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How to Become the Ultimate Decision-Maker
How to Become the Ultimate Decision-Maker
How to Become the Ultimate Decision-Maker
Ebook49 pages32 minutes

How to Become the Ultimate Decision-Maker

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About this ebook

Have you ever been stuck on a decision in your life? Of course you have!

Each and every person might have his/her own way of making a choice and this leads to a belief that there isn’t one single way or process in order to reach that choice.

Well hold on to that thought!

In this guide I will attempt to provide you with a procedure to help you reach the right and informed decision and I will even provide a DIRECT MATHEMATICAL FORMULA that will show you how good your decision actually is!

Release dateJun 13, 2018
How to Become the Ultimate Decision-Maker

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    How to Become the Ultimate Decision-Maker - Firas Aridi



    You’re probably reading this article right now because you are burdened by having to make a choice or a decision in your life and you just can’t seem to know what to do.

    This sucks! right?

    Throughout our daily life, we are faced with many situations that force us to make a choice or a decision and most of the times these situations are very uncomfortable to us as human beings. There is always that fear of making the wrong decision and having to deal with its effects on our lives and the regret that follows that decision.

    Whether it’s deciding between a burger or a pizza or whether to change our career, we as human beings can be pretty indecisive. The point is that it doesn’t matter how important the decision is, but what matters is making the right one.

    Now, you’re probably thinking that what I’m saying is true and you can very much relate to it.

    Each and every person might have his/her own way of making a choice and this leads to a belief that there isn’t one single way or process in order to reach that choice.

    Well hold on to that thought!

    Types of decisions

    Every day we are faced with multiple decisions and most of those decisions can be thought of as no-brainers and their consequences are probably not that tough and don’t even require you to break a sweat, but what about the big decisions? What about those decisions that can completely change the course of your life? What about their consequences?

    Should I move? Am I in the right relationship? Which job offer should I take?

    Each one of us has faced at least one of those big decisions in our lives and this led to a series of sleepless nights and multiple episodes of overthinking that wreaked havoc on our minds. Let me tell you that there have been times where I’ve spent whole days thinking and evaluating my situation in order to make my decisions. The amount of stress was unbearable and that prevented me from functioning properly throughout my day. Hell, sometimes I wasn’t even functioning!

    Throughout the decision making process, we sometimes hit rock bottom and just wish for some heavenly or godly instructions to guide us in the right direction because we simply can’t do this on our own.

    Well, throughout this article I might not be able to provide you with those heavenly instructions but I will guide you through a process that will surely lead you to the right and informed decision.

    The techniques

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