to concepts as the Structure of his quest, with the Essence being language wrapped in Dynamic style. If you internalize this scheme, and if I can stimulate your thinking with my language and style, within the Structure of Cosmolaw, we should be able to communicate.

    Now, let’s demonstrate the infinite flexibility of the Cosmolaw formula. Look at the word language in the above paragraph. Think of it in its context there. Now, let’s view the source of the term language. Where does it come from? Language is the Result of the Essence of semantics, wrapped in the Dynamic of rhetoric, within the Structure of phonetics. Let this example keep you from thinking of Cosmolaw as a simplistic view of the universe. The complexities of interrelationships cannot be fathomed. An in-depth treatment of the interrelationships of these concepts defining language can be found in Norbert Wiener’s book, The Human Use of Human Beings, Cybernetics and Society.¹¹

    James P. Carse is quoted by Robert Fulghum, Finite players play within boundaries; infinite players play with boundaries.¹² We are finite. We work within boundaries. The boundaries of this book are set by its outline. All books hang on an outline. This book not only is written around an outline – it is about an outline. The outline explains the arrangement of everything in the universe.

    If you are a Greek scholar, you may object to the hybrid term, Cosmolaw. You may prefer the term our professor son Dr. Stephen Palmquist suggests: Cosmonomos. The Greek word for law (nomos) has its root in the idea of parceling out food. There is nothing more basic to human physical welfare than food. There is nothing more beneficial to human social welfare than the law, justly applied. I opted for Cosmolaw because few people know that the Greek nomos means law.

    The secret to a simple grasp of Cosmolaw is to view everything you think about as existing within a Structure. Let’s look again at the cover of this book. Think of the cube as the Structure of the Grand Unification. View the electron as the Essence and the wave as the Dynamic. As the cube bursts into creativity, the Result is the universe.

    The Structure contains an Essential element. Wrapped around that element is a driving force, a Dynamic. This function, the Dynamic-wrapped Essence, moves within the Structure toward a Result.

    This is the way electricity works; and because the laws governing the behavior of electricity are proven and reliable, we can use those laws as a model for Cosmolaw.

    Nature operates by a simple law imposed upon every aspect of the universe. Everything involves an interlocking particle and potential working together in a place. The universe is the Structure where Essential particles of every size, whether microscopic or as large as a sun, respond to Dynamic forces that make those particles spiral to create the complex Result we call nature. This is Cosmolaw.

    So, we will use the term Cosmolaw whenever we are not applying the outline specifically to Economics. I apply Cosmolaw to Economics in Part II. There I refer to Electrionomics. This coined word was the title I first chose for the book. It did not convey the general meaning we had in mind, but it does express unity between the laws of electricity and what could become laws of Economics: electrielectricity; onomics – Economics.

    Remind yourself often of the Cosmolaw outline, and you will be able to use a formula of great simplicity, yet of most profound complexity. Opening a subject this broad makes impossible a full treatment of its implications. If we are accused of oversimplification, we accept the criticism but point out how simple a road map is, how much it leaves out, yet how indispensable it is to a traveler. Stephen Wolfram’s A New Kind of Science suggests that the complexities we see around us came from what he calls a simple source like a basic computer program dating back to the beginning of time.¹³

    In order to persuade scholars sophisticated in Physics and Economics that Cosmolaw makes sense, we must later use scientific terms to explain our point. However, as foreign as your experience might be to any chapter, do not be discouraged. If you can picture an actor, toes to the mark (Structure); a camera pointed at him or her (Essence); and a director barking Action! (Dynamic) as they create a movie (Result), you can follow the reasoning this book presents.

    If you internalize Cosmolaw, you will be rewarded with a system of thought, a method of analysis and a tool for solving problems that will enliven you. If you are a physicist, you may find here the Grand Unification Theory. If you are an economist, you may discover laws that will make your work more effective.

    This book puts into your hands a tool. Any use of Cosmolaw by this author to explain an issue or to draw a conclusion is only a use of the tool. I can imagine a reviewer of this book observing that the author’s application of Cosmolaw is sometimes strained. I will accept the criticism on the condition that the critic apply his own application, using Cosmolaw the way he sees fit. If the man who discovered the hammer used that tool to hurt people, he did not prevent later constructive uses of that tool. In other words, should you think this book suggests wrong conclusions, apply your own links to the thought tool of Cosmolaw. The formula suggested here is a method of thought. It is a method you should learn. The author’s applications of that method are secondary. Ignore or disagree with every conclusion drawn, and you can still benefit from the book.

