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Teaching STEM Literacy: A Constructivist Approach for Ages 3 to 8
Teaching STEM Literacy: A Constructivist Approach for Ages 3 to 8
Teaching STEM Literacy: A Constructivist Approach for Ages 3 to 8
Ebook297 pages2 hours

Teaching STEM Literacy: A Constructivist Approach for Ages 3 to 8

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About this ebook

  • A comprehensive tool—this book features 10 lessons on STEM

  • All lessons utilize the 5 Es: engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate, which is a common method used in teaching science and inquiry

  • Fun, playful, and accessible writing and format. Makes STEM easy for any teacher or caregiver

  • STEM is a hot topic in education

  • Each chapter includes a list of children's books

  • Open-ended and teacher-tested lessons

  • The 5E's are linked to the Next Generation Science Standards

  • Both authors are big players in the National Science Teacher's Association

  • Previous books that Redleaf Press has done with the NSTA have sold well and had a long shelf life

  • LanguageEnglish
    PublisherRedleaf Press
    Release dateDec 1, 2017
    Teaching STEM Literacy: A Constructivist Approach for Ages 3 to 8

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      Book preview

      Teaching STEM Literacy - Juliana Texley


      Starting with STEM

      Children are born curious. They are scientists and engineers from the first time they reach out to explore their world. As they grow, they ask many questions each day about the world around them. This is how children build confidence, capacity, and mental habits that will enable them to conquer the challenges of their futures and ours.

      As early childhood educators and caregivers discuss education today, they often use the acronym STEM to refer to an integrated approach to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. STEM is more than a list of content, concepts, and skills. It’s a holistic approach to educational experiences. STEM practices provide pathways to discovery from babyhood through adulthood. But as you will see from the discussions that follow, even the acronym STEM can be limiting. It may lead teachers and caregivers to create artificial lines between ways of knowing. We need to remember that discovery also involves reading, communicating, social skills and studies, music, and the arts. Discovery seldom falls into any single category.

      Early investigations begin in very personal ways. In the language of educators, learners observe phenomena. That’s a term that simply means anything that catches their interest! Phenomena spark questions, and questions lead to investigations. At the early childhood level, STEM practices like observing, questioning, modeling, and communicating are purposeful play. As children build confidence, they use these practices to find personally meaningful solutions to the problems they encounter. They design experiments, collect information, test and retest, and communicate what they’ve found. We adults can analyze these activities all we want. But to young children, they are simply natural behaviors with significant benefits to their habits of mind and their sense of competence.

      A Basis in Research

      Much of what we do in STEM education is built on the seminal work of twentieth-century researchers. In the 1930s, American psychologist and educational reformer John Dewey developed an instructional model based on a philosophy he called the complete act of thought. He wrote that to begin a sound educational experience, students must sense something that perplexes them and then act on it. Three decades later, Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget explored cognitive development in children. He emphasized the importance of physical experiences in learning, from a child’s earliest years. From the 1960s onward, educators moved from a pedagogy based on direct instruction (teaching things) to constructivism (creating learning environments that let children examine their own preconceptions and construct their own knowledge, yielding far more meaningful and lasting ideas than children acquire by simply being told things).

      Constructivism is a term that might seem complex and mysterious to those who are not involved in education research. But once you know what it means, the concept is both simple to understand and easy to identify. In the 1970s, researchers tried to determine what successful programs and methods had in common. The researchers found that the common element was not what happened in the classroom but what the teachers and caregivers believed about learning. If the adults thought they were the providers of information, they were not successful. If they believed that children needed to build ideas on their own, magic happened. This book is built on that paradigm. Even though it outlines a foundation of core ideas, the path to those ideas is always through the explorations of the learner.

      In the 1980s, education researcher Rodger Bybee and his associates at the Biological Sciences Curriculum Study developed an instructional model called the 5Es. Since then, this framework has become the most familiar sequence for planning lessons with a constructivist approach. The 5E framework involves the following phases:






      This model is based on a strong body of research (Bybee et al. 2006). Many studies have demonstrated that this approach increases the growth of logical reasoning and engagement at every age. A major summary of the field, published by the National Research Council (NRC), summarizes learners and learning as follows:

      •Students come to the classroom with preconceptions about how the world works.

      •To develop competence in an area of inquiry, students must have a foundation of factual knowledge, understand facts and ideas in the context of a conceptual framework, and organize knowledge for retrieval and application.

      •Teachers help students learn to take control of their own learning by defining goals and monitoring their progress in achieving them (NRC 1999).

      The 5E model is much more than a mnemonic for making lesson plans. It is a framework for teaching and learning. We engage with the phenomena that interest students. Then we allow learners to examine their own preconceptions by exploring. This is a very important step. Without examining what we think we know, those ideas persist. Explaining can help learners organize their observations. Explanations don’t always come from the teacher or caregiver. In fact, it is often best practice to just wait and listen. Children truly benefit from explaining to one another.

      Elaboration connects the phenomena that have been explored in the classroom to authentic real-world contexts. This transfer of understanding makes learning relevant. It also offers a great opportunity for transfer of ideas from the early childhood program to the home. This book includes messages to families so that children’s conversations about phenomena can continue.

      The process of evaluation is often misunderstood in STEM education. It involves both learners and their guides—evaluation of both learners and the learning environment. Although it is listed last of the 5Es, evaluation must be ongoing. It’s important to think of this phase not as a test but rather as a sort of sensor to help us move forward, backward, or roundabout. Early childhood teachers and caregivers are really the experts here; they understand that open dialogue is one of the most powerful tools of evaluation at this level. Veteran teachers may be surprised at the broad and eclectic approaches to evaluation suggested later in this book. But we believe that those who guide young children in exploration have antennae better than any assessment system available.

