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Fixed is fan-fiction taking place in the Shadowrun setting (in the Detroit Metroplex). This is a full length novel that, due to it's fan-fiction nature, does not have a budget for a professional cover.

Release dateDec 6, 2017

Jason Halstead

Jason Halstead has always had colorful stories to tell. At an early age that creativity usually resulted in some kind of punishment. At long last he's come into his own and has turned his imagination into an asset that is keeping thousands of people entertained. When he's not writing Jason spends his time with his wife and two children, trying to relive his glory days as a powerlifter, or developing new IT systems for his dayjob. He enjoys reading and responding to fan mail as well, so if you liked any of his books, don't be shy! Sign up for his newsletter, find him on the web at, email him at: [email protected], or follow him on Twitter: @booksbyjason.

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    Book preview

    Fixed - Jason Halstead

    Forward / Disclaimer by the Author

    I used to play Shadowrun many, many years ago. We're talking 1st and 2nd edition years ago, which is a lot. I think I may have even enjoyed it more than Dungeons and Dragons, but only one of my friends showed similar interests and we parted ways after our glory days of high school.

    With that admission put out there, Shadowrun provided a lot of inspiration for me over the years in my creative endeavors. It's flavored many of my books, including my various Dark Earth books, as well as my Wanted series, my Vitalis series, and even my Dark Universe series. But I felt like I wasn't really doing Shadowrun justice even thought I thoroughly enjoyed each and every one of those books I wrote.

    So I looked back into Shadowrun a few months ago and holy cow, things had changed! There were computer games written for it (I sampled them and they didn't do much for me), and 3 more versions had come and gone. Naturally, I had to do some digging and I picked up what I could of the most recent edition of Shadowrun - 5th edition. It was nearly overwhelming trying to wrap my head around it all!

    But my love of the setting conquered the rule books and, by the time it was all said and done, I knew I had to do something with it. I don't have the resources (time, firstly, but also interested players and / or a game master) for role playing these days, but I do have a rabid imagination. So I created characters that were begging to be made real. And once I had them, I had to tell their stories. Turns out their back stories were intertwined, and the details unveiled themselves as I wrote the novel you're about to read.

    With all that out of the way, here is my first Shadowrun novel: Fixed. I submitted the first chapter to the current creators of Shadowrun and received a favorable response, even though they passed on it for now. I was invited to send any future works their way for consideration, but I may have satisfied my urge to write about Shadowrun with this novel.

    So what you have here is a work of fan-fiction. Because I cannot and will not charge for it, it does not have a beautiful cover like my other books do. It also has no professional editing like my other books. If you do find mistakes, I encourage you to let me know so I can fix them.

    I hope you like reading it as much as I did writing it. When you're done if you haven't already tried them, I encourage you to check out my other books. Some of those are free as well, so start there and see what you like! They can be found virtually anywhere ebooks are sold, and several are available on Amazon in print.

    Enjoy, chummers, and stay whiz!

    -Jason Halstead

    Chapter 1

    Drek! was what the caller heard hissed into the commline. Unheard was the sound of the back of a man's head striking the sheet of metal.

    A gentle chime in Tank's ear was what prompted the not so gentle response. The caller's info popped into his vision as he rubbed the forming bruise. Grid number: unavailable. Caller: unavailable. Location: unavailable. But somehow he'd answered the call even as he smacked his head on the underside of his GMA Bulldog's hood.

    Catch you at a bad time? the caller's question was masked by a scrambler that garbled his voice.

    No, I... sorry, I was working on something,  Tank answered while he struggled to guess who would call him using tech like that. The list was short, but the odds were good it would be profitable. This is Tank.

    Hoi Tank, this is Judge the caller said. Judge was a man known for knowing people. He was a liaison for just about anything and everything a chummer could want in the Greater Detroit Metroplex. Got a minute?

    Got a headache, Tank subvocalized. Talking to Judge meant work, and work was always confidential. He was in his garage and he swept it for bugs regularly, but there was no such thing as being too careful. Guess I can take a few minutes though.

    They make pills for that, Judge pointed out.

