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QGIS and Applications in Territorial Planning
QGIS and Applications in Territorial Planning
QGIS and Applications in Territorial Planning
Ebook454 pages3 hours

QGIS and Applications in Territorial Planning

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These four volumes present innovative thematic applications implemented using the open source software QGIS. These are applications that use remote sensing over continental surfaces. The volumes detail applications of remote sensing over continental surfaces, with a first one discussing applications for agriculture. A second one presents applications for forest, a third presents applications for the continental hydrology, and finally the last volume details applications for environment and risk issues.

Release dateFeb 14, 2018
QGIS and Applications in Territorial Planning

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    QGIS and Applications in Territorial Planning - Nicolas Baghdadi


    Scientific and technical issues related to territorial planning have long been firmly accompanied by the software for the graphical representation of the results of these studies. The software is a key element for communication both upstream and downstream of a project, for the phases of design, consultation or conciliation with public and private actors in connection with the infrastructures in question. In this way, Geographic Information Systems (GISs) have, over the last 15 years, taken a central place for all applications and issues related to territorial planning. With a growing number of tools, stakeholders (geomaticians, users, decision makers, scientists), data and references available, we have moved from a mainly cartographic use to more and more advanced analysis, simulation and diagnostics. All spatial scales are concerned, from the very small to the very large, from land use on a European scale to local city planning maps.

    This third volume is devoted to the presentation and implementation in QGIS (Quantum Geographic Information System) and its libraries of several applications in relation to territorial planning. The proposed chapters illustrate the great diversity of study cases, spatial scales and actors involved in this problem: from the global scale to the city level, from tailored specific object detection to more general infrastructure location studies, in urban and agroforestry environments, without neglecting the coastal areas.

    This work, carried out by scientists of a high technical level, is addressed to geomatics research teams, second-level students (engineering schools, master’s) and postgraduate studies (PhD students), and engineers involved in the management of water and territory resources. In addition to the texts of the proposed chapters, readers will have access to the data and tools, as well as screenshots of all the QGIS windows, which illustrate the manipulations necessary to carry out each step of each application. Through this educational work, we wish to contribute to the appropriation of the free software GIS, in connection with remote sensing applications.

    A supplement to the chapters, including datasets and screenshots illustrating the practical application of the chapters, is available at the following address:

    Using Internet Explorer:

    Using a FileZilla client:

    Username: vol3_en

    Password: 34voL@en3

    We would like to thank everybody who contributed to the development of this book; first of all, the scientists, authors of the chapters of course, but also the experts of the scientific committee for their inspection of the chapters and the corrections made. This project was carried out thanks to the support of IRSTEA (French Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture), IGN (French National Institute for Geographic and Forestry Information), CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research) and CNES (French National Center for Space Studies).

    We are very grateful to Airbus Defense and Space, CNES and Equipex Geosud for providing us with SPOT-5/6/7 images. Please note that these images may only be used in a research and training framework and any commercial activity based on the data provided is strictly prohibited.

    Our thanks also go to our families for their support and to André Mariotti (Professor Emeritus, Pierre and Marie Curie University) and Pierrick Givone (President, IRSTEA) for their encouragement.

    Nicolas BAGHDADI

    Clément MALLET

    Mehrez ZRIBI


    Design and Implementation of Automated Atlas

    1.1. From map to atlas

    Given the multiplication of spatial data, automated workflows are becoming important in GIS environments (graphical modeler, programming). Beyond data processing (geometry, topology, attributes, analysis), automation can also be used for symbology or layout to facilitate map design and publication.

    If your organization publishes printed or online maps, you often would need to create many maps with the same template – usually one for each administrative unit or region. With the evolution of print composers, GIS software offer more and more layout features, notably for the creation of atlases enabling the compilation of ordered maps and information in the template. Unlike isolated maps, the atlas provides readers with a more in-depth representation of the spaces and themes addressed by combining maps at different scales and graphic or text elements.

    The automation of maps and indicators in the form of standardized templates allows both time saving for the production of maps but also a greater graphical consistency of the maps by the homogenization of the layout. This dimension is particularly interesting for the setting up of a graphic charter in the publishing of cartographic documents. This chapter proposes to explore several methods and tools to produce new indicators and to implement a homogeneous, original and stylized cartographic atlas with the QGIS software.

    1.2. Automation of maps and indicators

    The objective of this chapter is to automate with QGIS the production of an atlas, combining maps and indicators, of the Corsica local region. By using different datasets at the municipal level (population census, agricultural census) and by using several spatial analysis tools, the idea is to initially calculate several key indicators aiming at characterizing these new territories. The combination of different maps and key figures provides the reader with additional complementary elements (statistics and maps).

    Figure 1.1. Atlas of Corsica local regions. For a color version of the figure, see

    The implementation of this atlas is based on automated map production combined with several indicator-creation processes. Figure 1.1 illustrates the processing steps for atlas implementation in QGIS. To facilitate its reading, processing and handlings are grouped into five main stages, from the conceptualization to the publication of the atlas:

    1) atlas template designing;

    2) data preparation and indicators creation;

    3) atlas implementation in QGIS environment;

    4) atlas implementation in the print composer;

    5) atlas publication.

    Figure 1.2. Workflow for calculating indicators

    Figure 1.3. Handling flow for atlas implementation

    1.2.1. Step 1: atlas template designing

    The first step is to design the atlas template (items and layout). The items depend on the objective of the atlas (communication, decision-making and analysis).

