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Mi'kmaq and Maliseet cultural ancestral material: National collections from the Canadian Museum of Civilization
Mi'kmaq and Maliseet cultural ancestral material: National collections from the Canadian Museum of Civilization
Mi'kmaq and Maliseet cultural ancestral material: National collections from the Canadian Museum of Civilization
Ebook261 pages2 hours

Mi'kmaq and Maliseet cultural ancestral material: National collections from the Canadian Museum of Civilization

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Drawing on artifacts held in the collections of the Canadian Museum of History, this book provides a fascinating look at the richness of Mi’kmaq and Maliseet cultural practice, technological ingenuity and artistic expression.

Designed as a finding aid, this book will undoubtedly become a helpful resource for Aboriginal Peoples, scholars, teachers and the general public. Objects such as baskets, canoes, clothing, moccasins and tools are illustrated with full-colour photographs, and are accompanied by a brief text describing the object and its provenance. The result is a comprehensive reference tool for researchers and educators alike.
Release dateJan 1, 2005
Mi'kmaq and Maliseet cultural ancestral material: National collections from the Canadian Museum of Civilization

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