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Dad Jokes: Jokes So Bad, They Are Funny
Dad Jokes: Jokes So Bad, They Are Funny
Dad Jokes: Jokes So Bad, They Are Funny
Ebook97 pages45 minutes

Dad Jokes: Jokes So Bad, They Are Funny

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Dad Jokes

Download This Great Book Today! Available To Read On Your Computer, MAC, Smartphone, Kindle Reader, iPad, or Tablet!

We hate to admit it, but we all love a Dad Joke. Whether it brightened up the mood at the dinner table or embarrassed a few kids around their friends.

Lately I have noticed the same Dad Jokes are being used, and it's time to spice things up to the next level for more eye rolls... or you could say more knee slappers.

Covering over 400+ Dad Jokes you will be despised just that little bit more.

Enjoy the most hilarious or stupid (however you put it) jokes known to mankind and when you've finished, spread the laughter. Buy some glue, cut up the pages and stick them on strangers. That way, the jokes on them.

Here Is A Preview Of What's Included…

  • Dad Jokes
  • Knock Knock Jokes
  • Dad Joke Sayings
  • Embarrassing Jokes
  • Dad Jokes For Certain Situations
  • Question And Answer Dad Jokes
  • 400+ Dad Jokes
  • Much, Much More!

Even if you have failed at trying to embarrass your kids in front of their friends in the past, I assure you that this book will easily solve that problem with a simple and easy to remember guide of all sorts of Dad Jokes.

Scroll up and get your copy today!

PublisherGeorge Smith
Release dateJul 15, 2018
Dad Jokes: Jokes So Bad, They Are Funny

George Smith

George Smith is a published author and playwright employed in the field of community education.

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    Dad Jokes - George Smith


    I would like to congratulate you for buying this book, but since you have exposed yourself to the literary equivalent of gastro enteritis it would be in bad taste, rather like the pages you are about to read.

    It would be irresponsible not to offer a health warning as well. Some of the jokes you will come across, over the next several thousand words, are so bad that they could induce any of the following conditions:



    Stomach Pain

    Aching Sides

    Involuntary contractions of the airways

    Watering eyes

    Running nose

    Lost voice

    Loud guffaw sounds emanating from your fact, the symptoms of...

    Joking to death.

    Indeed, it is possible that some of the readers of this collection of, frankly, awful jokes will need hospitalization to get themselves back on an even keel. In fact, you would be ill-advised (and trust me, as jokes go, that is one of the better ones) to read this alone, or at least without arranging for a friend to check on you in a couple of hours.

    In these days of gender fluidity, the idea of jokes being constrained to being told by just dads is rather old fashioned – not as old as some of the gags you are about to read, but then, nothing living today could be – and so I am very happy for them to be read and told by men, women, wives, mothers, fathers, children, dogs and slugs, a creature at the intellectual level needed to fully appreciate the wit, word play, irony and satire of jokes of the quality of, for example:

    Why did Cyclops give up teaching?

    Because he only had one pupil.

    Please, feel free to take a rest and gather yourself together before continuing.

    Indeed, thinking about teaching reminds me of the English teacher who asked the science teacher out on a date.

    He read her poetry throughout their romantic meal, but, why not? After all, that’s

    What he met-a-phor

    Good one, eh? Bet it made you simile.

    Back to this wonderful book. A few words about the author, George Smith. George is one of the funniest men on the planet. At least, that’s what his wife says. But she puts it better. ‘Odd’ is the synonym she uses. In fact, she often adds the word ‘worryingly’ in front of the adjective. But their private life is their business.

    This book will make you a healthier, saner, more rounded person. OK, so maybe your job is on the line, your partner’s joined the gym and has bought a load of new clothes, and had a tattoo with ‘I Love My New Boyfriend’ on her arm (I know that doesn’t work if you are her new boyfriend, but you’re not going to get perfection for the money you paid for this book), your kids have entered adolescent grunt land, your car will cost more to repair than it is worth, the roof’s leaking and Donald Trump is President. But read just one of the jokes that follow, and you will realize how bad life could really become.


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