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The Path of Secrets
The Path of Secrets
The Path of Secrets
Ebook109 pages1 hour

The Path of Secrets

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The path of secrets

Cathy continues her adventures in Brazil with Caroline and their friends. Captured by a mysterious and wild man, they will have to show inventiveness and mutual aid to be able to escape. A very exceptional spell will be particularly useful to them! But will they be able to use it in time? Research is intensifying to find the missing children and concern is at its height. To counter the ogres, Cathy and Caroline will have to start looking for exotic plants with unknown powers.

In this adventure, Cathy will realize that she needs others to succeed. She will understand that she must also offer her help without expecting anything in return. In addition, she will get closer to her dad and learn a little more about Marie, her mom. On the other hand, the elves face a declaration of war. They will need their young human allies to face this terrible threat. How will Cathy react?

Cathy Merlin: a series of magic and ecology !

Pollution, climate change: the current challenges of our world are numerous. How to explain complex concepts to the youngest? How can we make our children getting aware of these problems and reconnecting with Nature? We must both use the mechanisms of tales and legends as well as the harsh realities from which our planet suffers. This positive collection of small novels tries to offers this kind of vision to young adolescents who have their feet on the ground but still know how to dream!

"Cathy Merlin" is a youth series full of magical and constructive adventures. Each book combines magic and realism and skillfully slaloms between spells and plants' medicinal properties. With humor and wisdom, Cristina Rebiere takes great pleasure in making us travel around the world in places that really exist and that she has visited. So, get ready to discover an original and atypical series that will delight readers of all ages!

Release dateSep 5, 2017
The Path of Secrets

Cristina Rebiere

Courte biographie:Cristina Rebière est auteure de nombreux guides et livres. Elle a dirigé une maison d'édition, un parc d'aventures et mené à bien de nombreuses missions dans la fonction publique européenne. Elle est aussi spécialisée dans la formation continue.Ses origines:Après la Révolution roumaine, Cristina interrompt de brillantes études pour entrer à l'université en France où elle suit tout le cursus en faculté de droit et obtient une Maîtrise en Administration Économique et Sociale. D'abord chargée de communication dans un Institut Français en Allemagne, elle devient statisticienne à Bruxelles pour un bureau d'assistance de la Commission Européenne. De retour à Bucarest elle est successivement contrôleuse de gestion, directrice de maison d'édition, experte européenne puis professeure de français. En Roumanie elle fonde avec son mari une entreprise de team building puis le premier parc d'aventures jamais créé dans ce pays - construit de leurs mains - qui attirera des milliers de personnes, écoles et entreprises dans la pratique du sport et d'activités de cohésion en pleine nature. Avec son équipe, elle conçoit et construit des parcours d'escalade dans les arbres pour d'autres clients.Au rectorat de l'Académie de la Martinique, Cristina prend en charge la coordination de la Cellule Académique des Fonds Européens et de Coopération où elle accompagne les porteurs de projet dans le montage des dossiers, assure la formation en ingénierie de projet, gère un réseau de plus d'une soixantaine d'enseignants référents à l'ouverture internationale. Elle assure la gestion opérationnelle de plusieurs projets de coopération. Elle assure l'actualisation du site internet de la Délégation Académique aux Relations Internationales et à la Coopération.La pédagogie de Cristina Rebière est basée sur le pragmatisme et l'efficacité.Domaines de compétence:management de projet, voyage, marketing social de contenu, team building, formation initiale et continue, expertise en fonds européens, budgétisation, planification, productivité et stratégie, coaching, ingénierie financière, webmestre, statistiques, procédures, web intégration, conception graphique, communication, conception et construction de parcs d'aventure

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    Book preview

    The Path of Secrets - Cristina Rebiere

    Chapter 1



    A coyote scream attracted the attention of Miss Greendel. She realized at once that the five youngsters were in danger. She was astonished at the long distance from which the distress signal seemed to come… However, they were instructed not to go too deep in the forest!

    She gathered calmly, but quickly, all the other pupils. She also took this opportunity to launch another signal. Gwenola appeared suddenly and approached the professor.

    — I got your emergency call. What is going on?

    — I don’t know yet, but I need you to stay here watching over the group while I’m going to look for the five youngsters who are in danger!

    — Who is in danger?

    — Cathy, Clara, Caroline, Landy and Glen.

    — Landy? Oh no, I'll go right away! What happened to him?

    — Again, I don’t know yet, but don’t worry I'll find out. I’ll do my best to bring back your little brother safe. For my own sanity, I need to know that the other students are protected by someone. Also prepare their return because they may have to be repatriated urgently…

    — Go now! I am going to prepare the paths and if I have to activate them, two cries of owl will let me know. Good luck!

