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Are you searching for something different? Are you overwhelmed by your busy life? Do you yearn for some inner peace? This book could be for you!

Get in touch with the Spirit World. Get in touch with your Soul Self.

Do you feel incomplete? Is there a hole in your life that can be filled with Spiritual Energy? Read this book and learn to fill the void.

Spiritual Awareness can expand your senses, and fill your Soul.

Do you feel alone and disconnected? Connect with your real self, your Soul Self. Find out how you can connect to those around you. Make the connection with your Spirit Guides. Most importantly make that connection with your God. Lizzie Arnold, found her way through darkness into the light, Lizzie shows you how to make your life better, and become Spiritually Aware.

You may ask 'What is Spiritual Awareness, and why is it important?' This book will answer your questions. You will find out how Spiritual Awareness can change your life. You will read about the importance of the Aura, the Chakras and the Clair Senses in developing awareness.

Spiritual Awareness offers an alternative to the materialistic and technological world we live in. Getting in touch with the Spirit World allows us to get in touch with our own Spirit. We are physical beings, but encased in our physical shell is our Soul Being. Many people are unaware they even have a Soul Self. Have you ever been in touch with yours?

Spiritual Awareness is important for your physical and emotional wellbeing. Spiritual or Reiki Healing can help you emotionally and physically. Learn about Meditation and Endorphins. Read how Mindfulness helps depression and can help to control pain.

Read about Spiritualism, how it brings comfort to those who are bereaved. In the Spiritualist Movement there is love and fellowship. Spiritualist mediums provide proof of the existence of the Human Soul. This is the public aspect of Spiritual Awareness. Your private, Spiritual Journey is as important, and is unique. Developing Awareness individually, is equally as valid.

Were you aware of Spirit as a child? Have you lost that connection? Many of us 'see', 'hear' or 'sense' Spirit as children in a natural way, during our childhood development. Unfortunately most of us learn to block our Communication with Spirit. Encountering the world as children, we want to fit in. If adults are disapproving of the 'weird behaviour' of their child, or peers mock their 'strange' class mate, spiritual Awareness can be supressed. This book shows how you can re-connect with the Spirit World.

Learn about Spirit Guides; their importance for your Spiritual Development and your life in general. If you are unaware of your guides, you are missing out. Building a relationship with your Spirit Guides is one of the most important aspects of Spiritual Awareness.

Discover the magic of Spiritual Awareness. There are no spells or hocus pocus when you become Spiritually Aware. There is nothing paranormal about connecting with the Spirit World. Nonetheless,Spiritual Awareness is truly Magical. Using Clair Senses to link in with Spirit and receive Communication is a Magical experience. 'Seeing', 'hearing'  or 'feeling' Spirit can be enchanting.

Discover how Spiritual Awareness can change your life in many different ways. See also how it affects the way you look at the world. Transformation can be unexpected and dramatic, but remember Spiritual Awareness is a way of life.

Can Spiritual Awareness change the world? Read what Lizzie arnold has to say on the subject.   

PublisherSusan Evans
Release dateOct 19, 2017

Lizzie Arnold

Lizzie Arnold is a Spiritualist first and author second. She is a Developing Medium, Reiki Master and she teaches Spiritual awareness. Lizzie is an ardent fan of Spiritual Awareness. She talks incessantly about how becoming Spiritually Aware is an invaluable part of human development. She knows what she's talking about! For Lizzie Arnold, linking in with the Spirit World is as natural as breathing. Using the Clairsenses to Communicate with Spirit is as normal as speaking on the phone. Learn more in her book ...


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    Lizzie Arnold


    Hi everyone, my name is Lizzie Arnold, and I am a fervent fan of Spiritual Awareness. I have spent years of my life developing, learning, researching and more recently teaching Spiritual Awareness.

    I feel I am still on a Spiritual Learning Curve, and probably will be for the rest of my life. The wonderful thing is that the journey is exciting in itself. Every new thing I learn, or sometimes discover by accident, enriches my life.

    At times, I have felt I have come to a Spiritual plateau. This has led to a feeling of frustration at the lack of progress. Occasionally this has been down to impatience on my part. Trying to rush Spiritual Development never works.

    There have been events in my life that have intervened in my Spiritual learning. Sometimes it is for a good reason that growth is suspended. Earthly matters cannot be ignored. Family and friends have to come first, when they need you. Your Spirit Guides know this, and will help you through earthly trials. They will allow you to re-direct your energy as you need to. When there are difficult times, remember your Spiritual values and beliefs, as they will sustain you.

    In this book I talk a lot about myself, and apologise for that in advance. I give my Spiritual journey as an example of a path one can take, and I hope this is helpful. Of course we are all unique, and I don’t expect anyone to copy what I have done. However seeing how Spiritual Awareness has changed my life may provide some inspiration for anyone who knows they want change, but have little idea how to achieve it.

    I was in this predicament thirteen years ago when I lost my husband to cancer. At the time, I had no religious beliefs, and was wandering aimlessly in a very dark tunnel. This may sound dramatic, but is genuinely how I felt. Since then I have met many people who are bereaved and have similar feelings. Those who are grieving can be stuck in a very bleak place, with no visible way out.

