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How to Trade Using Easy End of Day Signals
How to Trade Using Easy End of Day Signals
How to Trade Using Easy End of Day Signals
Ebook137 pages2 hours

How to Trade Using Easy End of Day Signals

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If I could introduce you to a far superior stress-free and relaxed approach to investing and trading that yields less risk and much more reward potential than the rapid paced and mentally draining high frequency trading intraday strategies would you want to do it? If you could make an unlimited amount of money and not have to be in front of your workstation while you are doing it would you be down for that?

What you will learn in How to Trade using easy End of Day Signals will fast track your knowledge of what you need to know to get started learning. You can perhaps go from knowing 0 to trading and making real money in the live markets in as little as 30 days to a couple of months if you do what it says in this book and only look at daily charts to work from. The daily chart time frame is the easiest to learn as a beginner and may well take you less or more time depending on how fast you grasp the basic principles of this book and how fast you can employ them in a live market environment the sooner you "get it" the sooner you will begin making an unlimited income from trading.

The better prepared you are, the more money you will make. Unfortunately brand new traders make it hard on themselves by having unrealistic expectations upon entering the business. They also do not know how short their learning curve could be if they just do it right from the start and have the right information to work with. You could be making real money in as little as 30 days if you just learn trading right.

How to Trade using easy End of Day Signals details a lot of what the brand new traders need to know right away to be able to make real money right away. It is completely up to you to learn this business the right way, will you?

PublisherJ. Bosanko
Release dateApr 29, 2018
How to Trade Using Easy End of Day Signals

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    Book preview

    How to Trade Using Easy End of Day Signals - J. Bosanko

    How to Trade Using Easy End of Day Signals

    Easy to learn Low Risk High Profit Trading Method

    By J. Bosanko

    Copyright 2018

    Brand new traders beware

    It is huge step when you make the decision to become a financial market trader. Most brand new traders are getting into this business because they think they can make quick money and become rich beyond their dreams and while that could happen and may be true, it is not as easy as one thinks and certainly will not happen as soon as one thinks.

    New people most of the time have not done their research and have no idea they are entering a business where there are people in the live market who will walk over dead bodies to make money. They are entering a business where the smart money in the business are looking to drain your trading account on a daily basis and most of the time they do because new people come into the business unprepared or at best under prepared as well as underfunded, don’t be that trader!

    New traders have no clue who is in control of the markets or when they are in control. The people who are in control of the market take advantage of the sheeple of herd as I call them on a daily basis day in day out in the live markets.

    The smart money is looking to drain the new traders account and transfer it from the new traders account to the smart money’s account. They don’t care if you lose all your money to them, it is nothing personal, they don’t know you, and they don’t care if you are having a bad day in the market, it is just business as usual. The business of making money with money and most of the time it is your money.

    The sheeple of the herd traders who focus on the prize tend to lose money and never achieve their goal are the ones who provide income and revenue for the smart money and the professional traders who have done the proper amount of education and training and are able to spot the sheeple of the herd traders making their same mistakes in the live markets over and over and over again.

    It is beautiful because there is a never ending supply of these new sheeple coming into the business on a daily basis. It is a never ending supply of new money coming into the market to transfer into the account of the professionals and the smart money. It is the best business in the world to be in as far as I am concerned, a never ending supply of money to make? I mean who doesn’t want to be in that kind of business right?

    By buying this book you have taken the first step needed to end up in the group that achieves consistent low risk profits on a daily basis, the professionals and the smart money. If you are not ready to take that step yet then you may be a part of the group called the sheeple of the herd that provides those profits. While that may seem like a harsh statement, and knowing that your hard-earned money is at risk, I think it's important to point out the realities of how markets work right up front.

    The biggest thing that almost all new traders get wrong is their expectations of what kind of money they can make in the market to begin with as a brand new trader. I will tell you right now in case you don’t know; it won’t be much, if anything, and most likely you will lose some of your startup capital. Why does this happen to every brand new trader who enters the business? Most of the time it is because they have not taken the proper amount of time to really do their homework and answer all of the questions they need to about themselves before they start their trading business.

    New traders tend to complicate things for themselves in the beginning by trying to absorb too much information at one time. If you are reading this book for the first time, trust me when I say, you cannot learn it all at one time or in a short amount of time, this business takes a good while to learn how to do the right way. If you are not going to have the time or want to dedicate the time to learning this business the right way from day one I strongly encourage you to look into another profession.