    Learning Cosmolaw will help you discover a new method of analyzing the universe – a new way of thinking. However, Cosmolaw is extra-disciplinary. This book deals with Physics, cosmology, Economics and many other subjects. Read what Hawking has to say about the scope of what he calls the Grand Unification Theory and what I call Cosmolaw: … the origin of the universe [is] apparently beyond the scope of science.¹⁴

    So, our quest is for a unified method of dealing with every conceivable issue of life, not just science. Pity the librarian who must find a category for this book. It purposely ascends above the subjects we discuss. It demonstrates a love of wisdom, but its author has no formal philosophical training. The book will aid the logician who has an open mind, but it is not a Logic treatise. I hope it will challenge the physicist, but it is not a science text. In my fantasies it will apply laws to Economics, but it is not an Economics text. Of all the classifications, however, if I were placing the book on the shelf of the library, I would choose Space Exploration. (Don’t expect any librarian to take this seriously.) If the librarian is educated in philosophy, however, the book will be found under Teleology.

    Faustino Ballvé wrote, Economics is not about anything that could be expressed in mathematical terms; its domain is rather that of imagination and invention, of adventure into the unknown, of a hazardous enterprise that is not for the cowardly.¹⁵

    Skidelsky reports, Economics is a branch of logic.¹⁶ The book deals with far more than logic, but it is my desire to apply the tool of thought presented here so effectively to Economics that future economists might clarify their thinking about this vital field of study – a science based upon art, and an art based upon science – thus impacting the lives of every human being.

    Few people feel they know much about how electricity works. So, readers seeing that the heart of my thesis is a study of the laws of electricity could feel disqualified to give the book a careful reading. Do not fall into this trap. Even if you do not understand electricity, you need Cosmolaw. From our examination of the proven laws of electricity, we will find the framework of knowledge.

    Cosmolaw is found in every aspect of life and of the universe, so the book can never be completed if our task is to demonstrate our thesis in its entirety. So, instead of setting out to be complete, I have chosen to make this book as understandable as possible. Hopefully, the thought tool Cosmolaw will become a habit helping you to analyze every problem the future brings. Perhaps some reader will use this tool to solve a difficult problem beyond the reach of today’s greatest thinkers.

    Everything in the universe is in a Structure, a place. The Structure of life is the universe. The universe is where we live. It sets our limits. Of course, within the universe there are more local Structures that keep us from exploring the edges of our galaxy. The obvious point is that the universe Structures us. Every Result has an Essence, a particle. Life’s functional Essence is the economy. That Essential particle moves in time. Life’s functional Dynamic is to advance personal prosperity. Wherever a functional Dynamic grabs a particle, Essence, and they function in a Structure, they produce a Result. You may be surprised at how we discover that the overall Result dealt with in this book is a fulfilled, contented spiritual life.

    Think of the formula this way: Structure containing Essence times Dynamic equaling a Result. Or for a simpler way to remember the outline, think of it as place containing a particle times a potential equaling a purpose. However you remember the outline, it will unify your powers of observation. A simpler word for "Dynamic would have been thrust, but there is a shade of difference in the meaning. The word thrust carries with it a present tense movement sharply distinct from the immediate past. The word Dynamic" on the other hand has more of a potential for action wrapped up in its meaning. It also conveys the thought of continuing action. The aspects of both potential and continuing action are important to an understanding of Cosmolaw. The point needs to be made that the words are unimportant. The concept is what you must catch. If it would work better for you, try Structure, Substance, Shove and Summary. Stop and think about these methods of expressing Cosmolaw, so that the flow of ideas becomes clear.

    Within an understanding of the workings of electricity, the elements of discovery itself are found. Robert S. Root-Bernstein wrote, The most important question in science is how to discover.¹⁷ He suggests there is a need to develop a strategy for research that would increase our potential for solving science’s problems. One of the questions posed by his unusual book, Discovering, asks, "is there an identifiable Structure to the process of discovering?"

    I will show you that Structure is a discovery about how to discover. If our leaders apply this discovery, they may be able to lead us to greater economic prosperity.

    When electricity is understood for what it is and when we apply what we learn from understanding electricity to other disciplines, we can better grasp methods available to us that will improve life. Electricity operates as an expression of natural law. If we learn how electricity works, we will understand that electricity teaches us the general form of natural law. If we understand natural law, we can pattern our thinking accurately about everything we observe.

