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Linux All-in-One For Dummies
Linux All-in-One For Dummies
Linux All-in-One For Dummies
Ebook944 pages8 hours

Linux All-in-One For Dummies

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8 mini books chock full of Linux!

Inside, over 800 pages of Linux topics are organized into eight task-oriented mini books that help you understand all aspects of the latest OS distributions of the most popular open-source operating system in use today. Topics include getting up and running with basics, desktops, networking, internet services, administration, security, scripting, Linux certification, and more. 

This new edition of Linux All-in-One For Dummies has a unique focus on Ubuntu, while still including coverage of Debian, Red Hat, SuSE, and others. The market is looking for administrators, and part of the qualifications needed for job openings is the authentication of skills by vendor-neutral third parties (CompTIA/Linux Professional Institute)—and that’s something other books out there don’t address.

  • Install and configure peripherals, software packages, and keep everything current
  • Connect to the internet, set up a local area network (including a primer on TCP/IP, and managing a local area network using configuration tools and files)
  • Browse the web securely and anonymously
  • Get everything you need to pass your entry-level Linux certification exams

This book is for anyone getting familiar with the Linux OS, and those looking for test-prep content as they study for the level-1 Linux certification!  

Release dateJun 15, 2018
Linux All-in-One For Dummies

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    Book preview

    Linux All-in-One For Dummies - Emmett Dulaney

    Book 1

    Getting Started with Linux

    Contents at a Glance

    Chapter 1: Introducing Linux

    What Is Linux?

    Contents of a Linux Distribution

    Managing Your PC with Linux

    Getting Started

    Chapter 2: Installing Linux

    Following the Installation Steps

    Checking Your PC’s Hardware

    Setting Aside Space for Linux

    Trying a Live CD

    Installing Linux on a Flash Drive

    Chapter 3: Troubleshooting and Configuring Linux

    Using Text Mode Installation

    Troubleshooting X

    Resolving Other Installation Problems

    Setting Up Printers

    Managing DVDs, CD-ROMs, and Flash Drives

    Installing Other Software

    Chapter 4: Trying Out Linux

    Starting Linux

    Playing with the Shell

    Shutting Down

    Chapter 1

    Introducing Linux


    check Explaining Linux

    check Looking at what Linux distributions typically include

    check Discovering what Linux helps you manage

    check Getting started with Linux

    By virtue of your holding this book in your hands, it’s a safe bet that you’ve heard something about Linux. If you’re wondering exactly what Linux is, whether it’s worth serious consideration, and what it can help you do, this chapter is for you. Here, I provide a broad picture of Linux and tell you how you can start using it right away.

    technicalstuff Although Linux can run on many hardware platforms, this book focuses on Linux for Intel Pentium-based processors (basically, any PC that can run any flavor of Windows).

    What Is Linux?

    You can think of a PC as being a combination of hardware — things you can touch, such as the system box, monitor, keyboard, and mouse. The system box contains the most important hardware of all: the central processing unit (CPU), the microchip that runs the software (any program that tells the computer how to do your bidding), which you can’t actually touch. In a typical Pentium-based PC, the Pentium microprocessor is the CPU. Other important hardware in the system box includes the memory (RAM chips) and the hard drive.

    The operating system is the program that has to interact with all the hardware and get it to play nice. The operating-system software manages all that hardware and runs other software at your command. You, the user, provide those commands by choosing menus, clicking icons, or typing cryptic text. Linux is an operating system — as are Unix, macOS, Windows 10, and even older Windows versions. The Linux operating system is modeled after Unix; in its most basic, no-frills form, the Linux operating system also goes by Linux kernel.

    The operating system gives a computer — any computer — its personality. You can run Windows on a PC, for example, and on that same PC, you can also install and run Linux. Then, depending on which operating system is installed and running at any particular time, the same PC can operate as a Windows system or as a Linux system.

    The primary job of an operating system is to load software (computer programs) from the hard drive (or other permanent storage) into the memory and get the CPU to run those programs. Everything you do with your computer is possible because of the operating system, so if the operating system somehow messes up, the entire system freezes. You may know how infuriating it can be when your favorite operating system — maybe even the one that came with your PC — suddenly calls it quits just as you were about to click the Send button after composing that long email to your friend. You try several things frantically, but nothing happens. Then it’s time to press the Reset button (or pull the cord from the back of the machine if your computer’s builders weren’t wise enough to include a Reset button). Luckily, that sort of thing almost never happens with Linux; it has a reputation for being a very reliable operating system.

    technicalstuff In technical mumbo jumbo, Linux is a multiuser, multitasking operating system. Those terms just mean that Linux enables multiple users to log in, and each of those users can run more than one program at the same time. Nearly all operating systems are multiuser and multitasking these days, but when Linux started in 1993, multiuser and multitasking were big selling points.


