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The Unique Micronutrient And Mineral For Your Health & Life

Are you suffering from various diseases and low on energy? You always remain sick and unable to understand its reason. The magnesium deficiency can be its reason because bad eating habits, environmental pollution, stress, dieting and lots of other factors can deplete magnesium of your body. Magnesium is one of the most important elements, and the Magnesium: The Unique Micronutrient And Mineral For Your Health & Life is written to increase the importance of magnesium. It is important for all major body organs and its regular consumption can be a life saver for you. In different pages of this book, you will find the answers to all questions. 

Here is a preview of the content of this book:

Miracles of Magnesium Chloride

Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency in Your Body

Various Sources of Magnesium and its Benefits

Magnesium for Cardiovascular Diseases and Happiness

How can magnesium enhance your life?

Magnesium is important for your organs and this book will help you know about various food sources with magnesium. In the inner pages of this book, you will find the answer of all important questions. This book will help you to live a well-balanced, energized and productive life.  

PublisherAda Healer
Release dateOct 14, 2017

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    Book preview

    Magnesium - Ada Healer


    Magnesium is one of the most neglected minerals because only a few people know the powers of this wonderful mineral. The statistics reveal that almost 70% of the inhabitants don’t consume the required level of magnesium. They are suffering from magnesium deficiency and it may lead them to various health complications.

    Описание: Картинки по запросу Magnesium

    It is really important to consume the required amount of magnesium for a healthy body. This macro mineral has various uses in industries and maintenance of body health. The magnesium serves as a key to preventing thousands of medical conditions.

    A healthy level of magnesium is required to retrieve the body to its normal state and support healthy functionality.

    If you want to live a great life, then it is necessary to understand the use of magnesium chloride. This powerful mineral has motherly nature and can finely repair your body. It can be obtained from seawater and various vegetables and fruits.


    The magnesium provides power to the enzymes that are produced by the body through a biochemical reaction.

    The biochemical reactions are important for your whole life because you can feel, grow, breathe and live your life with the help of biochemical reactions. The ability of your body to perform different functions is based on enzymes.

    The magnesium plays a major role in the biochemical reactions, such as the breakdown of fat and glucose, production of protein and enzymes and the creation of DNA and RNA. It

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