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The Whale Whisperer: Healing Messages from the Animal Kingdom to Help Mankind and the Planet
The Whale Whisperer: Healing Messages from the Animal Kingdom to Help Mankind and the Planet
The Whale Whisperer: Healing Messages from the Animal Kingdom to Help Mankind and the Planet
Ebook278 pages6 hours

The Whale Whisperer: Healing Messages from the Animal Kingdom to Help Mankind and the Planet

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About this ebook

Going beyond the standard pet communication book, this adventure delivers messages from many different wild and sacred animal species. Voices of the white buffalo, the humpback whale, the white lions of Timbavati South Africa, orcas, and bears all speak through the author, who embarked on a spiritual journey across several continents in search of this wisdom from animals. In turns moving, empowering, and entertaining, it includes practical ways to implement the animal knowledge, conveying vital messages to help save humanity and the natural world.
Release dateJun 1, 2011
The Whale Whisperer: Healing Messages from the Animal Kingdom to Help Mankind and the Planet

Madeleine Walker

Animal Communicator and human empowerment coach, Madeleine Walker is passionate about sharing the messages of the cetacean nation to benefit humankind.

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    The Whale Whisperer - Madeleine Walker


    "Make sure you do everything you’ve ever dreamt of before you die, don’t put it off and say ‘one day’. That one day may never come or it may be the wrong kind of one day and you never know what’s around the corner!", my mother emphasized. My mother’s ‘wrong day’ came gently on the 6th of July 2004. She passed with such grace as my brother and I held her hand in silent vigil, wondering how we would cope without her loving presence. She had had many adventures in her life, but she always wished she could have done more. Her amazing courage and dignity in the way she coped with her illness was an inspiration to everyone who was fortunate enough to connect with her.

    I remember her words every time I’m lucky enough to embark on a new adventure. I thank her with all my heart, when I’m sitting in some wonderful place celebrating the beauty of the earth. For her small legacy has enabled me to have adventures and expand my being and find my true self at last. I have visited the most amazing places, encountered fabulous creatures, and felt the sacred vibrations of ancient sites around the world. This has allowed me to expand my awareness and intuitive skills, reclaiming and empowering the real me. Since her passing, I realized that she has endowed me with so many gifts, and that her legacy is far more than purely financial. She kindled my love of animals and nature. Our home was always full of a strange assortment of creatures which she always found board, lodgings and love for. I hope to repay her by conveying the vital information and using the gifts I have been given on these momentous adventures. I know that with her guidance, I have utilized my journeys as not just a vacation, but have gleaned powerful messages from the sacred sites and creatures that I have met. This is a book of hope and re-empowerment and when I look back at the small, almost random things that have led me on my journey, I can see that I was being guided. The certainty that this is important, and that I have to experience it in order to further my knowledge or skills, has better equipped me to help the planet and its inhabitants in whatever way is most appropriate. The universe works in mysterious and wonderful ways. When I retraced the steps that led me to my present reality, I realize that my mother’s courage has been the driving force behind me and continues to push me forwards. Although I miss her physical presence every day, I know she watches over me, I’m sure sometimes laughing at my deliberations, but always overwhelming me with her love.

    "The soul is the same thing in all living creatures,

    although the body of each is different."


    A cathartic dream

    In the dying embers of 2009, I had a dream - another ‘lion’ dream. I had dreamt about lions all my life and as a young child these dreams terrified me. Often a huge male lion would leap into our midst, somewhere in the house or garden. This would cause chaos and terror to myself and everyone else in my dream. Sometimes the lion would attack me and I would awake screaming before anything awful happened, but I felt the threat of some terrible end. As I grew older the dreams changed in that I would be nurturing the lions by feeding them. Then, after a trip where I lived on the ocean for a week with humpback whales, my lion dreams took on a whole new dimension. I would actually change into a lioness and become one of the pride. These dreams were so vivid, I actually felt like I could shake off the African dust from my skin and that I would be able to pick out thorns from my hide. I would awaken tucked up in my bed feeling very disorientated, and be surprised to see my hands instead of large paws. I met a wonderful therapist who felt that my recurring lion dreams were about my sense of power, and that I had been afraid of my power, but now that I was making my spiritual connections, I was allowing that power to reawaken. When I first met her, I didn’t feel like I had any power, but as I worked with her and we discussed how I could reclaim that power, I began to understand a little of rediscovering my soul purpose, and to take up the reins of my spiritual journey. I felt the whales had imbued me with so much strength and awareness, that I was ready to take on much more profound connections with animals. Since then, my life has changed beyond recognition. I have started learning healing modalities and found that I could communicate telepathically with animals. I learnt how incredible our connections are with them and how much they care about our emotional and physical wellbeing. I understand now that some of the stories in my first book, An Exchange of Love, have had an even deeper impact on me than I realized, and only now the full meanings of my journeys are evolving, so it is great to expand on them, giving more detail and the wider concepts of why I experienced all that I did back then.