    Linux runs on many types of computer systems, and there are so many distributions that it does seem able to run on nearly any type of computer.

    Linus Torvalds and other programmers developed Linux for the Intel 80x86 (and compatible) line of processors. This book covers Linux for Intel 80x86 and Pentium processors (known as the IA32 architecture processors, or i386, because they support the instruction set of the 80386 processor).

    Nowadays, Linux is also available for systems based on other processors as well, and IBM has released its own version of Linux for its zSeries mainframes. Several popular Linux distributions, including Ubuntu and Fedora, can even be run on Sony’s PlayStation video game system.

    Linux distributions

    A Linux distribution consists of the Linux kernel (the operating system) and a collection of applications together with an easy-to-use installation program.

    tip Most people just say Linux to refer to a specific Linux distribution.

    Many Linux distributions are available, and each includes the standard Linux operating system and the following major packages:

    The X Window System: It’s the graphical user interface.

    One or more graphical desktops: Among the most popular are GNOME and KDE Plasma.

    A selection of applications: Linux programs come in the form of ready-to-run software, but the source code (the commands we humans use to tell the computer what to do) is included (or available), as is its documentation.

    Current Linux distributions include a huge selection of software — so much that some distributions usually require multiple DVD-ROMs for installation.

    tip The development and maintenance of the Linux kernel, the software packages in a Linux distribution, and the Linux distributions themselves are organized as open-source projects. In a nutshell, open-source means access to the source code and the right to freely redistribute the software without any restrictions. The definition involves a lot more than this succinct note, however. To find out the details of what open-source means and the acceptable open-source licenses, you can visit the Open Source Initiative website at

    Table 1-1 lists a few major Linux distributions and gives a brief description of each one. Note, however, that many more Linux distributions exist than the ones shown in Table 1-1. To find out more about Linux distributions, visit at At that website, you can read up on specific distributions, as well as find links for downloading or ordering DVDs for specific distributions.

    TABLE 1-1 Major Linux Distributions

    As you can see from the brief descriptions in Table 1-1, some Linux distributions, such as Knoppix and MEPIS, are available in the form of Live media (USBs, CDs, or DVDs). A Live version includes a Linux kernel that you can boot and run directly from the USB, CD, or DVD without having to install it on your hard drive. Such Live distributions can be handy if you want to try a distribution before you decide whether to install it.

    Many Linux distributions are commercial products that you can buy online or in computer stores and bookstores. If you’ve heard about open-source and the GNU (which stands for GNU’s Not Unix) license, you may think that no one can sell Linux for profit. Luckily for companies that sell Linux distributions, the GNU license — also called the GNU General Public License (GPL) — does allow commercial, for-profit distribution (but requires that the software be distributed in source-code form) and stipulates that anyone may copy and distribute the software in source-code form to anyone else. Several Linux distributions are available free of charge under the GPL, which means that you can download as many copies of the OS as you like.

    Making sense of version numbers

    tip The Linux kernel — and each Linux distribution — has its own version number. Additional software programs (such as GNOME and KDE Plasma desktops) that come with the Linux distribution have their own version numbers as well. The version numbers for the Linux kernel and the Linux distributions are unrelated, but each has particular significance. Version numbers are in the form of three integers separated by periods — major.minor.patch, where major and minor are numbers denoting the major and minor version numbers, and patch is another number representing the patch level (for example 4.15.7).

    tip You can find out about the latest version of the Linux kernel online at

    Each version of a Linux distribution includes specific versions of the Linux kernel and other major components, such as GNOME, KDE, and various applications.

    The developers of active Linux distributions usually release new versions of their distribution on a regular basis — about every six to nine months. Ubuntu 17.10, for example, was released in October 2017; the next version was scheduled for release in April 2018. Typically, each new major version of a Linux distribution provides significant new features.

    distributionspecific Debian always has at least three releases at any time:

    Stable: Most users prefer this type of release because it’s the latest officially released distribution.

