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Real Christianity
Real Christianity
Real Christianity
Ebook74 pages43 minutes

Real Christianity

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About this ebook

The Bible teaches us that we are to contend for the faith that was given to us once and for all (Jude 3). Many critics of the Christian faith have emerged. The essential tenets of Christianity are being challenged at many, if not most, prominent universities in the U. S. and abroad. Ministers in training at seminaries are being assailed with higher criticism and liberal theology. Films and TV shows have been created to undermine, and eventually destroy, faith in Christ and the veracity of the Bible. Christians are constantly being marginalized in the public square as they speak out on current issues from a Biblical perspective. I have written this short book to help shore up your faith in these difficult times. It is filled with Scripture so that you can find out what God really says about the Bible and its essential doctrines. My doctrinal perspective is based upon the Baptist Confession of Faith (1689). As someone who has studied the Bible for many years, I am constantly searching the Scriptures to see if what people are teaching is true as the Bereans did in Acts 17. I pray that you will, too!

PublisherTony Thomas
Release dateApr 5, 2018
Real Christianity

Tony Thomas

Tony Thomas has been a professional writer for over 40 years. He has written for Mix, Millimeter, AV/Video, Recording, Electronic Musician, Cleveland SCENE and others. He is currently the editor of blogs including Techtrends and The Frugal Fountain Pen. He is also a former broadcaster at WDOK, WQAL, Internet Radio DAER, Legato Cafe and other stations and a former advertising, marketing and public relations professional who worked for many major clients including McDonald's, Grumman-Flxible, Sprint, Plantronics, World Airways, Roland Corporation, Kawai Corporation, among others. More on Tony at:

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    Book preview

    Real Christianity - Tony Thomas


    By Tony Thomas

    Version 1.2


    Copyright 2015-2020

    Tony Thomas/ZOEPROJECT

    All Rights Reserved

    A Zoeproject Book

    All Quotations Are From:

    The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®)

    Copyright © 2001 by Crossway,

    a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

    All rights reserved.

    ESV Text Edition: 2011


    The Bible teaches us that we are to contend for the faith that was given to us once and for all (Jude 3).

    Many critics of the Christian faith have emerged. The essential tenets of Christianity are being challenged at many, if not most, prominent universities in the U. S. and abroad. Ministers in training at seminaries are being assailed with higher criticism and liberal theology.

    Films and TV shows have been created to undermine, and eventually destroy, faith in Christ and the veracity of the Bible.

    Christians are constantly being marginalized in the public square as they speak out on current issues from a Biblical perspective.

    I have written this short book to help shore up your faith in these difficult times. It is filled with Scripture so that you can find out what God really says about the Bible and its essential doctrines. My doctrinal perspective is based upon the Baptist Confession of Faith (1689).

    As someone who has studied the Bible for many years, I am constantly searching the Scriptures to see if what people are teaching is true as the Bereans did in Acts 17.

    It is our hope and prayer that God will bless you richly as you study His Word.


    October 2015


    We must settle in our minds that there is a God, that the Word of God must certainly be true, absolutely infallible, and beyond all question. -- Charles Haddon Spurgeon

    The Bible Attacked

    The Bible is under attack. Critics have come out of the woodwork to assail its veracity and inerrancy. Some say that is no longer relevant and that we need to modify our beliefs to fit modern societal norms. Others say that it is full of errors and cannot be trusted.

    Writers like Dan Brown and Bart Ehrman have built formidable publishing platforms and churn out books that make even the most devoted Christian say: Has God really said...?

    As a result, it is time to blow the horn and sound an alert. We must be watchmen on the wall and defend the Bible against this onslaught.

    What is the Bible?

    The word Bible is derived from the Greek word biblia which means book. Actually, the Bible is a collection of 66 books written by 40 authors over a period of about 1600 years. The Old Testament is made up of 39 books and the New Testament has 27 books. The Bible has been considered the standard for faith and practice of the Christian church for over 2000 years. It contains history, prophecy, wisdom literature, poetry, songs and doctrine. To the Christian, the Bible is the Word of God.

    Why is it Important?

    The Bible is important because it is God's revelation to us, His creatures. It lets us know more about our Creator, His plan for mankind, the history of His followers and gives us a road map for our lives. Without it, we are devoid of vital information, including how we can please God and how we can obtain eternal life.

    What is its Message?

    The essential message of the Bible is God's plan for the redemption of the human race after the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden. The so called scarlet thread of redemption weaves

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