    I had another ‘scary’ dream that I knew was important. I had returned a couple of months previously from visiting the white lions in South Africa, tracking them daily in our jeep. There were two golden lionesses that had been brought into the pride for the two related male white lions to form a new pride, in order to prevent in-breeding. However much we tried to track the lionesses, during my stay, I never saw them, but here in my dream, they were poised ready to attack in my childhood home front garden. I felt they were very hungry and if I didn’t find something for them to feed on, they would see me as their next meal. There was also a huge snake in the dream that had blocked my path and I could see that it had just eaten a large mouse and I saw it squirming inside the snake’s belly. In my dream state, I started to shout Linda, Linda. I was calling for Linda Tucker, who was responsible for the release and protection of the white lions in South Africa, but she never came to my rescue. As I looked down the garden path, I was aware that the postman would be coming soon, and I was worried that the lionesses would attack him. I was feeling very fearful as I knew I didn’t have enough food to satisfy them and they would probably be coming for me. I awoke on New Year’s Day, feeling very anxious, realizing that it was morning and high time I got up, relieved that it was still the school holidays, and that my teenage son would happily remain in bed until much later in the morning. However, I would have to get up and let my dogs out and get them walked. As I was about to get out of bed, I began to feel strangely excited and a sense of huge anticipation of something momentous for 2010. I just knew this was going to be a very special and important year, in preparation for 2012, which has been foretold as a year of planetary change.

    I had just finished reading Summer with Leprechauns by Tanis Helliwell, which really opened up my awareness to elementals and nature spirits. I had a favourite tree in the woods where I walked and I always felt that if there were fairies in that wood, they would live in and around ‘my’ tree. I always got the feeling that I could hear their tinkling laughter, if I could only listen really carefully. We arrived at the place where I walked most mornings. On this particular morning, I thought I would ask the elementals to join me on the walk and help me decipher my dream and help me find an outlet for my messages. These messages were from the creatures that I had been communicating with around the world and also some exciting case studies I had been working on. All the messages I had been intuiting were for the betterment of the planet and mankind. I had been trying to get new book proposals accepted by more spiritual publishers, as I felt compelled to try and reach a wider audience for this imperative information. I was ‘told’ that morning as I marched out with my dogs that I needed to just ‘write it’ and to not try and dumb it down. I had to ‘tell it like it is’! Those who were ready to hear the profound meaning of the messages from the creature sentient beings would hear and absorb them. I thanked the dogs for giving me the incentive, despite the weather, and as I was climbing, I welcomed the nature elementals and inner earth beings that Tanis had talked about in her wonderful book. I thanked them for reinforcing my resolve that these messages are very important and that we have to listen to the wisdom of the animal kingdom if we are to have any future on this planet. They told me to send it to publishers who care about the spiritual aspects of the planet and its inhabitants. They also suggested that I combine the different book ideas I had into one book that described how animals were helping to heal the past, present and the future of mankind and the planet, and for me to describe the information by relaying my journeys, both spiritually and physically. I asked how I could encapsulate all this and what the book should be called. I was instructed, very firmly, that the book should be titled The Whale Whisperer. I questioned this as I communicated with many different creatures. However, I was reminded of a conversation I’d had recently, where I was asked what the most profound message I had ever received from a creature had been, and I had to admit it was from the whales, so yes, the title made perfect sense!

