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Moon Spell Magic: Invocations, Incantations & Lunar Lore for a Happy Life (Spell Book, Beginners Witch, Moon Spells, Wicca, Witchcraft, and Crystals for Healing)
Moon Spell Magic: Invocations, Incantations & Lunar Lore for a Happy Life (Spell Book, Beginners Witch, Moon Spells, Wicca, Witchcraft, and Crystals for Healing)
Moon Spell Magic: Invocations, Incantations & Lunar Lore for a Happy Life (Spell Book, Beginners Witch, Moon Spells, Wicca, Witchcraft, and Crystals for Healing)
Ebook215 pages2 hours

Moon Spell Magic: Invocations, Incantations & Lunar Lore for a Happy Life (Spell Book, Beginners Witch, Moon Spells, Wicca, Witchcraft, and Crystals for Healing)

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Moon Spells, Moon Magic, Wiccan Religion, and More

“What a fantastic book—it is packed with lore, mythology, history, and wonderful spells.” —Amazon Review

#1 Best Seller in Religion & Spirituality, Agnosticism

The moon has enormous power and celestial energy. Learn how to harness it with this practical and inspirational handbook for making magic from spells for each day of the week.

The wisdom of Wiccan religion. Moon Spells Magic contains an abundance of folk wisdom as well as many modern pagan practices to help you learn the necessary lore and background information for creating the life of your dreams. Learn rituals and incantations for romance, seasonal sacred energy altars, and money magic.

Witches are the among the most devoted spiritual seekers. Moon Spell Magic can be an important tool for gaining a deep grounding in magical correspondences, astrological associations, and the myths behind the magic. Whether you are looking to conjure up a supernatural Saturday for your coven or rid your home of negative energy and blocks to happiness, this numinous guide can help you turn your home into a personal pagan power center and have fun in the process.

Inside find:

  • Over 100 recipes for spells ranging from the everyday to special occasions and high holidays
  • Ritual resources with lunar lore, astronomical and color correspondences, plant associations, god and goddess invocations, and elemental aspects for creating personal spells
  • Spells for love, money, and luck as well as many pagan practices for a modern lifestyle
  • A “personal super moon” section detailing your luckiest days of the year and the best time for working, romance, prosperity and when you can access you “Lunar Super Powers”

If you liked The Spell Book for New Witches by Ambrosia Hawthorn or Moon Spells by Diane Ahlquist, you’ll love Cerridwen Greenleaf’s Moon Spell Magic.

Release dateApr 11, 2017
Moon Spell Magic: Invocations, Incantations & Lunar Lore for a Happy Life (Spell Book, Beginners Witch, Moon Spells, Wicca, Witchcraft, and Crystals for Healing)

Cerridwen Greenleaf

Cerridwen Greenleaf is a writing instructor, a medieval scholar, and practicing astrologer. She leads spirituality workshops and retreats throughout the U.S, and has published a number of books on mysticism. She is also the author of Running Press’s bestselling gift books, The Witch’s Spellbook and Spells for Love and Romance.

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    Moon Spell Magic - Cerridwen Greenleaf

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    Invocations, Incantations & Lunar Lore for a Happy Life

    Library of Congress Cataloging

    Names: Cerridwen Greenleaf

    Title: Moon Spell Magic / by Cerridwen Greenleaf

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017901658

    ISBN 9781633535626 (paperback), ISBN 9781633535633 (eBook)

    BISAC Category Code: OCC026000 BODY, MIND & SPIRIT/Witchcraft

    ISBN: (paperback) 978-1-63353-562-6, (ebook) 978-1-63353-563-3

    Printed in the United States of America

    This book is for my teachers, wise women and men who led me to the moonlit path.

    Hear the words of the Star Goddess,

    the dust of whose feet are the hosts of heaven,

    whose body encircles the universe:

    I who am the beauty of the green earth and the white moon

    among the stars and the mysteries of the waters,

    I call upon your soul to arise and come unto me.

    For I am the soul of nature that gives life to the universe.

    From Me all things proceed and unto Me they must return.


    The Charge of the Goddess

    Moon Spell Magic: Invocations, Incantations

    and Lunar Lore for a Happy Life.