    Unstable: The developers are working on this release.

    Testing: The release contains packages that have gone through some testing but aren’t ready for inclusion in the stable release.

    Linux Standard Base (LSB)

    Linux has become important enough that it has a standard called the Linux Standard Base (LSB). LSB is a set of binary standards that should help reduce variations among the Linux distributions and promote portability of applications. The idea behind LSB is to provide an application binary interface so that software applications can run on any Linux (or other Unix) systems that conform to the LSB standard. The LSB specification references POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) standards as well as many other standards, such as the C and C++ programming language standards, the X Window System version 11 release 6 (X11R6), and the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS). LSB version 1.2 (commonly referred to as LSB 1.2) was released on June 28, 2002. LSB 2.0 was released on August 30, 2004, and LSB 4.0 was released on November 11, 2008. Version 4.1 followed on February 16, 2011, essentially removing Java; version 5.0, the most recent version, was released June 2, 2015.

    The LSB specification is organized into two parts: a common specification that remains the same across all types of processors and a set of hardware-specific specifications, one for each type of processor architecture. LSB 1.2, for example, has architecture-specific specifications for Intel 32-bit (IA32) and PowerPC 32-bit (PPC32) processors. LSB 1.3 adds a specification for the Intel 64-bit (IA64) architecture and IBM zSeries 31-bit (S/390) and 64-bit (S390X) processors, in addition to the ones for IA32 and PPC32. LSB 2.0 added a specification for the AMD 64-bit (AMD64 or X86_64) processors. LSB 4.0, which is the current specification, supports seven processor architectures: IA32, IA64, PPC32, PPC64 (64-bit PowerPC), S390, S390X, and X86_64.

    An LSB certification program exists. Several Linux distributions are certified to be LSB-compliant, IA32 runtime environments. To discover more about LSB, visit

    Contents of a Linux Distribution

    A Linux distribution comes with the Linux kernel and a lot more software. These software packages include everything from graphical desktops to Internet servers to programming tools for creating new software. In this section, I briefly describe some major software packages that are bundled with typical Linux distributions. Without this bundled software, Linux wouldn’t be as popular as it is today.


    GNU is a recursive acronym that stands for GNU’s Not Unix. Richard Stallman launched the GNU Project in 1984 to develop a complete Unix-like operating system. The GNU Project developed nearly everything needed for a complete operating system except the operating-system kernel.

    All GNU software was distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). GPL essentially requires the software to be distributed in source-code form and stipulates that any user may copy, modify, and distribute the software to anyone else in source-code form. Users may have to pay for their individual copies of GNU software, however.

    The Free Software Foundation is a tax-exempt charity that raises funds for work on the GNU Project. To find out more about the GNU Project, visit its home page at The home page is also where you can find information about how to contact the Free Software Foundation and how to help the GNU Project.

    GNU software

    At the heart of a Linux distribution is a collection of software that came from the GNU Project (see the nearby sidebar). You get to know these GNU utilities only if you use your Linux system through a text terminal: basic command-line interface that doesn’t use onscreen visuals but instead shows a prompt at which you type your commands. (Alternatively, you could use a graphical window that mimics a text terminal and still use GNU utilities.) The GNU software is a basic part of any Linux distribution.

    As a Linux user, you may not realize the extent to which all Linux distributions rely on GNU software. Nearly all the tasks you perform in a Linux system involve one or more GNU software packages. The GNOME graphical user interface (GUI) and the command interpreter (that is, the bash shell), for example, are both GNU software programs. By the way, the shell is the command-interpreter application that accepts the commands you type and then runs programs in response to those commands. If you rebuild the kernel or develop software, you do so with the GNU C and C++ compiler (which is part of the GNU software that accompanies Linux). If you edit text files with the ed or emacs editor, again, you’re using a GNU software package. The list goes on and on.

    technicalstuff Table 1-2 lists some well-known GNU software packages that come with most Linux distributions. Depending on your interests, you may never need to use many of these packages, but knowing what they are in case you ever do need them is a good idea.

    TABLE 1-2 Well-Known GNU Software Packages

    GUIs and applications

    Face it — typing cryptic Linux commands on a terminal is boring. For average users, using the system through a graphical user interface (GUI, pronounced GOO-ee) — one that gives you icons to click and windows to open — is much easier. This case is where the X Window System, or X, comes to the rescue.

