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About this ebook

NEXT20 is a grassroots formula that offers a solution on how to loosen the political stranglehold on our progress as a nation. NEXT20 embraces our diverse culture and creates foundations for action in harmony with our 21st century needs through genuine bipartisan leadership.

PublisherClaudia James
Release dateJan 11, 2018

Claudia James

Claudia James is a first generation American. She has been influenced by her European immigrant parents and her life's exposure to cultural diversity. Claudia is passionate about sharing her vision for our future leadership, and the responsibility which comes with uniting the common threads of our multi-cultural citizens.

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    Book preview

    Next20 - Claudia James


    A Formula for Creating a More Perfect Union

    Claudia James

    Copyright 2017 by Claudia James. All rights reserved.

    Published by Jakata House Denver, CO

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the publisher/author, except by a reviewer who may quote passages in a review.

    All images, logos, quotes, and trademarks included in this book are subject to use according to trademark and copyright laws of the United States of America.

    JAMES, CLAUDIA, Author


    Print ISBN: 9780692940402

    POLITICAL SCIENCE / Commentary & Opinion

    POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Process / Political Advocacy

    QUANTITY PURCHASES: Schools, companies, professional groups, clubs, and other organizations may qualify for special terms when ordering quantities of this title. For information, email [email protected].

    All rights reserved by Claudia James and Jakata House.

    E-Book by


    To my sister Tanja Kubas-Meyer, who represents the many people who dedicate their life to advocacy in support of improved policies. Only because of them, and their tireless work, can a formula like NEXT20 be realized.

    Travis, Kevin, and Julia; it is your generation that is the most important.


    Why Now?

    Our Parties Need Each Other




    Choosing The Majority


    Health Care

    Public Education


    National Security


    Safety and Opportunity

    In Closing...



    About the Author

    Why Now?

    OUR COUNTRY HAS BEEN OPERATING with the perception that by flipflopping two parties back and forth, our goals will become fair. As the years have gone by, this back and forth between two extremes has created reaction, not action. Fair is no longer a realistic or rational goal.

    Consider this: What does anyone find rational about two children yanking a candy bar back and forth out of each other’s hands and expecting the other to understand why it should be only theirs? There’s nothing fair about that. A responsible parent would say split it in half and share it or you will lose it all together. What is fair, healthy, and

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