    The elementals also helped me to interpret my dream. I had attended a dream workshop in the past and we had been taught to look at all the components of the dream. So I reviewed the different parts of the dream as far as I could remember. I thought about the meaning of the snake. I felt that it symbolized transformation, and that the mouse was my fear that had been swallowed. Calling out the name Linda was very interesting, as my first name is Linda, but I never liked it, so I took my second name, Madeleine, after my grandmother. Ironically her maiden name was Walker; it dawned on me one day, after I was married, that I now had her full name. She had died when my mother was young so I never met her, but had always felt a connection to her and it seemed strange that after all these years, I should have both of her names! It was interesting that the Linda ‘energy’ did not come to my rescue and that I was who I was meant to be. Although I felt in the dream that the snake was blocking my path, I realized that it was forcing me to embrace my changes. Then moving on to the golden lionesses in my childhood garden, I remembered that although I never physically saw them, I had felt their presence, and had been quite unnerved by the stench of a kill they had made in the bush, right next to the track we were on in our jeep. Their powers of camouflage prevented us spotting them, but their raw energy, emanating from the nearby scrub, brought up quite primordial feelings of fear within me. I had felt no fear with the white lions that I had seen daily, and so I deduced that the reason for my fear in the dream was the unknown and that I needed to conquer any remaining fear about my power. I also mused about the lack of meat that I had to feed them. I thought it might be because I was vegetarian, but maybe it was about having enough personal power to overcome my perceived challenges. Maybe I needed to reflect where I had given my power away in the past? I wondered what the significance of the postman might be and I surmised it might be that I needed to protect any vulnerable aspects of my life. It was a little unclear until I returned home! So much information had come through thick and fast, I suddenly realized I had ascended the hill with no effort whatsoever. I realized that the postman had come in my absence. I found a belated Christmas card from a new friend called Bob. In the card, stuck down with a bit of sellotape, was a beautiful gold coin. On the face of it was a roaring lion’s head. He said that he had found the coin during a recent house move and that it had been given to him ages ago, but when he had rediscovered it, he’d thought of me! On the reverse side was an image of an eland. The eland bulls I had met in Africa told me they symbolized personal power. I felt that this was perhaps yet more synchronicity of leonine energy roaring out, once again reconnecting me with my power.

    The more I thought about all the co-incidences and the meaning of the messages of the dream unfolding, and my wonderful revelations on the walk, the more I determined to set down all the guidance that was given to me on my walking meditation. Now was the time to step up to the plate and communicate in a way that could be accepted and assimilated into our consciousness, so that we can truly understand the magic and wisdom of the creature sentient beings on our beautiful planet.

    Horse healers: healing the past to prepare for the future

    Look back at our struggle for freedom, trace our present day’s strength to its source; and you’ll find that man’s pathway to glory is strewn with the bones of the horse.


    The Whale Whisperer is about many journeys undertaken within one greater journey: a journey that leads me back home. My greatest wish in sharing my journey with you is that it will help to reawaken your deeper knowing in reconnecting you with Mother Earth and its extraordinary diversity and beauty. We have to start honouring ourselves and the planet we live on, respecting her and all her children, for we are all connected, and the only thing that will save us is love. I have been so blessed on my journey, by the teachings of so many incredible creatures who have nurtured my trust and helped me shake off my self-doubt and overcome my fears. The more I have been taught, the more I realize that there is something much bigger. I’m constantly being told by the animals to look at the bigger picture and I’m guided to remind many clients, whom I perform readings for when their beloved pet has passed. I have had so much evidence that we all share our journeys with a soul group through different lifetimes. These include the animals that join us in our many incarnations and come back to us in different guises to continue their loving guidance. I was ‘told’ this by Sam, the Jack Russell puppy who was the catalyst in remembering my intuitive telepathic abilities. He was the first creature that ‘talked’ to me, which was strange enough, but he also talked about reincarnation, which was almost a step too far in the infancy of my reawakening and almost made me doubt my sanity!

    Before I recount my adventures around the world, I feel compelled to tell you about the wonderful journey the horses have shared with me, for they have been the catalysts and tutors of my re-acquired healing skills. In my first book An Exchange of Love, I described how the horses taught me the shamanic practice of soul retrieval; how a traumatized fragment from the past could be reunited with the present animal or person, in order to make them whole once more. I believe they were re-connecting me with a shamanic past life, where I once had this knowledge. It was time to wake up, remember, so that I could embark on my journey of rediscovery in order to facilitate the re-awakening of others. The animals tell me that we are running out of time. The planet needs our help now. So many horses came into my life, teaching me the techniques that I needed to learn in order to be part of something much bigger - a small component, but part of the whole reawakening that is so vital at this time in planetary history. With the help of the animals, who are so much more in tune with the earth’s resonance, we can all be part of something wonderful that we can co-create on our beautiful planet. I have had cases where horses had suffered terrible past-life battle trauma. I was introduced to Woody, the skewbald gelding, who ‘showed’ me a horrific video-like clip in my mind of his terror at the battle of the Somme in the First World War. Many others came to teach me about the need to heal man’s warring obsession, and inhumanity to his fellow man. These horses were reincarnating to bring about change. I asked my guides why I was getting so many of these traumatic cases. My answer was that horses carry the war consciousness of man. We have ridden these loyal servants into battle throughout millennia and they have carried us and pulled our implements of death and have died beneath us. There are so many Equine Assisted Therapy centres springing up around the world, where the horses are the therapists, bringing gentle joy to disadvantaged children and adults.