    This book is intended to be a practical and inspirational handbook to making magic—from spells for each day of the week, rituals for romance, seasonal sacred energy altars, secrets for money magic, and everything in between. Moon Spell Magic will contain an abundance of folk wisdom, as well as many modern pagan practices that will help readers learn the necessary lore and background information for creating the life of their dreams. Rituals and incantations can lead to great personal growth. Witches are among the most devoted spiritual seekers, and this book can be an important tool for just this, adding a deep grounding in magical correspondences, astrological associations, and the myths behind the magic. Whether you are looking to conjure up a supernatural Saturday for your coven or rid your home of negative energy and blocks to happiness, this numinous guide can help readers turn their homes into personal pagan power centers while having fun in the process. The moon has enormous power and celestial energy; by harnessing that, you can improve your life every day with the spells in this book.

    Table of Contents


    Using the Night Sky As Your Guide

    Chapter 1:

    The Lunar Calendar: Spells for Every Phase of the Moon

    Chapter 2:

    Setting Up Your Lunar Altar: Your Personal Power Center

    Chapter 3:

    North, South, East and West: The Four Directions and Four Elements in Ritual

    Chapter 4:

    Everyday Spells: Harnessing the Power of the Moon

    for Your Magic

    Chapter 5:

    Your Magical Week: Solar Days and Lunar Nights

    Chapter 6:

    The Moon is a Silver Coin: Money Magic Secrets and Incantations for True Abundance

    Chapter 7:

    Mother Moon’s Cure: The Homely Healing Arts

    Chapter 8:

    Spells to Attract, Create and Keep Love in Your Life

    Chapter 9:

    Gods and Celestial Goddesses: Lunar Lore and Spiritual Correspondences

    Chapter 10:

    Rites of Passage: Rituals and Invocations for Groups and Gatherings


    Serious Moonlight

    About the Author



    Using the Night Sky As Your Guide

    For centuries, witches have known that luck is neither random nor mysterious. Thanks to the wise women in my family who shared their trade secrets openly, I learned very early in life my fate was mine to guide, and I could manifest my will through the tools of magic. I have never used witchcraft specifically to get money, but I have used it to find a good home, attract job opportunities, and help others. People have always marveled at what they perceive as my good luck, or suggested I have a fleet of guardian angels behind my every move. But luck and angels have nothing to do with it.

    As soon as you approach your magic consciously, you will see you have the power to choose abundance. And when you increase your material prosperity, you reduce the need to worry about such worldly matters. Only then you can move on to achieving true prosperity: pursuing your pleasures, spending time with family and friends, and enjoying your life. Magic and spellwork is about expansion – expanding your horizons, enriching your mind and spirit, celebrating the real riches of health and happiness. Every witch walks her spiritual path with practical feet and is aware of the fiercely competitive world in which we live. With life’s increasingly frantic pace, the search for serenity is now more important than ever. Herein lay the keys to rising above the fray and embracing a life of abundance and joy.

    Every day is an opportunity for growth in every aspect of your life, and its level of success is entirely up to you. Think of these as pagan prescriptions for the twenty-first century, guaranteed to banish stress, ease tension, and add comfort, joy and magic to your daily life. Blessed be!

    Chapter 1:

    The Lunar Calendar:

    Spells for Every Phase

    of the Moon

    The proper phase of the moon is essential for spell craft. The waning moon is the time to wind down any personal challenges and see them to an end. The new moon is an auspicious time for a fresh start. While waxing, the moon grows steadily larger and is good for spellwork toward fruition. The full moon is a great teacher with a special message for each month. The moon moves through the wheel of the zodiac from sign to sign every two to three days.

    Performing a spell at the optimal time in the lunar cycle will maximize your power. As you read the spells in this book, keep this elemental magic in mind:

    Each lunar cycle begins with a new phase, when the moon lies between the sun and the earth so the illuminated side cannot be seen.. The moon gradually waxes until it has moved to the opposite side of the earth, its lit side faceing us in the full moon phase. It then begins to wane until it reaches the New Moon phase again. The entire cycle takes a month, during which the moon orbits the earth. To determine the sun sign governing the moon, you will need a celestial guide or almanac. My favorite is Llewellyn’s Daily Planetary Guide.

    New Moon Flower Power

    This flower-infused potpourri is wonderful for clearing the way for the new in your life and planting seeds for new moon beginnings. You can also create a wreath with garlic bulbs for self-protection and insurance that your newly laid plans won’t go awry.