    X is kind of like Microsoft Windows, but the underlying details of how X works are different from those of Windows. X provides the basic features of displaying windows onscreen, but unlike Microsoft Windows, it doesn’t come with any specific look or feel for graphical applications. That look and feel come from GUIs such as GNOME and KDE’s Plasma, which use the X Window System.

    Most Linux distributions come with the X Window System in the form of XFree86 or X.Org X11, which are implementations of the X Window System for 80x86 systems. XFree86 and X.Org X11 work with a wide variety of video cards available for today’s PCs.

    technicalstuff Until early 2004, XFree86 from the XFree86 Project ( was the most commonly used X Window System implementation for x86 systems. Around version 4.4, however, some changes in the XFree86 licensing terms caused concerns for many Linux and Unix vendors, who felt that the licensing terms were no longer compatible with the GNU GPL. In January 2004, several vendors formed the X.Org Foundation ( to promote continued development of an open-source X Window System and graphical desktop. The first release of X.Org X11 uses the same code that was used by XFree86 4.4, up until the time when the XFree86 license changes precipitated the creation of the X.Org Foundation.

    As for the GUI, Linux distributions include one or two powerful GUI desktops: KDE (K Desktop Environment) and GNOME (GNU Object Model Environment). If both GNOME and KDE are installed on a PC, you can choose which desktop you want to use as the default or switch between the two. KDE and GNOME provide desktops similar to those of Microsoft Windows and the macOS. GNOME also comes with the Nautilus graphical shell, which makes finding files, running applications, and configuring your Linux system easy. With GNOME or KDE, you can begin using your Linux workstation without having to know cryptic Linux commands. If you ever need to use those commands directly, however, all you have to do is open a terminal window and type the commands at the prompt.

    Linux also comes with many graphical applications. One of the most noteworthy programs is the GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program), a program for working with photos and other images. The GIMP’s capabilities are on a par with those of Adobe Photoshop.

    Although Linux used to lack in providing common productivity software such as word processing, spreadsheet, and database applications, this situation has changed. Linux now has no shortage of Linux office applications that are compatible with Microsoft Office and other productivity suites.


    Linux comes with everything you need to use the system on networks to exchange data with other systems. On networks, computers that exchange data must follow well-defined rules, or protocols. A network protocol is a method that the sender and receiver agree on for exchanging data across a network. Such a protocol is similar to the rules you might follow when you’re having a polite conversation with someone at a party. You typically start by saying hello, exchanging names, and then taking turns talking. That’s about the same way network protocols work. The two computers use the same protocol to send bits and bytes back and forth across the network.

    One of the best-known (and most popular) network protocols is Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). TCP/IP is the protocol of choice on the Internet — the network of networks that spans the globe. Linux supports the TCP/IP protocol and any network applications that use TCP/IP.

    Internet servers

    Some popular network applications are designed to deliver information from one system to another. When you send electronic mail (email) or visit websites by using a web browser, you use these network applications (also called Internet services). Here are some common Internet services:

    Electronic mail (email), which you use to send messages to any other person on the Internet by using addresses such as [email protected]

    World Wide Web (or, simply, the web), which you browse by using a web browser

    File transfer utilities, which you can use to upload and download files

    Remote login, which you use to connect to and work with another computer (the remote computer) on the Internet, assuming that you have the username and password required to access that remote computer

    Any Linux PC can offer these Internet services. To do so, the PC must be connected to the Internet, and it must run special server software called Internet servers. Each server uses a specific protocol for transferring information. Here are some common Internet servers that you find in Linux:

    sendmail is a mail server for exchanging email messages between systems by using SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).

    Apache httpd is the web server for sending documents from one system to another by using HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol).

    vsftpd is the server for transferring files between computers on the Internet by using FTP (File Transfer Protocol).

    in.telnetd allows a user on one system to log in to another system on the Internet by using the Telnet protocol.

    sshd allows a user on one system to log in securely to another system on the Internet by using the SSH (Secure Shell) protocol.

    Software development

    Linux is particularly well suited to software development. Straight out the box, it’s chock-full of software-development tools, such as the compiler and libraries of code needed to build programs. If you happen to know Unix and the C programming language, you’ll feel right at home programming in Linux.