    Reaching too far back into history to warrant including it in my Bibliography is a 1960 article in Printers’ Inc. — a trade journal for newspaper editors and writers. In a Special Report with no byline, we see a graphic entitled Thinking Creatively. It reads, A creative thinker might approach an intellectual problem by following this general three-step procedure. 1) THE SURVEY. First the creative thinker familiarizes himself with the problem area and forms a mental plan of the over-all problem. 2) EXTRACTING THE ESSENTIALS. Next he examines the mass of detail that comprises the problem and identifies the key factors that hold it together. 3) PUTTING THE DETAILS TOGETHER. Finally, he relates the details to the essential principles and unites them within the framework of his over-all problem.

    If you see creative thought as the desired Result of this discussion, you will have no problem calling point one laying out the Structure, point two the Essence (that very word is used), and point three the Dynamic. What we must grasp here is that clear thinkers have been following what I call the Cosmolaw outline for a long time. It should not amaze us to find this to be true. It is no more amazing than to learn that cultures far from us ordinarily awaken from sleep and rise from bed when the sun rises. It is a natural dictate. The contribution of this book is to link this natural clear-thinking tendency common to human thought with the formulas from nature that show it to qualify as the generic Grand Unification Theory.

    By applying the characteristics of electricity to our thought processes, we can improve our ability to make decisions, enhancing our ability to relate to each other. Problems otherwise beyond solution can be broken down into their components, their relationships discovered and solutions found.

    The Result we seek is a more useful method of analysis. That purpose will be reached as we discover a new tool for analysis, grasp that tool as the particle or Essence of our entire decision making, empowering us with the Dynamic for more effective problem solving.

    When Cosmolaw is put to a practical application in Electricity, Money and Contentment it gives rise to the chart below:

    The study of Economics is most in need of the discipline this tool of thought offers. So, in Part II, we concentrate on how Cosmolaw applies to the major elements of Economics. The Cosmolaw outline presents an orderly guide for clear thinking about Economics. Whether or not you ever do serious work in that field you will benefit. The outline fits everything in life. The very fact that Cosmolaw fits everything in life is my chief reason for choosing Economics to illustrate it. Other than electricity itself, there is no other field of study, including religion, that touches our lives with more universality than the field of Economics. So Economics and Cosmolaw share a common characteristic.

    In Part I, we discover the place in nature where the formula has been providing Structure for centuries.

    In Part II, we apply the formula to the Essence of our world’s most difficult socio-economic problems, analyzing Essential economic ideas that could, if applied, solve some of the world’s social ills.

    In Part III, we see how Cosmolaw can be applied to the individual, showing how nature harmonizes with the Person of God, Resulting in a life of prosperous contentment being within reach for anybody.

    As we go through our study of Cosmolaw we will be asking wherever we go in our study:

    1. What defines its place? (Structure)

    2. What makes it what it is? (Essence)

    3. What force drives it? (Dynamic)

    4. What is its purpose? (Result)

    Let’s get started!

    PART I


    Believe in God, in His providence, in a future life, in the recompense of the good, in the punishment of the wicked, in the sublimity and truth of the doctrines of Christ, in a revelation of this doctrine by a special divine inspiration for the salvation of the human race.

    — Andre Marie Ampere (1775-1836)

    Discovered the unit of measure for

    the strength of electric current.

    With all the great discoveries leading to man’s ability to penetrate space, with the unification of one complexity after another, with the almost universal acceptance of the Big Bang theory,¹⁹ still physicists are not content. They continue to look for a formula that will wrap into one set of mathematical concepts the relationships between the major aspects of space, time, electromagnetism, quarks, leptons and all the tags, labels and complexities they have discovered about our universe. Their reason for searching for this Grand Unification Theory is that they seek a more absolute framework for their discoveries about the nature of the Cosmos.

    Cosmolaw, rightly applied, can become the tool of reason they seek. It explains life and can provide the open-minded scientist with formulas to help him solve unification problems. Abdus Salam warns, One should always guard against getting too attached to one particular line of thought.²⁰ Likewise, one should be warned to be aware of as many lines of thought as possible.

    In German the name Einstein means one container. Ein – one. Stein mug. Was it with a sense of fulfilling the destiny of his name that Albert Einstein directed his energies to the attempt to find a single formula that would explain all the workings of the universe? We will never know. However, many men have sought a name as they have joined the search for Einstein’s holy grail.

    My contribution to this quest is what I call Cosmolaw. The term I first chose for this discovery was Electrionomics. The heart of this book is

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