      Building on History

      In 1996 the NRC formulated the National Science Education Standards (NSES). This document brought together much of the research and practice that had come before. But it was limited in its pedagogy. It clustered content in three- to four-year blocks beginning with kindergarten, with little detail on progressions. It left to educators the job of sequencing content within those blocks. After a decade of slow implementation, educators looked for more. We can look back today and see how this process and its products might have been improved. Nonetheless, this first national codification of what children should learn in science strongly influenced the profession by emphasizing the need to coordinate content with process, teaching, assessment, and program- and system-level support.

      In 2012 the NRC released A Framework for K–12 Science Education. This effort by scientists, psychologists, and educators formulated a powerful vision of science and engineering education. It defined a pedagogy of three-dimensional learning, which integrates the methods (practices) of science and engineering, content, and broad concepts that cut across all disciplines. The Framework’s implementation document, published in 2013, is called the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).* The 2013 NGSS differs from the 1996 NSES in four important ways:

      •Whereas NSES grouped goals by elementary school, middle school, and high school, NGSS defines clear, research-based learning progressions for each grade level.

      •NSES was written in a one-dimensional way. It emphasized the importance of process (inquiry) in standards separate from the content goals. NGSS summarizes the end goals of each area as three-dimensional performance expectations, saying that practice and content are intrinsically intertwined with conceptual learning.

      •NGSS emphasizes crosscutting concepts, which are repeated again and again across time and learning spaces. Ideas such as energy, scale, and size or structure and function can be applied to many experiences and areas of the curriculum.

      •NGSS content is written in a very different way from NSES content. For example, a disciplinary core idea in NGSS may include the types of evidence that might be used in activities rather than simply the conclusions to which scientists might arrive. From the earliest levels, learners are encouraged to explain not just what they think but why they think it.

      The following table shows an example of the different ways in which NSES and NGSS approach the same learning goal.

      NSES-NGSS Comparison

      The content listed in these two sets of standards may seem parallel on the surface. But whereas NSES describes the end result of processes, NGSS describes the processes themselves. The latter approach leads to more active questions and invites learners to launch their own investigations.

      Veteran teachers may be asking what happened to the ubiquitous word inquiry, which guided so much of curriculum development for so many years. The concept of inquiry still exists in NGSS. But in NSES, it was vague, almost impossible to assess, and in many ways frustrating. By contrast, NGSS’s Science and Engineering Practices define very specific skill sets that we use to inquire, investigate, and develop solutions.

      Thinking of all these historic milestones in education as a progression, not as separate paths is essential. Moving from one level of understanding to the next never means abandoning the wisdom of the past. As Piaget wrote about cognitive schema, educators all over the world were observing them. Bybee and other leaders used the constructivist learning theory that was being implemented in classrooms all over the United States. And many of the same people who crafted NSES in the 1990s worked on the Framework. Meanwhile, most teachers were already creating many three-dimensional educational environments. The Framework recognized this and provided a body of research and best practice on which educators could rely to build more such environments. Tomorrow’s early childhood STEM education will enrich what we have today, not replace it.

      Early childhood teachers and caregivers should recognize in the Framework and NGSS the positive things they are already doing. Then they can use these documents to do even greater things. While the documents do not specifically discuss the prerequisite skills necessary at levels before kindergarten, it is easy to also connect this pedagogy to habits of mind like persistence, curiosity, and logical thinking. Questioning, finding patterns, classifying, and engaging in argumentation are embedded in almost all early childhood programs.

      NGSS leaders and the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) have supported the development of more active STEM curricula for early childhood. In fact, NSTA has developed a joint position statement on early childhood science education with the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) that represents another first. Here a just a few of the points made in that statement:

      Children have the capacity to engage in scientific practices and develop understanding at a conceptual level. It is never too early to explore science.

      Adults play a central and important role in helping young children learn science. These adults include not only teachers but also caregivers and parents, in a rich partnership that emphasizes exploration and experience without requiring extensive content knowledge.

      Young children need multiple and varied opportunities to engage in science exploration and discovery. While the prospect of integrating science into most early childhood experiences may seem daunting at first, it is really just an enrichment of what is normally done in school and child care settings (NSTA 2014).

      Educators are celebrating the increased prominence and significance of STEM experiences at the early childhood level. That’s because these experiences are so naturally integrated into our understanding of what’s appropriate at that level. It’s also because early childhood professionals share the joy of that discovery every day.

      Sample Early Childhood Experiences That Prepare Young Learners for Scientific and Engineering Practices

      Critical Thinking

      When young learners bring their thousands of questions to early childhood programs, it’s vital that adults don’t ask children to leave those questions at the door. Making space for critical thinking in an early childhood environment can be a challenge. It takes time and patience—even when we’ve spent the better part of an evening planning for the day’s experiences. If the children come to school with a completely different agenda for learning, we need to take a step back and just enjoy the trip.

      In her book Teaching Emerging Scientists, teacher-educator Pamela Fraser-Abder encourages us to make a primary goal of fostering learners who do the following:

      •continually seek to know and understand

      •question all things

      •interpret all available data

      •base judgment on evidence

      •respect logic

      •consider the consequences of their actions

      •demonstrate intellectual independence (Fraser-Abder 2011, 5)

      These expectations are intrinsic to the STEM approach. They also provide the foundation for differentiating a STEM classroom for the needs of all children. Be prepared. Critical thinking can lead learners to surprising questions. Never be afraid to say, I don’t know; let’s find out together.

      Reading the Framework and NGSS in an Early Childhood Context

      The Framework and NGSS define an extensive set of progressions in practices, concepts, and content that includes all the academic disciplines. Some early childhood educators consider this structured

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