    Miss Greendel disappeared into the bushes. She made her way to the spot from which the youngsters’ distress signal had come. She found the net spread on the ground and immediately understood what had happened.

    "They fell into the net ... but who could have laid that trap? she wondered. "The answer came almost at the same moment. "Here’s the trap that hurt the marmoset… So it’s a hunter who may have kidnaped them… But for what purpose?"

    There was something wrong. She continued to examine the place with great attention. A few meters away, she discovered a footprint in the sandy soil. She quickly understood who this trace belonged to.

    "No, this can’t be possible! she thought horrified. What does such a creature do here? Was it targeting the youngsters or the elves?

    Too many questions were jostling in the head of the teacher who, despite her usual coolness, has just lost it. She knew very well to whom this four-toe mark could belong. There is only this race that misses the pinky toe of their feet! So it was an ogre who had kidnapped the youngsters!

    She continued to seek out for clues to support her theory, hoping to find something to disassemble it… Because if it was an ogre, the fate of the children was really in danger… Ogres prefer fresh flesh… It’s not just an invention of human stories to frighten their cherubs! She was well placed to know, she who had faced them long time ago!!!

    Miss Greendel found some leaves soiled with a blackish oily substance. She had to state the obvious: it was only an ogre who could leave this kind of trace in this place of the jungle! It was only their saliva that had this look…. The kidnapper had to spit here after kidnapping the children because there was a whole area where the herbs were lying down. They had to stop here… But for what?

    There wasn’t time to answer this question because it was urgent to return to the group and ensure that all students were repatriated unharmed in their homes. The threat was too great. She immediately cast away the two owl cries and also took a tiny red hummingbird out of her little bag. She scribbled a message for the elvish security saying that a red code of the first degree was triggered. The bird flew away and seemed to know its destination very well.

    Gwenola was waiting impatiently Miss Greendel. She had prepared two paths to repatriate to the elven city the pupils who were already divided into two groups.

    A "path of secrets" was a portal that allowed the elves to teleport from one place to another. They only used this means of transportation for emergencies or when they were in danger.

    In order to create a path of secrets, you had to master the level three spells and to activate them it was necessary not only to practice level four, but to have a magic object and / or a fuel. The latter was a natural, vegetal element most of the time. There were several types of fuels that elves of different races and corners of the world could use to initiate the displacement. The elements required to activate a portal depended on several parameters.

    A path of secrets couldn’t serve to more than eight people at the same time. That’s why Gwenola had prepared two of them. She had used the spell of Path of Secrets, as well as a handful of coffee-wood to open the two portals. Each one had the form of an incandescent aura of green khaki color.

    Miss Greendel appeared and approached Gwenola. She seemed very concerned and fear could be read in her eyes.

    — I preferred to wait for you rather than leave the second group alone.

    — You did well.

    — What happened to the youngsters then?

    — I'll explain it to you in the village. But to summarize, it’s an ogre, she whispered so that the others couldn’t hear it.

    Gwenola felt a chill down her spine. There was no need for further details, she had understood the gravity of the situation.

    They separated, each going towards the group she was going to accompany on one of the two paths of secrets. The youngsters were already waiting for them in the starting formation, standing in a circle by the hands so that everyone was connected. Gwenola closed the circle and took a connection between two girls with one hand. In the other hand she clasped a bracelet she had just taken off with her left hand. It was silver-made, of a rare finesse and was decorated by a small finely chiseled hummingbird hanging at the closing. She asked the children to move slowly towards the gate without letting go of their hands. As she was pronouncing the magic formula while squeezing in her hand her magic bracelet, Gwenola activates the portal.

    A completely unusual gleam appeared in the air, a few meters from the group of students. A powerful breeze emerged, moving slightly the plants next to it. A few birds hidden in the thickets flew. Very surprised, the youngsters of the circle had a movement of retreat. Some were frightened, but Gwenola reassured them and encouraged them to advance towards the light, which was growing in pulsation. A sort of luminous whirlwind appeared, turning and mixing the colors and its speed was increasing as the aura grew. A deep, rhythmic sound, like a beating heart, was heard and the shock wave spread in the bodies of the audience: boom, boom, boom. The children, however, advanced step by step, encouraged by Gwenola’s stare: the first passage in a path of secrets was always difficult for novices. The elf took care to stay in the back of the group and the little elves who walked in front of the humans entered the aura when it suddenly froze into a kind of magnificent holographic wave, the vertical and aerial image of

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