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Easy Learning Spanish Vocabulary: Trusted support for learning
Easy Learning Spanish Vocabulary: Trusted support for learning
Easy Learning Spanish Vocabulary: Trusted support for learning
Ebook396 pages4 hours

Easy Learning Spanish Vocabulary: Trusted support for learning

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About this ebook

The quickest way to study the essential Spanish words and the perfect companion to titles in the ever-popular Easy Learning Spanish range.

Designed for learners of Spanish of all ages, whether you are learning at school, in an evening class, for business or to go on holiday.

  • Easy to use: gives you all the words you need in order to communicate effectively in natural Spanish.
  • Easy to read: clear layout and handy vocabulary sections ensure that you find what you are looking for quickly and easily.
  • Easy to understand: example phrases show you how Spanish is really used.
Release dateMay 5, 2016
Easy Learning Spanish Vocabulary: Trusted support for learning

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    Easy Learning Spanish Vocabulary - Collins Dictionaries

    air travel

    ESSENTIAL WORDS (masculine)


    viajar en avión to travel by plane

    un billete (Sp) or boleto (LAm) de ida a single ticket

    un billete (Sp) or boleto (LAm) de ida y vuelta, un boleto redondo (Mex) a return ticket

    reservar un billete (Sp) or boleto (LAm) de avión to book a plane ticket

    por avión by airmail

    facturar el equipaje to check in one’s luggage

    perdí el enlace I missed my connection

    el avión ha despegado/ha aterrizado the plane has taken off/has landed

    el panel de llegadas/salidas the arrivals/departures board

    el vuelo número 776 procedente de Madrid/con destino Madrid flight number 776 from Madrid/to Madrid

    ESSENTIAL WORDS (feminine)


    recoger el equipaje to collect one’s luggage

    recogida de equipajes baggage reclaim

    pasar por la aduana to go through customs

    tengo algo que declarar I have something to declare

    no tengo nada que declarar I have nothing to declare

    registrar el equipaje to search the luggage

    IMPORTANT WORDS (masculine)

    USEFUL WORDS (masculine)


    a bordo on board; prohibido fumar no smoking

    abróchense el cinturón de seguridad fasten your seat belts

    estamos sobrevolando Londres we are flying over London

    me estoy mareando I am feeling sick; secuestrar un avión to hijack a plane

    IMPORTANT WORDS (feminine)

    USEFUL WORDS (feminine)


    pasajeros del vuelo AB251 con destino Madrid, embarquen por la puerta 51 flight AB251 to Madrid now boarding at gate 51

    hicimos escala en Nueva York we stopped over in New York

    un aterrizaje forzoso or de emergencia an emergency landing

    un aterrizaje violento a crash landing

    tabaco libre de impuestos duty-free cigarettes


    ESSENTIAL WORDS (masculine)


    me gustan los gatos, odio las serpientes, prefiero los ratones I like cats, I hate snakes, I prefer mice

    tenemos 12 animales en casa we have 12 pets in our house

    no tenemos mascotas en casa we have no pets in our house

    los animales salvajes wild animals

    los animales domésticos or las mascotas pets

    el ganado livestock

    meter un animal en una jaula to put an animal in a cage

    liberar a un animal to set an animal free

    ESSENTIAL WORDS (feminine)

    IMPORTANT WORDS (feminine)


    el perro ladra the dog barks; gruñe it growls

    el gato maulla the cat miaows; ronronea it purrs

    me gusta la equitación or montar a caballo I like horse-riding

    a caballo on horseback

    cuidado con el perro beware of the dog

    no se admiten perros no dogs allowed

    ¡quieto! (to dog) down!

    los derechos de los animales animal rights

    USEFUL WORDS (masculine)

    USEFUL WORDS (feminine)


    ESSENTIAL WORDS (masculine)

    IMPORTANT WORDS (masculine)

    USEFUL WORDS (masculine)


    ir en bici(cleta), montar en bici(cleta) to go by bike, to cycle

    vine en bici(cleta) I came by bike

    viajar to travel

    a toda velocidad at full speed

    cambiar de marchas to change gears

    pararse to stop

    frenar bruscamente to brake suddenly

    ESSENTIAL WORDS (feminine)

    IMPORTANT WORDS (feminine)

    USEFUL WORDS (feminine)


    dar una vuelta or pasear en bici(cleta) to go for a bike ride

    tener un pinchazo or una rueda pinchada to have a puncture

    arreglar un pinchazo to mend a puncture

    la rueda delantera/trasera the front/back wheel

    inflar las ruedas to blow up the tyres

    brillante, reluciente shiny

    oxidado(a) rusty

    fluorescente fluorescent


    ESSENTIAL WORDS (masculine)

    USEFUL WORDS (masculine)

    ESSENTIAL WORDS (feminine)

    USEFUL WORDS (feminine)


    volar to fly

    emprender vuelo to fly away

    construir un nido to build a nest

    silbar to whistle

    cantar to sing

    la gente los mete en jaulas people put them in cages

    hibernar to hibernate

    poner un huevo to lay an egg

    un ave migratoria a migratory bird


    ESSENTIAL WORDS (masculine)

    IMPORTANT WORDS (masculine)


    de pie standing

    sentado(a) sitting

    tumbado(a) lying

    ESSENTIAL WORDS (feminine)

    IMPORTANT WORDS (feminine)


    grande big

    alto(a) tall

    pequeño(a) small

    bajo(a) short

    gordo(a) fat

    flaco(a) skinny

    delgado(a) slim

    bonito(a) pretty

    feo(a) ugly

    USEFUL WORDS (masculine)

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