    As far as the development environment goes, Linux has the same basic tools (such as an editor, a compiler, and a debugger) that you might use on other Unix workstations, such as those from IBM, Sun Microsystems, and HP.

    tip If you work by day on one of these Unix workstations, you can use a Linux PC in the evening at home to duplicate that development environment at a fraction of the cost. Then you can either complete work projects at home or devote your time to software that you write for fun and to share on the Internet.


    These features make Linux a productive software-development environment:

    GNU C compiler (gcc): Compiles ANSI-standard C programs.

    GNU C++ compiler (g++): Supports ANSI-standard C++ features.

    GNU compiler for Java (gcj): Compiles programs written in the Java programming language.

    GNU make utility: Enables you to compile and link large programs.

    GNU debugger (gdb): Enables you to step through your program to find problems and determine where and how a program failed. (The failed program’s memory image is saved in the core file; gdb can examine this file.)

    GNU profiling utility (gprof): Enables you to determine the degree to which a piece of software uses your computer’s processor time.

    Subversion, Concurrent Versions System (CVS), and Revision Control System (RCS): Maintain version information and controls access to the source files so that two programmers don’t inadvertently modify the same source file at the same time.

    GNU emacs editor: Prepares source files and even launches a compile-link process to build the program.

    Perl: Enables you to write scripts to accomplish a specific task, tying together many smaller programs with Linux commands.

    Tool Command Language and its graphical toolkit (Tcl/Tk): Enable you to build graphical applications rapidly.

    Python: Enables you to write code in an interpreted programming language comparable to Perl and Tcl. (The Fedora Core installation program, called anaconda, is written in Python, for example.)

    Dynamically linked, shared libraries: Allow your actual program files to be much smaller because all the library code that several programs may need is shared, with only one copy loaded in the system’s memory.

    Online documentation

    As you become more adept at using Linux, you may want to look up information quickly — without having to turn the pages of (ahem) this great book, for example. Luckily, Linux comes with enough online information to jog your memory in those situations when you vaguely recall a command’s name but can’t remember the syntax you’re supposed to type.

    If you use Linux commands, you can view the manual page — commonly referred to as the man page — for a command by using the man command. (You do have to remember that command to access online help.)

    You can also get help from the GUI desktops. Both GNOME and KDE desktops come with help viewers to view online help information. Most distributions include a help option on the desktop menu or a help icon on the desktop that you can use to get online help. Then you can browse the help information by clicking the links in the initial help window. Figure 1-1 shows a typical help window from Ubuntu’s desktop.

    FIGURE 1-1: Online help is available from the GUI desktop.

    Managing Your PC with Linux

    tip As an operating system, Linux acts as the intermediary through which you — as the lord of the system — manage all the hardware. The hardware includes the system box, the monitor, the keyboard, the mouse, and anything else connected to the system box. The catch-all term peripheral refers to any equipment attached to the system. If you use a laptop computer, all your hardware is packaged into the laptop.

    Inside that system box is the system’s brain: the microprocessor (Intel Pentium 4, for example), also called the CPU, which performs the instructions contained in a computer program. When the microprocessor runs a computer program, that program’s instructions are stored in the memory, or RAM (random-access memory). RAM means that any part of the memory can be accessed randomly, in any order.

    The system box has another crucial component: the hard drive (or hard disk, as it’s sometimes called). The hard drive is the permanent storage space for computer programs and data; it’s permanent in the sense that the contents don’t disappear when you power off the PC. The hard drive is organized into files, which are in turn organized in a hierarchical fashion into directories and subdirectories (somewhat like papers organized in folders inside the drawers of a file cabinet).

    To keep a Linux system running properly, you (or someone else) must make sure that the hardware is working properly and that the files are backed up regularly. There’s also the matter of security, making sure that only legitimate people can access and use the system. These tasks are called system administration.

    If you use Linux at a big facility with many computers, a full-time system administrator probably takes care of all system-administration tasks. On the other hand, if you run Linux on a home PC, you are the system administrator. Don’t let the thought frighten you. You don’t have to know any magic incantations or prepare cryptic configuration files to be a system administrator. Most Linux distributions include many graphical tools that make system administration a point-and-click job, just like running any other application.

    Distribution media

    Some Linux distributions come on a single DVD-ROM or require you to create it from files downloaded from a site. After installation, the Linux kernel and all the applications are stored on your hard drive, which is where your PC looks first when you tell it to do something.

