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Epidemic: America's Trade in Child Rape
Epidemic: America's Trade in Child Rape
Epidemic: America's Trade in Child Rape
Ebook400 pages3 hours

Epidemic: America's Trade in Child Rape

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About this ebook

The problem of child sex abuse and its cover-up is real. A generation of American children are being destroyed. If you think this happens to someone else's children and your children are safe, you are mistaken. Your children might be enduring sexual abuse right now while you remain dangerously ignorant. America's appetite for child pornography puts all our children at risk. Your children and mine. Whether you acknowledge it or not. This book is a wake-up call about a subject too few people want to discuss. That is, while no one was watching, America has become a child pornography nation.
PublisherTrine Day
Release dateSep 22, 2017
Epidemic: America's Trade in Child Rape

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    ''As a leading expert in Florida, tracking down predators and bringing justice to the victims and their families, I deal with these crimes against children every day. Yet, even I was taken back by the scope of the epidemic as detailed in this book. Human trafficking and child exploitation are crimes that often take place in plain sight but until it affects someone personally many people choose to pretend child sex trafficking doesn't exist in their community, in our country. After reading Epidemic, if you continue to look the other way, you are part of the problem." —Trent Steele, President and Chairman, Anti-Predator Project

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Epidemic - Lori Handrahan

Epidemic: America’s Trade in Child Rape

Copyright © 2017/2018 Lori Handrahan, PhD

Published by:

Trine Day LLC

PO Box 577

Walterville, OR 97489


[email protected]

Disclaimer: The position/job title and place of employment at the time of the arrest have been cited throughout this book. Upon arrest employers may or may not terminate the defendant. Some people remained in their position, on paid or unpaid leave, while charges were pending with cases taking one-two years or more to move through the system. Other times people have been allowed to quietly retired, some were forced to resign and some people were terminated immediately. Because the arrests represent a snap-shot in time, information regarding the cases included in this book may have changed. The title/employer cited is not necessarily still current – it was only current at the time of arrest.

Library of Congress Control Number: 2017952754

Handrahan, Lori

–1st ed.

p. cm.

Epub (ISBN-13) 978-1-63424-160-1

Mobi (ISBN-13) 978-1-63424-161-8

Print (ISBN-13) 978-1-63424-159-5

1. Child Abuse, Sexual -- epidemiology. 2. Child sexual abuse -- Investigation -- United States. 3. Child sexual abuse -- United States -- Statistics. 4. Child pornography. 5. Child sexual abuse -- Prevention. 6. Children -- Social conditions. I. Handrahan, Lori. II. Title

First Edition

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Printed in the USA

Distribution to the Trade by:

Independent Publishers Group (IPG)

814 North Franklin Street

Chicago, Illinois 60610


Let unwelcome truths be told.

– Paul Farmer, M.D, Pathologies of Power

Dedicated to my daughter Mila


Researching these crimes against our children, I have been fortunate to receive support from courageous friends who held me up and pushed me to keep researching, writing and publishing. So America would know. So our children could be protected. This book would not exist without the people who have sustained me and this research. You know who you are. Thank you.

One of the most persistent champions has been Gary Heidt of Signature Literary Agency. Gary pitched this book to publishers over several years. Many publishers rejected the book explaining the subject was too horrific; Americans did not want to read about this crime. No one would buy the book because it was too disturbing. Publishers said, we cannot make a profit. Sorry.

When my research on professors and staff arrested for trading in child rape went viral, Gary decided to pitch the book one more time. Trine Day immediately responded. I am grateful to Kris Millegan of Trine Day for believing in this book and offering a contract just when hope was dissipating.

Gratitude is also due to the Justice Department’s public affairs officers who answered my questions and provided court documents. Likewise, I am grateful to court clerks, law enforcement officers and prosecutors across the country who took time to speak with me and send public documents.

I owe a debt of gratitude to everyone who clicked and shared the research I have so painstakingly and stubbornly been gathering. This book found a publisher because thousands of people, expressing outrage at what pedophiles are doing to our children and indignation at mainstream media’s refusal to report on the epidemic of child sex abuse, shared my research.