    HOW MY LIFE CHANGED: By what seemed like pure chance at the time, I attended a health fair, and found a Reiki Master who gave me Healing. I was eager for some relief for my emotional angst, and the constant headaches that went hand in hand with it. I was so desperate that I signed up for a Reiki One Attunement there and then.

    It may sound strange that I went directly from being a cynical atheist, to having aspirations to being a Healer. Looking back, this does seem rather extreme, but my thinking at the time wasn’t based on reason or logic. Thank goodness it wasn’t. I had acted on the spur of the moment, but with some inner intuition that this was the right choice for me.

    The day I went for my Reiki Attunement, the memory of the effect of the healing had dimmed somewhat. My scepticism was threatening to return. I turned up for the Attunement Day with little enthusiasm, and some trepidation. For me this was the unknown, but having paid in advance, I felt obliged to go through with it.

    Am I happy that I did? Oh yes! The experience was nothing less than mind boggling. During the Attunement Ritual, it felt as though I was being turned inside out, emptied and then filled with something like molten liquid. The experience actually made me feel ill. My Reiki master was so worried, she thought I would faint.

    I don’t want to put anyone off Reiki Training. Any discomfort I felt on that day was well worth it. Also, none of the Reiki Attunements I have carried out on others have been as dramatic as mine was.

    After the Attunement, a strong coffee and a period of recovery, I spent the rest of the day learning the prayers and various Reiki Healing routines, including Self-Healing. The emotions and sensations I experienced were amazing. More than anything, I was blown away by the fact that I could see pulsating colours in my third eye (brow chakra). I had never seen anything like that before. (This beautiful occurrence still amazes me even now. I feel privileged to have sensitivity to Spiritual Energy.) I was sent away and told to perform a three week Self-Healing period to cleanse my Chakras. I was also told that with Reiki One I could heal family, friends and pets. This day changed my life!

    Through the next three weeks, I learnt to heal myself before I performed Healing on anyone else. This was a Chakra Cleansing, which had profound effects. I went through a physical detox, which was quite unpleasant at the time, but I also became more Spiritually Aware, which was amazing. I could feel my Chakra energies and my Aura. The sensations and the imagery in my 3rd eye deepened. Twice I heard voices, once I heard music. I smelt perfume. A door had opened for me to a whole new Spiritual experience.

    My Reiki two Attunement six months later was just as intense. I didn’t actually feel ill, but I was transported to another level of awareness, and it was truly wonderful. My third level, and Reiki Master’s training was more academic, and took me over a year to complete. This final Attunement left me with a deep level of peace and affirmation in my role as a Healer.

    Another reason Reiki has changed my life is learning about the five Reiki Precepts:

    ‘Just for today I will not anger.

    Just for today I will not worry.

    Just for today I will be grateful.

    Just for today I will honour all living things.

    Just for today I will be diligent in my work.’

    You may ask, what do these precepts have to do with Spiritual Awareness? The answer is that if you avoid anger and worry, and if you are grateful instead of dissatisfied with life, then you are less distracted by earthly concerns and have a more focused approach to Spiritual work. You can be more open to the wonderful energy that surrounds you.

    These few simple sentences altered the way I looked at the world:

    At the time I was grieving and felt anger at the loss of my husband. By consciously focusing on my anger each day, I would calm myself and accept the situation. I would still feel sad for my loss, but I came to realise that anger was futile.

    Personally I used to worry for England, now I rarely waste energy worrying. The realisation that worrying never helps a situation, and often makes it worse, opened my eyes. Instead of fretting about the negative side of life, I gradually learnt to appreciate everything good in my life.

    At first I found it hard to be grateful, as I felt I had been robbed of my partner too early in life. There was a deep loneliness, which overwhelmed me at times, but gradually I came to realise that I was very lucky. I had two lovely children and I had my health. I was sufficiently well off to live decently.

    Also I was now blessed by being a Healer, with the ability to sense Spiritual Energy. This wondrous event gave me hope for the future, not just on this earth plane, but also in the Spirit World. I was no longer a non-believer. I knew that my husband still existed and was in a better place.

    ‘Honouring all living things’ made me look outside myself and my situation to realise other people have problems, and that I was in a position to help them, especially through Reiki healing.

    I interpreted ‘Being diligent in my work’ to mean that I should put Reiki to its best use.

    The other important aspect of the five reiki precepts is the statement ‘just for today’. This means that even if you are not successful in practising the precepts on a particular day, you can try again the day after, and the day after that. There is always tomorrow.

    MY CONTINUING JOURNEY: As a Healer, over the years I have become more and more Spiritually Aware. This awareness includes feeling and seeing Auras, seeing light around my hands when I am Healing, as well as seeing moving, coloured shapes around the treatment bed. At times there is brilliance around the whole healing space. These happenings are now a natural part of my Spirituality, but I don’t feel blasé about them. I still appreciate their wonder and beauty.

    This is an important part of Spiritual Awareness development. We need to continually value the magic

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