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Emotional Intelligence: The Definitive Guide to Understanding Your Emotions, How to Improve Your EQ and Your Relationships: Emotional Intelligence Series, #1
Emotional Intelligence: The Definitive Guide to Understanding Your Emotions, How to Improve Your EQ and Your Relationships: Emotional Intelligence Series, #1
Emotional Intelligence: The Definitive Guide to Understanding Your Emotions, How to Improve Your EQ and Your Relationships: Emotional Intelligence Series, #1
Ebook59 pages56 minutes

Emotional Intelligence: The Definitive Guide to Understanding Your Emotions, How to Improve Your EQ and Your Relationships: Emotional Intelligence Series, #1

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Mindfulness

  • Personal Growth

  • Self-Awareness

  • Anger Management

  • Mentor

  • Fall From Grace

  • Misunderstood Genius

  • Power of Empathy

  • Importance of Self-Reflection

  • Power of Positivity

  • Power of Self-Awareness

  • Struggle for Control

  • Dangers of Addiction

  • Value of Empathy

  • Analyzing People

  • Stoicism

  • Hygge

  • Empath

  • Feedback

About this ebook

Do you possess all the qualities required to succeed at work?

Do you have what it takes to build fulfilling, gratifying and rewarding personal relationships?

What if you were told there is a super power that exists within all of us to help us enjoy more satisfying personal and professional relationships?

The secret sauce for building solid personal and business relationships is unfortunately not what we learn in educational institutes. It isn’t technical expertise or fancy degrees or knowledge. The most crucial factor for success in life is an attribute called Emotional Intelligence.

The best part is, unlike intelligence quotient, you can actually go ahead and increase your Emotional Quotient with some of the most powerful emotional competency building strategies.

Emotional Intelligence: The Definitive Guide to Understanding Your Emotions, How to Improve Your EQ and Your Relationships tells you everything you want to know about emotional intelligence including -

-Introduction and Origins of the Concept of Emotional Intelligence

- Difference between Intelligence Quotient and Emotional Intelligence

- Solid Benefits of Emotional Intelligence

- Proven Strategies for Boosting Your Emotional Intelligence

- Tons of Real Life Examples of Emotional Intelligence

and much more. 

PublisherRyan James
Release dateApr 14, 2018
Emotional Intelligence: The Definitive Guide to Understanding Your Emotions, How to Improve Your EQ and Your Relationships: Emotional Intelligence Series, #1

Ryan James

Ryan James is an author who's passionate about Human Psychology.He believes that by understanding our brain and our emotions, why we do what we do, we are better equipped to deal with the various challenges we encounter in life.In his books, Ryan provides practical steps to improve all aspects of your life including, health, fitness, work, productivity, confidence, relationships and more. He focuses on providing actionable steps rather than hyped up strategies that rarely work in the real-world. you'll find that his books are easy to follow and easy to implement.When he's not helping his clients become the best version of themselves, you will either find him at the rock climbing gym or at home with his family making his favorite guacamole recipe.

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    Jun 20, 2023

    I thought this was a great book. It's short and concise. It is very instructional.

Book preview

Emotional Intelligence - Ryan James

Chapter 1: Introduction to Emotional Intelligence

There’s no escaping the concept of emotional intelligence in today’s age. It has suddenly gained a massive momentum everywhere from large corporations to relationship counseling to schools and government agencies. Emotional intelligence is the new psychological health buzzword, and with good reason. It defines your emotional health and interpersonal skills, which are so vital for everyday existence.

The popular phrase was first coined by researchers Peter Salavoy and John Mayer. However, it became popular only in 1996 when researcher-psychologist Dan Goleman published a book titled, Emotional Intelligence. So what exactly is the concept of emotional intelligence and why is it such a clinching factor when it comes to choosing people for crucial roles and leading fulfilling personal relationships? Why is everyone feverishly looking for people with a high emotional quotient?

Emotional intelligence as described by Yale psychologist Peter Salovey and John Mayer from the University of New Hampshire is an understanding of one’s emotions, empathy for other’s feelings and regulation of emotion in a manner that enhances living. This concept was shortened to make the theory more chewable and interesting for lay people by Harvard psychologist and New York Times writer Daniel Goleman. His book Emotional Intelligence complied years of behavioral research on processing feelings. He broadened the definition of smartness, and sought to establish that brainpower, which is measured by standardized IQ tests may not matter as much as mental qualities when it came to predicting a person’s overall life success.

Goleman focused on the practical applications and how organizations can use this information to hire the right candidates, how couples could increase their chances of enjoying lasting relationships, how parents could help raise better children and how educational institutions could teach children more effectively.

Emotional Intelligence is the power to be aware of and recognize your emotions. It is the ability to correctly decipher your emotions and the impact they have on others around you. It is also about how you perceive the emotions of those around you and a high understanding about their feelings, which allows you to be a part of more fulfilling relationships.

In his path breaking book, Daniel Goleman focused on five predominant elements within the emotional intelligence framework, including self awareness, self regulation, motivation, empathy and social skills. Thus, emotional intelligence is an evolved understanding/awareness of not just your emotions but also those of others around you to manage relationships more effectively. No surprise then that emotional intelligence has overtaken other attributes such as skills, knowledge, and intelligence quotient when it comes to job recruitments. Everyone wants people with greater understanding, empathy and social skills to forge stronger

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