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Ye That Are Christ's
Ye That Are Christ's
Ye That Are Christ's
Ebook77 pages1 hour

Ye That Are Christ's

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About this ebook

Guy Jarvie explores what the Bible has to say on a number of key Christian doctrines:

1. The Word of God

2. The New Birth

3. Our Three-Fold Salvation

4. Baptism

5. The Church Which Is the Body of Christ

6. The Church and Churches of God

7. The House of God

8. The Kingdom of God

9. The Breaking of the Bread

10. The Comforter - The Holy Spirit

11. The Christian's Life

12. The Christian's Warfare

13. The Lord's Coming

14. The Judgement Seat of Christ

PublisherHayes Press
Release dateJan 27, 2018
Ye That Are Christ's

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    Ye That Are Christ's - Guy Jarvie


    This book has been written for believers on the Lord Jesus Christ, and the author wishes to greet all such in the name of Christ. A wonderful bond exists among believers everywhere. They are all one in Christ Jesus, members of Christ, and one day shall share His glory. Then, the divisions which exist among believers in outward testimony will cease. How perfect we shall be when we see Him, whom not having seen, we love! The thought of what we shall be, should surely cause us exercise of heart to show, even now, the oneness which is dear to the Lord (Jn.17:21). This manifest oneness in testimony can only result from a seeking to God and to the word of His grace. We must treasure in our hearts the truth of God as it is revealed to us.

    In this book it is the desire of the author, so to present the word of Christ that He will be magnified, and that those who are His will be helped through the knowledge of the truth to grow up into Him who is the Head, even Christ (Eph.4:15). The truth of God is not easily found; it must be sought and searched for; and what is perhaps the most difficult of all, we must subject ourselves to it when we find it. By nature we seem to be prejudiced and disobedient, but the love of Christ, which first drew us to Himself for salvation, will continue to draw us and make us willing if only we yield ourselves to it.

    The Lord Himself realised the effect which His word had upon those who believed on Him, and He defines for us three classes of believers (Lk.11:45). Some are like the seed falling on the stony ground, which had little earth; this took root but soon withered away. Some again are like the seed falling among thorns, which grew with it a choked it. But others — and how it gladdened the Lord’s heart to think of them — were like the seed falling on the good ground. These, the Lord said, are such as in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, hold it fast and bring forth fruit with patience. May author and reader alike be of the last kind!

    The Christian does not need to be clever to follow his Lord, but he does need an honest and good heart. To make progress in the things of God he must love the truth, and he must love it so much that he will buy it, whatever the cost (Prov.23:23). The Lord's disciple must find his doctrines in the Word of God, and he must see that the doctrines that he holds are the doctrines of the Lord, as taught by the Lord and His apostles (Acts 2:41-42; 1 Cor.14:37). It is well to remember that the Spirit of God has come to guide us into all the truth (Jn.16:13). As we read prayerfully, He will take the things of Christ, and reveal them unto us.

    It is only natural that in youth we should be influenced and directed by our parents or guardians but having come to years of responsibility we must ourselves seek to find, from the Word of God, the truth of God. In this search an honest and good heart is essential, for God will reveal His will to all who seek Him (Matt.7:7). It is His will that all men should be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim.2:4). Wrong doctrines abound and are even taught by some who seem to urge the supreme value of the Bible. However, those who love the Lord are not easily led astray. It is the attitude to the Person and the Word of Christ which is always the test. What think ye of Christ? (Matt.22:42) is still the greatest question asked of human hearts. Fellow-Christian, let us go to the Word of God and to prayer.  We are coming to the close of this dispensation and very soon the Master is coming.  May we so love and serve Him, that when He comes we shall not be ashamed before Him at His coming.


    1. The Word of God

    2. The New Birth

    3. Our Three-Fold Salvation

    4. Baptism

    5. The Church Which Is the Body of Christ

    6. The Church and Churches of God

    7. The House of God

    8. The Kingdom of God

    9. The Breaking of the Bread

    10. The Comforter - The Holy Spirit

    11. The Christian's Life

    12. The Christian's Warfare

    13. The Lord's Coming

    14. The Judgement Seat of Christ


    Thy word is a lamp unto my feet. And light unto my path (Ps.119:105).

    The Scriptures are God-breathed (2 Tim.3:16). Men spoke from God, being moved by the Holy Spirit (2 Pet.1:21). The Bible therefore is unlike all other books; though written by men, it has come from God. In the Bible the Christian finds the spiritual food which alone can satisfy the new nature within him. To the Bible he turns on all occasions for edification, correction and comfort. It has been given that the man of God may be complete, furnished completely unto every good work (2 Tim.3:17).

    The disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ will not accept the edicts

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