    Naw, I'm whiz. Just finishing up some maintenance on my van.

    Oh, good, it's ready to go then.

    Uh huh, Tank said, ready for the pitch. Me too, what you got?

    Not too different from your usual delivery job.

    Delivery? Tank smiled to himself. His deliveries were typically other people's property. And by delivery he meant smuggling. He wiped the grin off his face and grunted. Borders?

    It's... a little more complicated than that.

    Hmmm, Tank said. More complicated than smuggling something across a border? Complicated isn't necessarily a bad thing.

    Judge laughed. If the price is right?

    Tank grinned. You got it.

    Let's get some facetime and talk it over.

    Aight. How soon?

    Judge hesitated before saying, Three hours, at the View.

    Tank raised an eyebrow. The View started out as a ritzy club that greased the right palms to get licenses a night club typically wasn't allowed. The kind of licenses that permitted entertainment that made a live band look pretty tame. Unless the band members were naked and covered in glitter and sweat. These days the View was just past its prime, which made it a good place for a meet. Especially if you liked glitter and sweat.

    Can do. You're buying the first round though.

    Only if you take the job.

    Tank chuckled. Slippery fragger.

    See you.

    Tank ended the call and bent back over the hybrid engine in his GMC Bulldog. Three hours was nothing, but that meant he had to put everything back together and clean up, especially if he was heading to The View. Not much chance of a skinny punk like him catching the eye of a dancer, but he'd have no chance at all if he was covered in grease and dirt.

    * * * *

    George shut the door of his trusty pickup and started towards the stairs that led down to the street level. With a mental command he opened and shut the port on his cybernetic palm to make sure it was clear. His apartment complex was next door, a short walk, but he didn't believe for a minute that Detroit really was the safest city in the United Canadian and American States, even if the government loved bragging about it.

    The machine pistol built into his cybernetic forearm was fully loaded and ready to go. He'd never had to use it, but that didn't mean it was a bad investment. In fact, he'd hardly used any of the extensive modifications he'd paid for recently, but he knew it was only a matter of time. If he didn't... well, what was the point? He'd burned through most of his family's savings and so far only managed to upset his wife and make his daughter think he was suffering a midlife crisis. His teenage son thought it was cool, so he had that going for him.

    He stepped into the apartment complex and let out a grateful breath as the less-humid air washed over him. Detroit was hot and muggy in July. The Amerinds kept babbling about restoring the Earth's climate to undo all the damage mankind had done, but mankind kept doing damage. Maybe their shamans had stalled it, he didn't know. Whatever they'd done, it was still too damn hot out and the building's HVAC system struggled to fight it.

    The elevator door's opened and revealed an empty elevator. He smiled, surprised that his luck was holding out. That or he was going to end up stranded in it all alone halfway up to his third floor apartment. Most of the time it worked, but his luck hadn't been the best lately. He didn't dare be late or Penny would have his hoop.

    His commlink chirped as he stepped out of the elevator. He glanced at the display in his field of view and frowned. No caller details available. I buy the priciest model I can afford and it can't tell me drek about the caller, he muttered before he answered the call.

    Pepper, you're looking good, the garbled voice said. The caller's image was not available.

    George stiffened. None of his friends called him Pepper. Well, not the friends Penny approved of, anyhow. The ones that did were more like acquaintances. Contacts. Mr. Johnsons. And that meant this guy was one of those. And mostly like this contact was named Judge. Thanks, he said. Wish I could say the same.

    Judge  laughed. Occupational hazard. I've got someone that needs your services.

    George let out a relieved breath. Protection?

    Judge hesitated and then said, Yes. Short contract.

    George opened the door to his apartment and stepped in. Penny looked up from where she stood behind the kitchen counter, her face an unreadable mask. He smiled and waved with his matte black metal hand. When?

    Face to face meet tonight to discuss particulars. The View, two hours.

    George winced. He had time to get there, The View was in Pontiac, well within the Greater Detroit Metroplex's eight meter tall wall. It wasn't the distance he was worried about, it was the location. All right. I'll see you there.

    The line went dead and George lowered it. He looked at Penny and saw her staring hard at him. See you where? she asked.