    Flower ingredients:





    Place the flowers in a bowl and then sprinkle them with a few drops of geranium, clove, and cinnamon oil. Place the mixture on the south point of your altar for the duration of a full lunar cycle, from new moon to new moon.

    New Moon Spells

    We all know about the power of full moon spells, but don’t neglect the energy of the other moon phases. New moon spells can be quite powerful as long as you target the right purposes during this time of the lunar cycle.

    The new moon is the time for beginnings and new projects, so this is a good time to work some magick towards a new path in your life. Needless to say, cast these spells during a new moon phase.

    Seeding the Future - New Moon Ritual

    What are your intentions for the coming months? What you can imagine, you can bring into being. This ritual will aid you in getting what you want and need for yourself and loved ones. Nothing says new beginnings like planting a seed, so use the power of a growing plant to bring success to your own new moon projects. Assemble the following:

    A flowerpot filled halfway with soil

    Enough soil to fill the pot

    Seeds (nasturtiums are oh-so-easy to grow)

    Egg shells

    A small piece of paper

    Get everything together and write your intentions on the paper in as few words as possible and roll into a scroll. Place the scroll in the pot, and then crush some egg shells on top of that. Fill the rest of the pot with soil.

    Repeat the following:

    I plant this seed when the moon is new,

    Manifest my intentions, I ask it true. So mote it be.

    Keep repeating this as you plant your seeds, and give them a little water. After the ritual, keep the pot somewhere sunny and you should start seeing some success in your plans when the plant begins to sprout. Keep it healthy and thriving to keep the magic going. You can perform a ritual like this anytime you feel the need and the moon is new. You can also be very specific in your intentions: new love, an interview for a new job, finding a new home you love. I find that the more specific you are in setting your intentions, the more powerful the spell.

    New Job, New Moon

    Another good spell purpose for the new moon is getting a new job. If you’re seeking new employment, try this ritual out. Get your supplies out:

    2 green candles

    2 white candles

    2 gold candles

    2 pieces of green jade or another green stone

    Cinnamon oil

    Line up the candles, alternating the colors. Anoint each one with cinnamon oil, and rub a little oil on the stones too. Start at one end and light each candle. With each one, repeat these words:

    A new career is what I desire,

    I cast this spell to get a hire.

    By the light of this new moon,

    I need a new job soon.

    After all the candles are lit, take each stone and gently pass it through the flames (careful of your fingers). Then hold the stones in your hands and visualize the type of job you want to get. After the spell, pocket the stones and carry them with you. You should have a new job by the next new moon.

    The Dark Side of the Moon – Eclipse Enchantments

    When the moon passes into the Earth’s shadow, this is a lunar eclipse. These are rare occasions that make for a truly enchanted evening. I recommend you think ahead to what you want to accomplish in this phase, since an eclipse only lasts several hours. Think about what you want brought out of the shadow and into the light – do you need to dust off old dreams and reactivate them? Do you have old hurts and wounds you need to let go of and purge from your life? Do you feel there is a secret being kept from you? This one night is perfect for the purposes of saying goodbye to the old and ushering in the new. Simply plan your magical workings to coordinate with the passing shadow. When the moon is in full eclipse, treat those few moments as if the moon was in its Dark phase. It is also an excellent time to honor the goddess of the moon in a group or solo ritual. Think through carefully your heart’s desire and what will serve you for many months to come.

    White Light of Love: A Waning Moon

    To light the flower of love in your heart, time this charm for the waning of a New Moon. Place a green candle beside a white lily, rose or freesia. Make sure it is a posy of personal preference. White flowers have the greatest perfume and either of these beauties will impart your home with a pleasing aura. I like to float a gardenia in a clear bowl of fresh water, truly the essence of the divine. Light the candle and hold the flower close to your heart. Pray,

    Steer me to the highest light;

    guide me to beauty and truth.

    Much have I to give.

    Much have I to live.

    Bright blessings to one and all.

    Waning Moon Money Magic

    To attract money, fill a big pot with fresh water and place it on your altar during the waxing moon. Pour a cup of milk with a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of ground clove into the pot as an offering. Toss handfuls of dried chamomile and mint into the cauldron. Say aloud:

    I call upon you, gods and goddesses of old, to fill my purse with gold. I

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