Thank you.

Table of Contents


Title Page

Copyright Page






The Book

The Crime

Child Pornography



Government Reports

Academic Research

Closing the Data Gap

The Numbers

Websites and Servers


American Child Pornography Arrest and Prosecution Data

Lack of Perpetrator Data

A War We Are Already Losing

The Trade is Global

Epidemic Proportions

Global Trends

Joining Pedophile Networks

Innovative International Police Work

Global Citizen Action

Child Pornography is Almost Always an International Crime

Infants and Toddlers

Infant and Toddler Pornography

John Grisham Speaks Out

Who is Trafficking Infants and Toddlers and How?

Daily Images of Infants Raped

Race and Child Pornography

White Men – White Children

Going to Meet the Man

James Baldwin

Bearing Witness

The National Security Problem


The Military

Not a Priority

Cascade of Child Sex Abuse

National Security Infrastructure

Local and State Law Enforcement – What if the Police Officer is a Pedophile?

Serve and Protect

Federal Law Enforcement

No Accurate Records

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)

United States Marshals Service (USMS)

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Customs and Border Protection (CBP)

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

Coast Guard (USCG)

Secret Service (SS)

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Oversight is Needed

Other Government Employees

From Loskarn to Rosen

Child Pornography is a National Security Threat

The Legal Profession

Judges and Prosecutors


Kathleen Kane: Tens of Thousands of Emails

Penis Pump and Child Pornography



Sometimes It’s Fellow Lawyers


Government Employees in Education

Higher Education

Primary and Secondary Education

Special Education Teachers

Day Cares and Pre-Schools

Pedophile Magnets

Protect the Institution not the Children

The Way Forward

Tackling the Crime

Improved Investigations and Prosecutions

Better Media Coverage of the Epidemic

Unmasking and Documenting

Refuse To Be Silent


Text Boxes, Tables, Pictures & Graphs




The rape and torture of thousands of children in America is shared every day in videos, photos and live-streams. Men, and some women, are raping children, including infants and toddlers, and distributing evidence of the crime on the Internet in epidemic numbers. These offenses against our children are flourishing, in part, because we refuse to move beyond our collective denial that this criminality, often called child pornography, has reached catastrophic levels in America.

We are sustaining crisis-level numbers of seemingly normal, often powerful and successful men involved in America’s illegal child sex-abuse industry. It does not matter if the perpetrator is on the demand-side, with an incessant appetite for brutal child rape to achieve sexual gratification, or the supply-side of raping children, often their own or those of friends and relatives, and trading this abuse online. Both supply and demand of child pornography, which almost always intertwine, have reached epidemic proportions and too few are talking about it.

The current child rape crisis is also a serious community and national security concern, given how many government employees at the local, state and federal levels, including in the military, law enforcement, judicial and education sectors, are being arrested on child exploitation charges.

The problem of child sex abuse and its cover-up is real. A generation of American children are being destroyed. If you think this happens to someone else’s children and your children are safe, you are mistaken. Your children might be enduring sexual abuse right now while you remain dangerously ignorant. America’s appetite for child pornography puts all our children at risk.

Your children and mine. Whether you acknowledge it or not.

This book is a wake-up call about a subject too few people want to discuss. That is, while no one was watching, America has become a child-pornography nation.

Lori Handrahan, Ph.D.

Washington DC

July 2017


The incidence of child sexual exploitation has reached staggering proportions.

– US Department of Homeland Security’s Special Agent John Reynolds

Los Angeles Times 21 June 2016¹

The Book

This book is the result of a difficult journey. It is not research I wanted to do. It is research I have been compelled to do. I have learned more than I ever wanted to know about how pedophiles destroy our children, families and communities. This knowledge has altered how I view the world and changed how the world regards me. It has cost me a great deal. I have lost friends. My career has been targeted. My ability to earn a living has been restricted. I have persisted because this is a labor of love for children and adult survivors harmed by this crime and for dedicated investigators and prosecutors working to achieve justice.