    Typically, the hard drive is prepared to use Linux during the installation process. After that, you usually leave the hard drive alone except to back up the data stored there or (occasionally) to install and update applications.

    Using USB drives or DVD-ROMs in Linux is easy. While you’re logged in at the GNOME or KDE desktop, just pop a DVD into the drive or a thumb drive into the USB port, and the system should automatically detect the media. Depending on the Linux distribution, a DVD/CD-ROM icon appears on the desktop, or a file manager opens and displays the contents of the DVD/CD-ROM. If all else fails, you can type a simple mount command to associate the media with a directory on your system. The process of accessing the files on a device from Linux is called mounting the CD or the DVD.

    Peripheral devices

    Anything connected to your PC is a peripheral device, as are some components (such as sound cards) that are installed inside the system box. You can configure and manage these peripheral devices in Linux.

    One common peripheral is a printer, typically hooked up to the USB (Universal Serial Bus) or parallel port of your PC. (Many distributions come with a graphical printer configuration tool that you can use to configure the printer.)

    Another peripheral device that needs configuration is the sound card. Most Linux distributions detect and configure sound cards, just as Windows does. If Linux can’t detect the sound card correctly, you may have to run a text mode or graphical tool to configure the sound card.

    Linux configures other peripheral devices, such as the mouse and keyboard, at the time of installation. You can pretty much leave them alone after installation.

    Nowadays, PCs come with the USB interface; many devices, including printers and scanners, plug into a PC’s USB port.

    tip One nice feature of USB devices is that you can plug them into the USB port and unplug them at any time; the device doesn’t have to be connected when you power up the system. These devices are called hot-plug because you can plug in a device when the system is hot, meaning while it’s running. Linux supports many hot-plug USB devices. When you plug a device into the USB port, Linux loads the correct driver and makes the device available to applications.

    File systems and sharing

    The entire organization of directories and files is the file system. You can manage the file system by using Linux. When you browse the files from the GNOME or KDE graphical desktop, you work with the familiar folder icons.

    remember A key task in caring for a file system is backing up important files. In Linux, you can use the tar program to archive one or more directories on a USB drive or on other media. You can even back up files on a tape (if you have a tape drive). If you have a CD or DVD burner, you can also burn a CD or DVD with the files you want to back up or save for posterity.

    Linux can share parts of the file system with other systems on a network. You can use the Network File System (NFS) to share files across the network, for example. To a user on the system, the remote system’s files appear to be in a directory on the local system.

    Linux also comes with the Samba package, which supports file sharing with Microsoft Windows systems. Samba makes a Linux system work just like a Windows file or print server. You can also access shared folders on other Windows systems on your network.


    Now that most PCs are linked in a local-area network (LAN) or connected to the Internet, you need to manage your connection to the network as well. Linux comes with a network configuration tool to set up the LAN. For connecting to the Internet with a modem, there’s usually a GUI Internet dial-up tool.

    If, like many users, you connect to the Internet with a DSL or cable modem, you need a PC with an Ethernet card that connects to the cable or DSL modem. You also have to set up a LAN and configure the Ethernet card. Fortunately, these steps typically are part of Linux installation. If you want to do the configurations later, you can by using a GUI network configuration tool.

    Linux also includes tools for configuring a firewall, which is a protective buffer that helps keep your system relatively secure from anyone trying to snoop over your Internet connection. You can configure the firewall by using iptables commands or by running a GUI firewall-configuration tool.

    Getting Started

    Based on my experience in exploring new subjects, I prescribe a four-step process to get started with Linux (and with Linux All-in-One For Dummies):

    Install Linux on your PC (as shown in Book 1, which is this one).

    Configure Linux so that everything works to your liking (as shown in Book 1).

    Explore the GUI desktops and the applications (as shown in Book 2).

    Find out the details of specific subjects, such as Internet servers (as shown in Book 4).

    In the rest of this chapter, I explain this prescription a bit more.

    Step 1: Install

    Microsoft Windows usually comes installed on your new PC, but Linux usually doesn’t, so your first task is getting Linux on your PC. Although some vendors now offer Linux preinstalled, that situation is still a rarity.

