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Electron Beam-Specimen Interactions and Simulation Methods in Microscopy
Electron Beam-Specimen Interactions and Simulation Methods in Microscopy
Electron Beam-Specimen Interactions and Simulation Methods in Microscopy
Ebook474 pages4 hours

Electron Beam-Specimen Interactions and Simulation Methods in Microscopy

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A detailed presentation of the physics of electron beam-specimen interactions

Electron microscopy is one of the most widely used characterisation techniques in materials science, physics, chemistry, and the life sciences. This book examines the interactions between the electron beam and the specimen, the fundamental starting point for all electron microscopy. Detailed explanations are provided to help reinforce understanding, and new topics at the forefront of current research are presented. It provides readers with a deeper knowledge of the subject, particularly if they intend to simulate electron beam-specimen interactions as part of their research projects. The book covers the vast majority of commonly used electron microscopy techniques. Some of the more advanced topics (annular bright field and dopant atom imaging, atomic resolution chemical analysis, band gap measurements) provide additional value, especially for readers who have access to advanced instrumentation, such as aberration-corrected and monochromated microscopes.

Electron Beam-Specimen Interactions and Simulation Methods in Microscopy offers enlightening coverage of: the Monte-Carlo Method; Multislice Simulations; Bloch Waves in Conventional and Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy; Bloch Waves in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy; Low Energy Loss and Core Loss EELS. It also supplements each chapter with clear diagrams and provides appendices at the end of the book to assist with the pre-requisites.

  • A detailed presentation of the physics of electron beam-specimen interactions
  • Each chapter first discusses the background physics before moving onto simulation methods
  • Uses computer programs to simulate electron beam-specimen interactions (presented in the form of case studies)
  • Includes hot topics brought to light due to advances in instrumentation (particularly aberration-corrected and monochromated microscopes)

Electron Beam-Specimen Interactions and Simulation Methods in Microscopy benefits students undertaking higher education degrees, practicing electron microscopists who wish to learn more about their subject, and researchers who wish to obtain a deeper understanding of the subject matter for their own work.

Release dateMar 21, 2018
Electron Beam-Specimen Interactions and Simulation Methods in Microscopy

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    Electron Beam-Specimen Interactions and Simulation Methods in Microscopy - Budhika G. Mendis


    In writing this book, I have attempted to introduce electron beam scattering in the context of simulation methods, since the practicing microscopist is usually concerned with the latter. Despite the availability of user-friendly software, some understanding of the underlying physics is essential, both to ‘optimise’ the simulation and recognise its limitations and to correctly interpret and/or generalise the results. In highlighting applications, I have selected examples that have been made possible by the tremendous advances in instrumentation, such as aberration correction and monochromation. The examples are limited to those of general interest, that is, mainly imaging and spectroscopy. The field is, however, progressing rapidly and it is only a matter of time before electron beam simulation methods proliferate into new areas, such as time-resolved microscopy, in situ microscopy in gaseous and liquid environments and unconventional probes geometries in the form of vortex beams.

    The book is intended to be as self-contained as possible, with derivations provided for the main results. The level of mathematics and physics assumed is largely limited to graduate level calculus and quantum mechanics. Certain topics, such as Maxwell's equations, may need refreshing, and in such cases I have referenced some of the many excellent textbooks that are widely available. It is also assumed that the reader has some familiarity with electron microscopes and basic techniques, such as HREM, HAADF imaging and EDX, EELS spectroscopy.

    The interactions I have had over the years with colleagues and students have helped shape my own understanding of the subject. I am also grateful to Ian Jones, Mervyn Shannon, Rik Brydson, Alan Craven and Tom Lancaster for providing helpful comments on individual chapters. Finally, I would like to dedicate this effort to my parents, who have unconditionally supported me in my formative years.

    Budhika G. Mendis



    Electron beam scattering has had a long and distinguished history. Some of the essential physics was investigated even before the first electron microscope was built. The unsuspecting reader may find it surprising to come across familiar names such as Bethe, Bohr, Rutherford, Fermi and Mott in this book. While electron beam scattering is a mature theory its widespread use in electron microscopy measurements is arguably a more recent phenomenon. This is primarily due to two reasons. The first is the processing speed of modern computers; even a standard desktop computer can now produce useful results within a reasonable time and thankfully there are many software packages that take advantage of this. The second reason is the emergence of a new generation of electron microscopes that can resolve atom columns that are less than an angstrom apart, that have ∼10 meV energy resolution or less for measuring vibronic modes and that can record events separated in time by femtoseconds. With such a wealth of new information there is a strong emphasis on extracting quantitative information about the sample. Electron beam scattering calculations are often indispensable for correct data interpretation.