Researching child pornography is difficult both because there is a data problem and because the subject is overwhelmingly painful. While so many journalists and academics, earning full salaries and benefiting from institutional support, are apparently unable or unwilling to report or research America’s child pornography epidemic, the research in this book has been eked out, literally, with blood, sweat and tears. Sweat from working as a gardener. Tears over the harm being done to our children. Blood when, overwhelmed by the magnitude, I sometimes tug unconsciously at my cuticles as I type.

I have been researching America’s child pornography epidemic for seven years. When I was a professor I focused on child pornography as a national security issue. Far too many federal and state employees in positions of power are engaged in the crime-making it a serious national security issue that has been ignored. Forbes, Washington Times and others published this research.² Fox News and Canadian TV invited me for interviews.³ When I lost my university position my credible and funded platform vanished and so did my ability to continue publishing and raising awareness.

Good research is expensive, tedious, and absorbs a great deal of human labor. Losing my academic position, I lost graduate research students, library access, a salary and community support. Unable to sell the book I had originally intended to write and unable to pursue the research in the manner I was trained – as a social scientist at The London School of Economics – I stumbled along with this research in fits and starts.

As I sought new employment and was unable to secure a position, I started landscaping in my community. I spent months planting flowers, re-conditioning soil, spreading mulch and trimming roses. In between time in gardens, I kept researching, working in local coffee shops and posting raw data and essays on the social media platform Medium, in what I considered a rather futile effort to raise awareness about the scope of this crime. I struggled along applying for job after job only to be continually rejected. As I asked people if they would hire me and/or support this research, I was told No, sorry, in varying degrees, and often a total lack of kindness. Was documenting a crime committed, often, by men in positions of power harming my career?

In October 2016, WikiLeaks published the Podesta emails and a popular movement called #PizzaGate emerged. My Twitter account was flooded with people sharing my work. An essay about government employees arrested on child pornography charges called State Dept Dan Rosen’s Arrest: Cheat Sheet for Journos went from 12,000 shares to nearly 60,000 almost overnight. My personal philosophy is deeply rooted in non-violence and so when a man with a gun went to a pizza place near where I live in Washington, DC I was horrified. PizzaGate worried me, and I stayed far away. As time passed, PizzaGate morphed into #PedoGate representing a movement raising awareness about child sex abuse. The hashtag became a symbol of America’s pedophile crisis and was no longer focused on any single allegation. A popular uprising expressing outrage about impunity for child sex abuse was beginning to emerge.

The essay, State Dept Dan Rosen’s Arrest: Cheat Sheet for Journos, that captured so much interest was originally posted in February 2015, three days after the State Department’s Director for Counter-terrorism was arrested for attempted sodomy with a child under 14-years-old; in reality an undercover police officer in Fairfax, Virginia. I had a list of government employees arrested on child pornography charges because of the research I had been doing for this book that no one wanted to publish. As I watched mainstream media report on Dan Rosen’s arrest, I became exasperated. Not one journalist conducted even the most basic search of government employees arrested on similar charges. I posted my essay expressing frustration with amateur reporting and called it a Cheat Sheet for Journos.

Shane Harris, then with The Daily Beast and now with the Wall Street Journal, contacted me. He said he was shocked by my list. He had no idea. He planned to issue a four-part series profiling the hundreds of arrests I had gathered. Harris published The Sickening Child Porn Crisis Infecting U.S. Government Agencies, referencing my research but his intended series never materialized. I do not know why. Harris stayed in touch for a while and then went silent. My essay received about 12,000 shares and stagnated until, nearly two years later, when the PedoGate crowd discovered it and shared it widely.