    Recently the horses have been teaching me a new technique. The old saying ‘when the pupil is ready the teacher will appear’ is so true for me, as the animals have ‘tutored’ me every step of my re-awakening. Animal’s human companions are also being re-awakened and healed by them facilitating the memory of a shared past life trauma, not only remembering, but re-writing the outcome - a previous outcome that was colouring and limiting their present lives, either emotionally or physically or both! By changing the outcome, the need to hold the trauma within the cellular memory no longer existed, and so the physical or emotional symptoms had no place and could be finally released. Alberto Villoldo writes about this technique in his book ‘Mending the past and healing the future with soul retrieval’, where he describes timelines and a rewriting of one’s destiny. Horses know all about this because they’ve been a part of our trauma. I believe that the horses are showing this now so that we can journey into our futures and make the planet whole again. The more I have connected with the different species around the globe, the more I realize that each section of the collective consciousness of animals seems to have contracted into performing different tasks in order to bring about planetary healing. The following is a case study that was, up to now, one of the most dramatic I had experienced and illustrates beautifully how our pasts can limit our futures and cloud our present vision, both physically and emotionally.

    ... and I whispered to the horse; trust no man in whose eye you don’t see yourself reflected as an equal.

    —Don Vincenzo Giobbe

    Seamus, Mary and Raj

    Seamus was a dappled grey horse who nervously stomped and snorted as I reassured him that I was there to help. His owner had called me out to resolve his escalating fears about being loaded into horseboxes. Something told me that there was an issue worrying Seamus far more than walking up the ramp into his horsebox. I tuned in telepathically and he showed me a chestnut horse that he was really concerned about. The owner said that it could be her daughter Mary’s horse Raj, who was becoming unpredictable to the point where she feared for Mary’s safety. After performing some emotional healing on Seamus, I agreed to return to take a look at Raj.

    When I entered the barn some weeks later I was greeted by Seamus, who nodded his head towards a large, powerful-looking chestnut at the end of the building. He said, as clear as day in my head, For goodness sake, sort them out! They’ve got real issues. I thanked Seamus for his help and told him that I would do my best.

    Raj eyed me suspiciously as I neared his box, with Mary next to him as she held his halter rope. She recounted some of the issues she had been having with him, including a real problem with turning to the left. I connected telepathically with Raj and asked for his version.

    Mary needs to have more confidence in herself, he responded. I need her to be a stronger leader for me. When she believes in herself, I can believe in myself.

    A strange marking on Raj’s right shoulder caught my eye. According to Mary he had been born with the mark and his previous owners had assured her there was no injury underneath. I tuned in to the energy of Raj’s shoulder, and asked him if this was the cause of his concerns. Immediately I was shown pieces of metal shrapnel embedded there in memory form, and from experience of removing energetic objects from past life wounds, I knew these would be remnants of a long-distant trauma.

    Raj flashed me images from the past life in question as I visualized plucking these invisible pieces of metal from his shoulder, before filling the area with white light. He was a powerful grey warhorse, charging through a Napoleonic battlefield bearing his rider - Mary as a man - through the carnage. Cannons were firing all around them with deafening booms, their plumes of acrid smoke vying with the stench of fear and death. Mary raised her sabre as Raj courageously plunged into the thick of battle. Suddenly they were hit as a cannon exploded, hurling them onto their left side and crushing Mary beneath her steed. Sadly Raj’s shrapnel wounds were fatal but Mary managed to survive, albeit with a withered arm and weakened left side. As I received these images, Mary complained of a stabbing pain in her left shoulder, and both she and her mother looked increasingly perplexed as the sensation intensified.

    I worked to remove the negative memory in Mary’s arm and asked if she could imagine the scene that Raj had shown me. To her amazement and her mother’s astonishment, she was able to describe every detail of her uniform and how they

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