    Two examples help illustrate the advantages of combining experimental results with simulation. The first is using high angle annular dark field (HAADF) imaging in a scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) to characterise the interface in an AlAs–GaAs superlattice (Robb and Craven, 2008; Robb et al., 2012). Figure 1.1a shows the HAADF image of a [110]-oriented, epitaxial AlAs–GaAs superlattice acquired using an aberration corrected STEM. In this orientation the Group III–V elements are distributed as closely spaced (i.e. ∼1.4 Å) atom column pairs or ‘dumbbells’. The HAADF signal increases monotonically with the atomic number of the scattering element, so that using AlAs dumbbells as an example, the intensity of an As column is larger than that of Al. Figure 1.1b is a histogram of the background subtracted column intensity ratio values for all dumbbells in Figure 1.1a. The two prominent peaks are due to dumbbells in ‘bulk’ AlAs and ‘bulk’ GaAs respectively. However, there are also intermediate values for the column intensity ratio (arrowed region in Figure 1.1b) and further analysis reveals these to be due to dumbbells located at the AlAs–GaAs interface region (Robb and Craven, 2008). An interface ‘width’ can be defined based on the 5–95% variation in column intensity ratio across the interface. The interface width is found to be independent of the specimen thickness for superlattices grown on an AlAs substrate, but not on GaAs substrate.

    High-angle annular dark field HAADF STEM (scanning transmission electron microscope) image of a [110]-oriented, AlAs-GaAs superlattice.; b) A histogram showing the background subtracted column intensity ratio values for all dumbbells in (a).; c) Graphical illustration of plots experimental and multislice simulated values for the AlAs-GaAs interface width, as a function of specimen thickness.

    Figure 1.1 (a) HAADF STEM image of a [110]-oriented, AlAs–GaAs superlattice. The background subtracted column intensity ratio values for all dumbbells in (a) are shown in (b) as a histogram. (c) plots experimental and multislice simulated values for the AlAs–GaAs interface width, as defined from the column intensity ratio profile, as a function of specimen thickness. Supercells for the multislice simulation are constructed assuming a linear diffusion model and a more accurate diffusion model (Moison et al., 1989) valid for the AlAs–GaAs system. Results are shown for superlattices grown on GaAs (labelled ‘AlAs-on-GaAs’) and AlAs (labelled ‘GaAs-on-AlAs’) substrates respectively. (a) and (b)

    From Robb and Craven (2008). Reproduced with permission; copyright Elsevier. (c) From Robb et al. (2012). Reproduced with permission; copyright Elsevier.

    It is not clear if the interface width is due to chemical inter-diffusion, electron beam spreading within the sample or interfacial roughness. This can, however, be tested by constructing supercells representing the different scenarios and performing multislice simulations (Chapter 3). Figure 1.1c shows the simulated results for chemical diffusion. The interface width, as deduced from the column intensity ratio values, is plotted as a function of specimen thickness for a linear composition profile and a more realistic diffusion model valid for the AlAs–GaAs system (Moison et al., 1989). The latter accurately reproduces the experimental results, suggesting diffusion as a likely candidate. In fact, simulations for a saw tooth-shaped and smooth interface did not agree with experiment, so that interfacial roughness and beam spreading have only a secondary effect on the measurement (Robb et al., 2012).

    The second example is the use of electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) to extract the local electronic density of states for a silicon dopant atom in graphene (Ramasse et al., 2013). As illustrated in Figure 1.2a, the silicon atom can be incorporated either through direct substitution (i.e. threefold coordination) or as a fourfold coordinated atom in defect regions of the graphene sheet. The dopant atom can be readily identified using HAADF imaging in an aberration corrected STEM, taking advantage of the higher atomic number of silicon compared to carbon. The solid lines in Figure 1.2b are the Si L2,3-EELS edges measured from the two different dopant atom configurations. Owing to the nature of inelastic scattering (Chapter 5) the shape of the EELS spectrum is governed by the angular momentum resolved unoccupied density of electronic states. The filled spectra in Figure 1.2b are the results obtained from density functional theory simulation. There is excellent agreement between theory and experiment for the fourfold coordinated atom. For the threefold coordinated atom, however, accurate results are only obtained if it is assumed that the silicon dopant atom is displaced out of the graphene sheet (Figure 1.2a). This can be justified by the slightly longer Si–C bond length compared to graphene (note that the structure was relaxed to its lowest energy configuration prior to EELS simulation; Ramasse et al., 2013). The out-of-plane displacement of the silicon atom is not evident in the HAADF image and was only revealed through a careful quantitative analysis of the EELS result with the aid of simulation.

