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100 Plus Homemade Essential Oil Beauty Recipes: Aromatherapy Preparations For Skin, Lip And Hair Care (Body Scrubs, Perfumes, Lotions, Creams, Deodorants, Bath Salts, Soaps And More)
100 Plus Homemade Essential Oil Beauty Recipes: Aromatherapy Preparations For Skin, Lip And Hair Care (Body Scrubs, Perfumes, Lotions, Creams, Deodorants, Bath Salts, Soaps And More)
100 Plus Homemade Essential Oil Beauty Recipes: Aromatherapy Preparations For Skin, Lip And Hair Care (Body Scrubs, Perfumes, Lotions, Creams, Deodorants, Bath Salts, Soaps And More)
Ebook128 pages32 minutes

100 Plus Homemade Essential Oil Beauty Recipes: Aromatherapy Preparations For Skin, Lip And Hair Care (Body Scrubs, Perfumes, Lotions, Creams, Deodorants, Bath Salts, Soaps And More)

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About this ebook

Everyone desires to look beautiful, but do you need to endanger yourself in the process?
Absolutely not! But, sadly that’s what we do when we continuously spend money on commercial beauty products.
The truth is that our bodies aren’t meant for absorbing chemicals that are contained in the various store-bought beauty products we buy from day to day. Granted, they may make you feel great for a while but sooner or later, someone’s got to pay and believe me, it isn’t the manufacturers.
The only way out is to make your own natural hair and skin care products using the number one natural ingredient of our time: Essential oil. A whole range of products such as perfumes, soaps, bath recipes, deodorants, body scrubs, lotion and creams can be created with natural products of which essential oil plays a major part.
In this book, there are over 100 recipes to try your hands on. These simple-to-make but highly effective recipes covers a wide range of beauty treatments. It is extremely fun and absolutely creative. You will not only smell great but look and feel divine.
In This Book You Will Find:
Essential Oils Tips & Safety Precautions
Best Essential Oils to Use for Specific moments
Over 100 Recipes for making all kinds of beauty care products from the comfort of your home.
There is really no need for you to keep searching for ANY alternative to body care, lip care or hair care treatment that you desire. They are all in this book. Buy it now!

Release dateMar 21, 2014
100 Plus Homemade Essential Oil Beauty Recipes: Aromatherapy Preparations For Skin, Lip And Hair Care (Body Scrubs, Perfumes, Lotions, Creams, Deodorants, Bath Salts, Soaps And More)

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    100 Plus Homemade Essential Oil Beauty Recipes - Sandy Comfort


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    Nowadays, people are more health conscious than before. This is evident in the clamor for everything organic and natural. Whether it is our foods, clothing or beauty products, a large number of us now stay away from artificial additives having embraced the growing trend to go natural.

    Using essential oil in our homemade beauty products such as perfumes, lotions, creams, cleansers, body scrubs and deodorants is one of the best ways to get the best out of our products. Extracted from plants, bark, roots, wood, flowers or seeds, essential oils are natural, highly concentrated oils with powerful antioxidant properties.

    On my own part, I started experimenting with essential oils after being dissatisfied with the smells of store-bought products. In addition to the smells, these products contain chemicals that cause considerable damage to our skin. They are also very expensive. Then again, essential oils do a lot more than make you smell nice. They offer tremendous healing and purifying benefits.

    Essential oils penetrate the skin easily. Within a few minutes, they are carried all through the blood and tissues. They increase the amount of oxygen that goes to the pineal and the pituitary glands. This ultimately increases the release of endorphins, antibodies and neurotransmitters which are healthy for the body.

    Essential oil has multiple medicinal properties. Unlike most of our drugs that are meant for just one remedy, lavender essential oil for example, has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, sedative and antispasmodic properties. This means that it is suitable for pain, stress, sleeping and muscle cramps.

    If kept in a cool dark place, essential oils usually last for up to 2 years. Only a few drops are required so they are very affordable.

    Other benefits of essential oil:

    Prevent hair loss, improves hair quality

    Regenerate skin

    Support the immune system

    Sooth and promote healing of wounds, sunburn and scrapes

    Sooth digestive upsets

    sooth emotional issues

    Promote healthy thyroid and hormone function

    Essential oil tips to remember:

    Do not use internally.

    Do not apply directly on your skin but dilute with carrier oil.

    Keep out children’s reach.

    Avoid contact with eyes.

    Use only pure essential oils; stay away from synthetic

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