    Got a possible job, George said.

    A job, she deadpanned. What sort of job?

    Protection. I find out more tonight.


    George steeled himself before admitting, The View.

    If he hadn't seen it, he wouldn't believe it was possible for her to stiffen anymore. She glanced down the hallway towards the bedroom and then back to him. Oh hell no, she hissed.

    Penny, come on. This is what I've been wanting. This is what I've worked so hard for!

    To go stare at naked girls dancing?

    What? No! he insisted. He caught himself and lowered his tone before either of his teenagers came out to investigate. I mean this type of job. I've busted my hoop for two decades working at Knight Errant trying—

    Trying to get in the field, she cut him off. I know. You've told me about it time and again. Except I don't understand why. You're a manager, George. You make decent money and you're safe! Working on one of their threat response teams isn't safe. What happens if you get hurt or killed? You know damn well where I came from. What I came from. I can't go back to that – I won't let the kids live like that.

    That's not going to happen, he insisted. I've trained with the teams more times than I can count. I'm even better than some of them.

    What do I tell the kids when their dad doesn't come home? Sorry guys, dad said he could handle it? If that's true why aren't you in the field already?

    George met the fury in her eyes with silence for a long moment. He shook his head before answering, I don't know. I guess I'm too old now. Or maybe I pissed somebody higher up the chain off, I don't know.

    Her tone dropped to a supporting one as she said, So stay safe. Work hard and get that promotion you were talking about.

    He snorted. Too late. Debra got the boost. They said my performance wasn't upper management level yet, but offered some courses for me to try and improve my game. The problem is numbers, that's all they care about. They don't give a damn about turnover or employee satisfaction as long as you hit the bottom line. My people are people, they deserve better than that!

    We all deserve better than that, but that's now how the world works.

    Yeah, well, maybe it should.

    If you feel that strong about it, do what you have to so you can change it.

    George took a deep breath and let it out. I can't make a difference there. My career is washed up. I've been shot down how many times now? I've taken the classes. My file is thick with adequate and satisfactory ratings. With those ratings I'm done, I'd need to be born into Knight Errant or Ares and have a full blown corporate SIN. With only a corporate-limited SIN they won't take a second look at me even if I grew a second head.

    Penny pressed her lips together while he admitted the bitter truth about his life as a wage-slave. George, if it were just me I wouldn't care so much. No, that's not true. I would care. I do care... about you. But I'd support you. I lived on the streets, I know what it's like and what you have to do to survive. I'd face that as long as I knew I was with you... but this isn't about just us anymore.

    He sighed and glanced at the hallway to the kids' rooms. When he looked back at her he said, This job, this side job, that's the kind of thing that can make a difference. I can help people that way... help them and get paid for it. It's a win-win, don't you see?

    No, not really. If you want to help somebody, help your family! So far all you've done is hurt us chasing this fantasy of yours.

    I told you, I'll make back what I spent. And more!

    This isn't about the money, she said. Sure, that's important, but having you alive is more important! You think I don't know what happens on these jobs?

    I'm protecting people, he insisted.

    Protecting them from what? Criminals. Thugs. Killers. Maybe your head's in the right place, but theirs isn’t. They don't care about you, they only want to hurt you. Or kill you, so you can't get in their way.

    That's why I've trained... And it's why I spent all that money. I'm faster than they are. Faster and tougher. It would take a troll with a damn big knife to even cut through my skin these days.

    They aren't going to bring a knife to gun fight.

    He shrugged. You might be surprised.

    I don't want to be surprised! I want to be bored and content. I want to be safe and secure, knowing my husband is home with his family. You can protect us, if you want to protect someone so bad.

    He grinned. You can't afford my rates.

    She scowled, unimpressed with his attempt to deflect the situation. I hope you get this out of your system before it's too late.

    Baby, I'm going to be fine, I promise.

    This time, maybe. What about next time? Or the time after that?

    Nothing's going to hurt me, he reassured her.

    She stared at him through misty eyes. Maybe, maybe not. What if I get tired of waiting for the time you don't come home?

    His eyes narrowed.

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