In mid-February 2017, I posted Professors & Staff Arrested for Trading in Child Rape. This essay received 8,000 shares overnight and escalated to 20,000 and then 30,000 shares a day. Within four weeks the essay had over 400,000 shares. People began asking me to include professors who were absent from my list. Clyde Fant, a former dean at Stetson University, was one request. When I contacted Stetson University to ask if this former dean still had emeritus status, despite his federal conviction for trading in pre-teen hard core (PTHC) – the brutal rape and torture of very small children, Stetson, unaware of Fant’s conviction, held an emergency meeting of their Board of Trustees. They immediately revoked Fant’s awards and emeritus status. Stetson also issued a press release stating unwavering opposition to crimes against children. If only all institutions took such an immediately powerful public stance. Fant’s arrest was not covered by the media and represents the importance of reporting on child pornography crimes.⁴ Had Fant’s arrest been reported, Stetson would have been able to act at the time of his arrest.

Chart of the number of shares and views on my essay, posted on Medium, about professors and staff arrested on child pornography charges.

I have structured this book in a manner I hope will enable readers to understand the extent of extreme sexual violence being perpetrated against our children. Arrest samples are in text boxes throughout the book and within each chapter. Longer lists of arrests are on my Medium profile. The compiled arrests are not complete data sets but are rather sample raw data. The scope of the crime is so immense it is impossible for one person, with no institutional support, to build a complete data set of all child pornography arrests in America. The data collected so far is the best I can do with limited resources. I have focused, mostly, on government employees in our military, law enforcement, judiciary, prosecutorial offices and education system. There are many arrests in religious communities, among coaches, child protection staff, children’s charities, the mental health profession, the medical community and other professional categories.

This book is just the beginning. More than anything else, it establishes the critical need for comprehensive, demographic data on child pornography arrests in America. The website describes the vision for this kind of database. I hope to secure employment and funding to build a public database allowing transparency and analysis of the child rape epidemic sweeping America. Perhaps this book will attract the attention of an employer and donor willing to make this possible. I hope people will read this book and take action; document the epidemic, create public policies and demand our government allocate resource to halt this crime that is destroying a generation of American children.


¹ 1. Veronica Rocha, 238 arrested in sweep of suspected child sex predators, Los Angeles Times, June 21, 2016, accessed July 14, 2017,

² 2 Lori Handrahan, To Catch Government Workers with Ties to Child Porn, call the IRS, Forbes Magazine, 19 September 19, 2012, accessed July 14, 2017, and Lori Handrahan, Executive Branch Porn Problem, Washington Times, August 10, 2012, accessed July 14, 2017,

³ 3 Can the IRS Prevent Child Porn? Canadian Television (CTV), September 21, 2012, accessed July 14, 2017.

⁴ 4 Stetson University, Statement from Stetson University Regarding Clyde E. Fant, March 9, 2017, accessed July 14, 2017,

– Benjamin Levin’s Statement of Facts

University of Toronto Professor & Deputy Minister of Education


The Crime

Child Pornography

In America child pornography is a legal term used in the criminal justice system. There is a growing movement objecting to the term and a corresponding debate about what this crime should be called. Some argue child sex abuse is not adequate because sex describes legal, consenting adult behavior rather than the illegal rape of children. Child exploitation, others say, is a weak phrase that does not capture the reality of the crime. These arguments are accurate. What is being done to our children is not child pornography, exploitation or sex. It is rape and torture often meeting the Convention Against Torture (CAT) definition. ¹

Pedophiles frequently discuss being aroused by committing and watching others commit violence against children. They say they want the child to suffer. They want to see blood. Children are often bound, gagged and violently assaulted. Pedophiles like Benjamin Levin, a former University of Toronto professor and Deputy Minister of Education in Canada, say things like they want to f — — all three (of her children) in front of you with your help … would they submit or would I need to tie them?² Pedophiles ask for images of babies being raped saying, the bloodier the better."³

Benjamin Levin’s Statement of Facts describing his online activity

Pedophiles also discuss, and are involved in, killing children with what seems to be alarming frequency. In 2000, for example, the Guardian reported on a British child-snuff network which included a video series titled Necros Pedo where children were raped and tortured until they died. Many of the children had been taken from Russian orphanages.⁴ In June 2017, Australian Federal Police (AFP) Commander Lesa Gale warned about child snuff films seen by the AFP in their investigations.⁵ More than a few of those arrested in America, including people holding government positions, have discussed killing children. People like the former Acting Director of Cyber Security at the Department

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