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The Inner Power
The Inner Power
The Inner Power
Ebook59 pages1 hour

The Inner Power

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

You might die tomorrow. Are you able to find enough reliable excuses to deal with your regrets?
Just try to count your buried dreams. Can you?
I shouldn't have written this book and you shouldn't be reading it. We are supposed to obey, to borrow from banks, then to work to pay our rates and consume. We are meant to be slaves, workers, and buyers.
I've broken the chain and I challenge you to break yours as well. Will you dare?
It is a power you can grow to the level you need for getting all that you want in life, for living the life you desire, for bringing around you the people you want in your life.
When you don't use your own power and you borrow power from outside yourself, you get weaker. You can base your power on money, social status, authority, your influence in others, but when all these are gone, you'll find yourself empty, naked, helpless and unable to stand up.
You can lose your health, your job, and all your money. All your friends you never had will disappear then, and so will some of your relatives. What will you do then? Will you be able to stand up if all your power depended on this outer things? Your only chance to stand up will be to find in yourself this inner power.

Release dateOct 15, 2017
The Inner Power

Bogdan Andronachi

Bogdan Andronachi is known to be highly addicted to kickboxing, marathons, ebooks, and pizza. He is a shaved-head former police officer who reinvented himself after 13 years of chasing criminals, and successfully turned into a writer, instructor, and coach in the personal development field. His experience in working with all sorts of criminals, victims, and witnesses helped him deeply understand human psychology and his real-life experience makes him one of the most trustful authors in the self-improvement field.

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Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Sep 8, 2019

    Right to the point! No self-help sweet bullshit, no poetry. Rough, tough and hard to ingest, but shaking and efficient.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Apr 23, 2019

    Short, funny, clear and practical, but also quite shaking. It puts you on the right path and kicks your ass to make you move forward. Highly recommend it!

Book preview

The Inner Power - Bogdan Andronachi


I was not supposed to write this book. I was not supposed to leave the sad herd of hopeless zombies, that crawl their bodies thorough the subway every morning. That's what I was taught. I was supposed to work, pay the bills, feed my kids and patiently wait for the retirement day.

And what am I doing? I'm not only disobeying, but worse, I instigate others to break the chains of misery and start living free lives. I coach one-on-one, I publish online courses, I write books and record audio programs that inflame mutiny in thousands of people around the world.

I've reinvented myself and I work on understanding people and their needs, and to be able to offer them tactics, techniques and tools for helping them attain the success they desire.

I help people reach their goals and by that I reach my goals too.

I want to be an effective coach. It is my dream and all that I teach people to do in order to get what they want, I've already applied in my live, to attain my goals.

The main problem I face when I coach people, is that they mostly have no idea what's the real problem they are dealing with.

Before starting to write this book, I've asked my readers about their problems because I wanted to know them better. I've received two kind of answers:

The first category refers to problems regarding personality, efficacy and productivity, discipline and self-help.

The other category contained problems regarding love and relationships.

People are driven by two main forces: the first is the need for power, success and social recognition; the other is the sexual pulse, which is responsible of our sex live, love or lack of love, relations and family.

So the questions fit into these two categories.

In this book, I won't get to deep in the sex, love and relationships part. Although people always want quick, even instantaneous solutions for their sexual, love and relationships problems, these are rarely fast and never instantaneous. I've learned from experience that it's a loss of time to try to offer solutions to their love and sex live, if they have no solid base built of character, personality and emotional balance.

That's what we're doing right now, by reading and applying this book: we are building a solid base for all that comes next.

It's very important to differentiate this, because although personality and romance go hand in hand, we should take them one by one for a better understanding, and effective training. Remember: one bite at a time.

The motive that made me put my time end effort in writing this book is that I am positive, after many years of studying psychology and personal development, that in every man on this planet is a huge hidden inner power, that waits to be released. Each release of these inner power in any of my readers, or clients I personally coach, gives me the immense joy of winning. My clients give that joy all along their personal development, as we are in close contact, and work as a team, but from you, my dear readers, I need to be fed with that joy of your success, so please, please, please, write your reviews! I crave to read them.

The strange fact is that all the dreams and desires people have, come from a place in which they never search.

There is something that can change all in your favour in a minute, even in the hardest times of your life. Something no one can take away from you, that can't be lost or destroyed. Something that, once you learn to release, tame, and master, will bring to your life everything you've dreamed, so fast that it will scare you.

That something is your inner power. The engine, and the fuel that will get you wherever you want to go, will fulfil your dreams and will bring you to your goals.

Almost anything we may want is outside us - no matter if you want money, sex, love or social

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