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Surrender It All to Gain It All

BraRysheyia, desires to inspire young women, young men, and everyone else to become well acquainted with our Lord and Savior. Getting to know the Lord is the best thing we, the people, could ever do. God’s presence, guidance, protection, and truth during our young lives is something so powerful that we should seek to experience it ourselves. We are the chosen people. God chose each us before we were born to be Holy, Blameless, and Adopted into His Kingdom by Him as His children (Ephesians 1:4-5). Who does not want to live a worry and trouble free life? Nobody. What keeps most people from going all in? Everything that has been placed above God. When is the right time? The time is NOW! Why not surrender it all to gain it all? Do NOT let fear stop you from living the life God wants you to live. How can you live the chosen life? Read the message in this book.

Be a Chosen One
Release dateSep 13, 2017

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    Chosen - BraRysheyia Simpson



    The purpose of this book is to shine light on the many beautiful ways our Lord worked through the life of a young woman who has dedicated the rest of her life to serving the Him. I, BraRysheyia, desire to inspire young women, young men, and everyone else to become well acquainted with our Lord and Savior. Getting to know the Lord is the best thing I have ever done. God has allowed me to witness His presence, guidance, protection, and truth during my young life and I want to share some of those moments with you. I want to encourage you to spend time with the Lord, trust in His plans for they are greater than yours are, and serve Him until the end of time. I truly want you to experience God for yourself. Words cannot describe His presence in our lives. God has been the changing factor in my life. Whenever I need Him, He is always here. I love having someone to share my joys, sorrows, happiness, sadness, hopes, and doubts with. It is remarkable how I was one person before I knew Christ, but once He saved me and changed me, I became this new creation. I became the young woman I was created to be. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here (2 Corinthians 5:17). Do you have desires to be the best you, you can be? Have you ever dreamed of being the person God created you to be? Are you living the life God wants for you? Are you walking in the steps God ordered for you? Are you truly living out your divine purpose here on earth? We must ask these questions when analyzing our lives. If you can answer these questions, no hesitation, great for you my sister or brother, but if you cannot answer these questions, this book is a great read for you. My hope for this book is that it helps you see things in a different perspective. God gives us all different journeys to make the most of. How we make the most of them is completely up to us. God allows us to encounter different situations and people to transform our lives, yet reminds us that He is in control. I want to challenge you to see things the way God sees them, love yourself and others the way He loves the church, and live a life that will have God saying, Well done my good and faithful servant (Matthew 25:23).

    Personal Testimony

    Hey you all,

    My name is BraRysheyia Simpson. I am 23 years old and I love Jesus! I am just like the average twenty-three-year-old: I like to shop, read books, gain knowledge, make money, work out, spend time with family and friends, and get closer to Jesus. The most important attribute I carry is my Salvation. When I say Jesus saved me, I mean He reached in the trenches, pulled me out, and SAVED ME!

    I was one of those kids who grew up learning about Jesus. I am from a small town where the pastor was a substitute teacher for my school and the first lady was one of my elementary school teachers, so I knew of God. My cousin, Barry, would always take my siblings and me to Sunday service, vacation bible school, worship service, and or any other church event. He had us in the choir, we took part in Wednesday night service, we ate at church luncheons, and he even woke us up early enough to make Sunday school. Can I be honest? Even though, I grew up learning about God, hanging around Godly people, and hearing God’s truth being spoken all the time, I was the kid who did her own thing. I did not understand what it meant to have a personal relationship with God. I did not want to be close to Him. As far as I knew, God and I were in two different worlds. He was in Heaven and I was here on earth, and we only made a connection when I went to church. It is sad to say, but for so long I believed my salvation depended on my attendance in church. I did not know that you could speak Romans 10: 9 and be saved anywhere at any time. You see, I thought the only way I could be saved was if I was in the physical church under the leadership of a pastor or minister. I did not know that God wanted to be intimate with me, and He wanted more than my gratitude prayers. There was a lot that I had to learn about God.

    I am going to walk you through my life. You will read about the time His presence initially felt evident, the moment He became real for me, and just how He changed me. (Before I get deep into my life story, I promise not to sugarcoat anything for you. I am going to give my life story to you as real and raw as it happened to me.)

    Flashback: When I was in middle school, I started hanging out with the wrong crowd. Have your parents or guardians ever told you to be careful whom you hang with? I believe this was one of the most used statements during that time. At the age of 13, I started talking to a guy who was a year older than I was. I was going to the seventh grade and he was going to the eighth grade. From then to now, it would have been a decade ago when we first started talking. At that time, this guy was the love of my life. Honestly, I did not know what love was, but whatever it was, this guy was it. He was my knight in shining armor. He was MINE! I thought this boy was the finest thing walking the face of earth. I personally believed every girl wanted him, but all he wanted was me. Or, so I thought. That year I lost my virginity to him. Why? He was cute, popular, and attracted to me. I wanted him to have all of me as I received all of him. Well…Things were not as they seemed to be. I dated him for a little over two years, and the entire time that guy was for everybody. When I found out he did not feel for me the same way I felt for him, I became heart broken and bitter. My little heart was destroyed. I cried for months. I hated every girl he laid eyes on, and I hated him because I could not take my eyes off him. I tried to leave him and date other guys, but I always went back. I could not walk away until my heart told me to do so. Therefore, I stayed through all the girls, all five of the children, and the emotional abuse. I stayed because my darn heart was attached to a guy who was not attached to me. He never changed, but I hoped he would. I finally built up the courage to walk away from him the summer after my freshman year in high school. Even after I walked away, everything inside of me wanted to run back to him and be a ‘rider’ though he was putting me through Hell. It is crazy how I remember these things as if it was yesterday.

    The summer of my freshman year, my family moved back to our hometown. I was so glad to be home. I missed my cousins and the people I went to school with. That summer was a great summer. I finally got over the guy whom I gave

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