    Illustrations of supercells used for simulating the electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) edge shape in graphene and the corresponding EELS spectra.

    Figure 1.2 (a) Supercells used for simulating the EELS edge shape for fourfold and threefold coordinated silicon dopant atoms in graphene. For the latter, a planar structure and a distorted structure, where the silicon atom is displaced out of the graphene sheet, are assumed. (b) shows the corresponding EELS spectra, with the experimental measurement represented as a solid line and the simulated result superimposed as a filled spectrum.

    From Ramasse et al. (2013). Reproduced with permission; copyright American Chemical Society.


    There are many ways to simulate electron beam scattering. Although the fundamental physics is unchanged, there are differences in the manner in which it is implemented and consequently the information that can be extracted. For example, if the interest is in images formed from high energy electrons passing through a thin foil, such as in transmission electron microscopy (TEM), then the strongest signal will be due to elastically scattered electrons. The less probable inelastic scattering events can be treated phenomenologically or in certain cases (e.g. a single graphene sheet) ignored altogether. This approach considerably simplifies and speeds up the calculation while still providing the required information.

    Four different simulation methods are discussed in this book, namely Monte Carlo (Chapter 2), multislice (Chapter 3), Bloch waves (Chapter 4) and electrodynamic theory (Chapter 6). Chapter 5 deals with inelastic scattering of core atomic electrons and extends the multislice, Bloch wave methods to include simulation of inelastic images in the form of chemical maps. Together these form a core body of techniques for analysing a large range of electron microscopy data. Electronic structure calculations, based on either density functional theory or multiple scattering, are also widely used for simulating the fine structure of EELS spectra, but are not discussed here in any great detail. This is a vast area separate from the main topic of this book and the interested reader should consult textbooks such as Martin (2004) for further details. Table 1.1 lists some of the advantages and disadvantages of each of the simulation techniques. It should give some indication of which technique to use for a given problem and which techniques to avoid.

    Table 1.1 The simulation methods discussed in this book and some of their advantages and disadvantages

    a Scanning electron microscope.

    Finally, it should be noted that it is impossible to give an exhaustive treatment of electron beam scattering in a book of this size. Instead, the emphasis is on describing the essential physics, so that the reader is able to comprehend a large part of the literature and develop an understanding of simulation packages beyond a mere ‘black box’. As for the vast literature on the subject, a word of caution is appropriate: unfortunately, there is no universally accepted notation in scattering theory. In this book, I have tried to be as consistent as possible, following the procedure outlined below:

    i. The relativistic mass of the high energy electron is distinguished from its rest mass by using m for the former and mo for the latter. There are, however, several examples in the text where the kinetic energy is expressed as ½mv², rather than the correct relativistic formula (γ − 1)moc², where v is the speed of the electron, c the speed of light and γ = [1 − (v/c)²]−½. This is standard practice in most of the literature, although for a 300 keV electron beam the fractional error is as large as 18%. The magnitude of the momentum p = mv is, however, relativistically correct, and consequently there is no error in the de Broglie wavelength.

    ii. An electron plane wave is represented as exp(2πikr), with k being the wave vector and r the position vector; some texts may use the form exp(ikr). With the notation adopted in this book the integrand of the Fourier transform of a function f(r) is f(r)exp (−2πiqr), where q is the reciprocal space variable.

    iii. The potential energy of an electron in a potential field V(r) is −eV(r), where −e is the charge of the electron. The Schrödinger equation then becomes [ħ²∇²/2 m + eV(r) + E]ψ(r) = 0, where ħ is the reduced Planck's constant, E the energy and ψ(r) the electron wavefunction. In some texts, the potential energy is denoted by V(r) and the Schrödinger equation modified accordingly. The term ‘potential’ is also frequently used to mean ‘potential energy’, although they are not the same, though closely related. The notation here makes the distinction more

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