    It is not about how much you know in this business but about the quality of what you know. Instead of learning it the simple way and keeping things very simple brand new traders tend to over complicate their learning by trying to learn and use all the indicators in the universe. They put all the pretty colored indicators on their charts thinking that they are going to become better traders and make lots of money by having them on the chart, nothing could be further from the truth actually!

    This book is going to detail a lot of what the brand new traders need to know right away to be able to make real money right away. It is completely up to you to learn this business the right way, will you?


    Table of Contents

    Brand new traders beware

    Know "why" you want to do trading before you do it

    New traders cost themselves a lot of money from expensive mistakes – don’t be that trader!

    You can only get rich from trading with strict money management rules – do you have them?

    Plan your trading education around your goals from your trading business

    You must be able to read price action on a chart and then build it out

    Get your ego out of your trading before you use real money

    The easiest market movement method to learn and make unlimited money

    The best trading method for making an unlimited income from trading

    Compose a rule based trading plan for your business – then stick to it

    Know who you are competing against then develop an edge to beat them

    Develop and have a kill everyone trading mentality

    My final advice to beginners

    Bonus chapters

    Front running the smart money

    Develop a "smart plan" then implement it

    3 things that will help you win more trades – large PM, correlation, confluence in signals

    Bonus section

    Extra links



    Know why you want to do trading before you do it

    Begin with the end in mind I always say. There are a lot of things to consider when thinking about becoming a professional market investor and trader. You are the one who is making the decision to get into the futures trading and investing business, no one is making you do it. It is a big step for someone to take the plunge into the world of making money with money. One has to look inside one’s self and ask some very hard questions before they start driving their own money train down the tracks to riches in the live markets.

    It is very important to have figured out what your ultimate goals are before you step foot into the markets with your hard earned real money. Questions I ask new people are: are you trading for short term income or long term wealth building? Are you trying to build up your account balance to be able to take on more risk and trade larger size? I ask them why they want to do this business. I ask them if they know what their goals for the long term are and if they are thinking with a long term perspective.

    If a new investor or trader cannot answer these questions right away I just encourage them to stay out of the live markets until they can answer them and be honest. I also will ask them how much capital they plan to enter the live markets to work with. There is no point in trying to enter the live markets with scared money.

    Here are some of the main things you need to ask yourself and have made a decision on before you get going. Are you trading for short term income? Are you trading to build up an account balance so you can start trading multiple shares, lots or contracts? Are you trading for long term wealth goals and/or retirement and wish to be a buy and hold type of investor?

    What kind of investor or trader do you desire to be? You should know this before beginning this business. Figure out what style of investing or trading suits your personality the best. Do you want to day trade, swing trade, or position trade? What kind of time are you looking to put in on a daily basis? What kind of returns are you looking at monetarily? Are you the type of person who has a lot of time to devote to looking at charts in the live market to be a day trader? While I do not recommend day trading, it is possible; however, it requires a lot of time, preparation and a large amount capital. I know very few successful day traders.

    While I do not recommend day trading, it is possible; however, it requires a lot of time, preparation and a large amount capital. I know very few successful day traders. But if you are going to try it, How to Trade using easy End of Day Signals will tell you how you can do it with as little as $500 to start off.

    There are only a few different ways to be a market speculator - which way is best for you? You would either become an intraday trader, a swing trader or position trader. Do you like action? Maybe you want to be a scalper and get in and out of trades very quickly and take many trades in one day. You need a speedy internet connection for this type of trading.

    I am sorry to inform you that there is no such thing as scalping unless you are an algorithm. Are you an algorithm? I think not! Even if you could scalp you would need to be using an account size of five hundred thousand dollars or more to make it worth the costs that you would incur doing that type of trading. Don’t be a kook and try it because as a retail trader you will lose all of your freakin money. ALLLLL OOOOOF ITTTTTT!

    If you want to swing trade, you will need to have the capital in your account to handle the overnight margin requirement of whatever your chosen instrument is to work in. CAUTION: If you are new and have to use leverage to trade, you just shouldn’t trade. Stay out until you have sufficient capital to go into the market and be able to have a chance to make money.

    You can also become a position investor and trader and keep positions for a long term time horizon. Most position investors and traders are in a position for months and sometimes years. These are the most successful consistently profitable money making investors and traders in the business. It is this type of investing and trading which over the long term makes the most amount of money.

    One of the reasons this type of investing and trading is so profitable is because the expenses associated with this type of market action are low

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