    We propose in this chapter an atlas template to present the local regions of Corsica based on seven items as illustrated in Figure 1.4:

    1) main map (municipalities, main roads, protected areas, forests);

    2) municipal population density map;

    3) intermunicipal cooperations map;

    4) overview map;

    5) name of local region;

    6) logo;

    7) indicators.

    Figure 1.4. Atlas template

    1.2.2. Step 2: data preparation and indicators creation

    The second step is to prepare the datasets (reproject, transformation) and create indicators for the map atlas. The objective of this step is to enrich the atlas coverage layer of basic and derived statistics (number of communes, population, forest area, number of farms, etc.) to create indicators.

    Datasets use different coordinate reference systems (CRS) – WGS 84 and Lambert 93. To facilitate processing it is necessary to harmonize the CRS of spatial datasets using the Lambert 93 projection as the reference coordinate reference system for all layers of the project.

    QGIS functionalities:

    - Reproject layer: QGIS geoalgorithms > Vector general tools Calculate basic statistics

    Municipalities layer: Calculate the municipal population density.

    Forests layer: Calculate the area of forests.

    QGIS functionalities:

    - Field Calculator Aggregating municipal data at the scale of local regions

    The second step of data preparation is to change the analysis scale by aggregating municipal data at the local regional scale. In order to carry out this transformation of the data, it is necessary to mobilize the spatial join¹, which makes it possible to associate and aggregate attributes from one layer to another according to topological relationships between objects in space (intersect, within, contains). A spatial join involves matching rows from the Join Features to the Target Features based on their relative spatial locations.

    To spatially join the attributes of the common layer to that of the project territories, it is important to be vigilant about the topology of the objects. Indeed the topological consistency that defines the quality of the join is not always good. As illustrated in Figure 1.5, the topological coherence of the boundaries of municipalities and project boundaries is not of good geomatric quality.

    Figure 1.5. Example of topological errors between the boundaries of municipalities and local regions

    This current situation can be solved by transforming the geometry of one of the layers and more precisely by using the polygonal centroids to facilitate spatial joining (Figure 1.6).

    Figure 1.6. Polygons spatial join based on centroids. For a color version of the figure, see

    We must also be vigilant about the geometric transformation of polygons in points. As shown in Figure 1.7, the centroid of the municipality of Saint-Florent is located outside the perimeters of local areas. It is therefore necessary to replace the centroid within the boundaries of the project territories in order not to compromise the spatial junction.

    Figure 1.7. Example of topological error following the transformation

    QGIS functionalities:

    - Polygon centroids: QGIS geoalgorithms > Vector geometry tools OR SAGA > Vector polygon tools

    - Move feature: Digitizing toolbar

    Aggregating municipal population at the scale of local regions

    Aggregating forest areas at the scale of local regions

    Aggregating agricultural census data at the scale of local regions

    Once the various spatial joins have been realized, the area of the project territories must be calculated. The atlas coverage layer (Final Local regions) now contains a series of new fields that will be mobilized thereafter. To facilitate the creation of the atlas and in particular the dynamic display of the created indicators, it is advisable to clean the attribute table of the Final Local regions layer by deleting the unnecessary fields and renaming the fields that will be mobilized (Figure 1.8)

    Figure 1.8. Attribute table of Final Local regions layer after attribute table cleaning

    QGIS functionalities:

    - Spatial Join: QGIS geoalgorithms > Vector general tools > Join attributes by location

    - Attribute table cleaning: Fields calculator > Erase field

    1.2.3. Step 3: atlas implementation in QGIS project

    Once the data have been prepared, it is time to move on to formatting. The idea is to provide here a series of tips to optimize the formatting of the data in order to produce aesthetically pleasing, comprehensible and original maps that will be integrated into the atlas boards (atlas coverage layer, rule-based display, masks, custom labels). Configure atlas coverage layer

    The first step is to configure the atlas coverage layer (Figure 1.9). It is on the objects of this layer that the atlas will be based for map automation. To define this parameter, it is necessary to apply to the coverage layer a rule-based style by mobilizing the filter @atlas_featureid = $ id.

    It is also possible to mobilize a symbology of the Inverted Polygons type so that the emphasis at the graphic level is put on the selected project territory. They need to be rule based (style) and need to contain the following rules (in Style):

    Figure 1.9. Principle of atlas coverage layer. For a color version of the figure, see

    QGIS functionalities:

    - Rule-based style: Layer properties > Style > Rule

    - Inverted polygons style: Layer properties > Style > Inverted polygons Designing the main map

    The main map represents the local regions by combining reference data and environmental data relating to protection:

    – local regions;

    – municipalities with labels (names);

    – main roads;

    – forests;

    – protected environmental areas (ZNIEFF);

    – basemap.

    The idea here is to combine several modes of representation of the data in order to obtain aesthetically pleasing, clear and customizable maps that will be generated in an automated way (atlas filter, inverted polygon and label mask).

    The choice of the basemap is an important step for map design. With Web services as WMS (Web Map Service), it is possible to integrate a diverse selection of basemaps into QGIS. In addition to the classical basemaps like streets or imagery, it is now possible to mobilize more minimalist or customized basemaps for use as adapted basemaps. The best service to personalize and use original basemaps in QGIS is Mapbox ( Mapbox allows the user to quickly create their own basemap using data from OpenStreetMap and display it in QGIS using a

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