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Anansi the Trickster Spider
Anansi the Trickster Spider
Anansi the Trickster Spider
Ebook96 pages1 hour

Anansi the Trickster Spider

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About this ebook

Discover Anansi the trickster spider who is as clever as he is lazy. Anansi loves to prove just how clever he is by boasting and tricking those around him. However sometimes his tricks backfire with comic effect.

This book contains sixteen short stories. Adults will love reading these tales to younger children whilst older children will delight in discovering Anansi for themselves. 

Each story can be read in approximately ten minutes making them ideal for bedtime at home or for story time in school.

To immerse yourself in the enjoyable world of Anansi and his friends press the buy now button and get ready to join in with his adventures.

Release dateJul 4, 2018
Anansi the Trickster Spider

Lynne Garner

Lynne started writing professionally in 1997; mainly for UK-based magazines. Since that time, she has had over 25 books and more than 300 features published. Her books have been published in UK, USA, Canada, Holland, Australia, Korea and Indonesia. Her first picture book, A Book For Bramble, has been translated into five languages, whilst her second book, The Best Jumper, was recorded and aired on the BBC’s CBeeBies radio channel. To learn more about Lynne and her work visit:

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    Book preview

    Anansi the Trickster Spider - Lynne Garner




    Woe to him who would put his trust in Anansi - a sly, selfish and greedy fellow


    The wisdom of the spider is greater than that of all the world put together


    (Traditional African proverbs)



    The antics of Anansi the Trickster Spider (also known as Ananse, Kweku Ananse, Anancy or Aunt Nancy) have been told for centuries by parents and grandparents to children eager to hear of his mischievous ways. It is believed these stories originated in Ghana, Africa and are part of the long oral tradition of the Ashanti people. The word Anansi is a word from the Akan (also known as Twi and Fante) language, which simple means ‘spider.’ His tales travelled the world with people who migrated and sadly with slaves who were transported to distant lands including the Caribbean and the New World (America).

    Now Anansi is as clever as he is lazy, and he loves to prove just how smart he is by tricking the people of the village and the animals of the jungle. Luckily for the people and animals around him Anansi is not always as clever as he likes to think he is. Sometimes things backfire on him and he becomes the victim of his own tricks.

    Although I have said Anansi is a spider he also has the power to appear as a man. So sometimes in these stories it is difficult to decide what form he has taken. Is he a spider or is he a man? So, it’s been left to you to decide for yourself if you see him with two slightly hairy legs or eight extremely hairy legs.

    This book contains 16 short stories that were originally published as two eBook volumes, both are available to download.

    I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed researching and writing them.

    P.S. If you love art and craft please visit our website and enjoy the free to download Anansi themed activities.



    The moon was high in the night sky and the air was cool. Sneaking from his hut, Anansi looked around him. No one else was there to see him creep down to the farmer’s field full of just-ripe yams. Quietly, he picked enough yams for his breakfast, his dinner and for his tea the following day. His arms full of yams, he tiptoed back to his hut, climbed into bed, smiled and fell asleep.

    The next morning the sun had just climbed out of bed and into the sky and the earth was just beginning to warm under its gentle rays.  The farmer in his hut stretched and yawned as he got out of bed. As he stretched his stiff muscles he smiled to himself. Mmm, just-ripe, fresh yams for breakfast. He couldn’t wait. He knew his crop of yams would be ready for picking and he was really looking forward to the breakfast his wife would cook with the yams taken straight from his field at the bottom of the hill. Slipping his shoes and clothes on, he crept out of the house so as not to wake his wife. Outside the sun began to warm his skin; a few of the other villagers had also risen early, so they could make the long walk to market. The farmer also spotted a goat that had escaped its pen and, being in such a good mood, decided he would put it back for his neighbor. Happy with his good deed, he whistled a tune as he strode towards his fields looking forward to the delight of breakfast. With a spring in his step and a tune leaving his lips, he contemplated a day beginning with a full stomach of well cooked yams. For his wife was a brilliant cook and her specialty, yes, you guessed, it was yams!

    Whistling loudly as he arrived at the field, he quickly collected a few yams. He sat down on the ground to clean the yams ready to give to his wife to cook.  As he collected the prepared yams in his arms he abruptly stopped whistling. To his horror, it looked like some of his prize yams were gone from the field!

    Who could have done such a thing? Very upset, the farmer ran home. Bursting in through the door, the farmer shouted to his wife, Someone has taken some of our yams. What am I to do?

    Sure her husband had miscounted the yams, she put her arm around his shoulders. I’m sure we’ll get to the bottom of this, and after a good breakfast of my special yams it won’t look so bad, she reassured him.

    Soon the missing yams were forgotten as the freshly cooked breakfast passed the farmer’s lips and warmed his stomach. Enjoying every mouthful, he decided to recount the yams in his field and then tend his other fields. Once breakfast was over the farmer visited his yams field and counted again. He was sure he was right and that some of his yams were missing. However, perhaps his wife was right and he had miscounted or remembered the wrong number of yams. So this time he wrote the number down, but as he did not have a pencil and paper, using pebbles he wrote the number in the earth, under a tree.

    The rest of the day the farmer spent tending his other crops in the next field. Whilst tending his crops he decided to count them all and carefully placed the number in the earth as before. As he did not have a pencil and paper he used pebbles, placing them in the earth by a large rock at the edge of his field.

    That night a few clouds drifted across the night sky, but the moon was high and the air was cool. Anansi popped his head out of his hut as he checked the coast was clear. Quietly, he tiptoed down to the field, but this time he went to the field full of just-ripe cassavas. Silently, he picked enough cassavas for his breakfast, his dinner and for his tea the following day. Pleased with himself, and his arms full of cassavas, Anansi crept back to his hut, where he climbed back into bed and fell fast asleep.

    The next day the sun was up again, shining brightly in the sky. This morning the farmer did not need to slip down to the field to gather yams before breakfast as he had brought some with him the night before. Soon he was

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