    After you overcome the initial human fear of the unknown, I’ll bet that you find Linux fairly easy to install. But where do you get it in the first place? The good news is that it’s easy to find online. Book 1 shows you how to install Linux step by step.

    warning A typical complete Linux distribution is huge, but if you have good bandwidth, Linux is free to download. You can visit the Linux Online website at, for example, and click the Download button.

    Step 2: Configure

    When you finish installing Linux, the next step is configuring individual system components (such as the sound card and the printer) and tweaking any needed settings. Book 1 shows how to configure the nooks and crannies of Linux.

    tip If you aren’t getting a graphical login screen, the X Window System may not have been configured correctly during installation. You have to fix the X configuration file for the GUI to work.

    You may want to configure your GUI desktop of choice: GNOME or KDE (or both). Each desktop has configuration tools, which you can use to adjust the look and feel of the desktop (background, title fonts, or even the entire color scheme). Book 2 shows you how to make your desktop even more your own.

    When you’re through with configuration, all the hardware on your system and the applications should run to your liking.

    Step 3: Explore

    With a properly configured Linux PC at your disposal, you’re ready to explore Linux itself. You can begin the process from the GUI desktop — GNOME or KDE — that you see after logging in. Look at the GUI desktops and the folders and files that make up the Linux file system, as discussed in Book 2. You can also try the applications from the desktop. You find office and multimedia applications and Internet applications to explore.

    Also try the shell: Open a terminal window and type some Linux commands in that window. You can also explore the text editors that work in text mode, as covered in Book 2. Knowing how to edit text files without the GUI, just in case the GUI isn’t available, is a good idea. At least you won’t be helpless.

    Step 4: Find out more

    After you explore the Linux landscape and know what’s what, you can dig deeper and find out more about specific subject areas. You may be interested in setting up Internet servers, for example. Then you can find out the details on setting up individual servers, such as sendmail for email, and Apache for a web server as covered in Book 4.

    You can find out about areas such as security, scripting, and system administration in Books 5, 6, and 7.

    You can expect this step to go on and on, of course, even after you have your system running the way you want it — for now. After all, learning is a lifelong journey.

    Bon voyage!

    Chapter 2

    Installing Linux


    check Performing installation

    check Checking the hardware

    check Reserving hard drive space for Linux

    check Trying the Ubuntu Live CD

    check Installing Linux on an external drive

    Most of the PCs sold today come with Microsoft Windows preinstalled on them instead of Linux. Although this arrangement makes computers easier for the masses to use out of the box, it means that if you want to use Linux, you usually have to install it yourself.

    You may feel a tad worried about installing a new operating system on your PC because the process is a bit like brain surgery — or like grafting a new brain, because you can install Linux in addition to Microsoft Windows. When you install two operating systems, you can choose to start one or the other when you power up the PC. The biggest headache in adding Linux to a PC with Windows is creating a new disk partition, which means setting aside a part of the hard drive for Linux. The rest of the installation is routine — a matter of following the instructions. If you want to try any of the Live media versions, you don’t have to do any disk partitioning; just boot your PC from the Live DVD/CD/flash drive. But first, take a deep breath and exhale slooowwwly. You have nothing to worry about.

    Following the Installation Steps

    Installing any Linux distribution involves several steps, and I walk you through them briefly, without details. Then you can follow the detailed steps for the specific distributions and install what you want.

    distributionspecific Some Linux distributions require you to have quite a bit of information about your PC’s hardware on hand before installation. If you plan to install Debian, gather information about your PC and its peripheral components before starting the installation. Luckily, most Linux installation programs can detect and work with most PC peripherals. Nevertheless, it’s a good idea to figure out your PC’s hardware so that you can troubleshoot in case something goes wrong with the installation.

    The very first step is burning the media for your distribution. You can burn DVDs or CDs on any system that has an appropriate burner. (You must have a DVD burner if you want to burn a DVD, but a DVD burner can burn both CDs and DVDs.) Typically, if you already have a Windows PC with a CD/DVD burner, you can simply use that system to burn the CDs.

    remember The second step is making sure that your PC can boot from the drive where the media will be. Most new PCs can boot directly from the DVD/CD drive, but some PCs may require your intervention. Typically, the PC may be set to boot from the hard drive before the DVD/CD drive, and you have to get into Setup to change the order of boot devices.

    To set up a PC to boot from the DVD drive, you have to go into Setup as the PC powers up. The exact steps for entering Setup and setting the boot device vary from one PC to

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