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Oracle of Spirits #6 (BBW Werewolf Shifter Romance)
Oracle of Spirits #6 (BBW Werewolf Shifter Romance)
Oracle of Spirits #6 (BBW Werewolf Shifter Romance)
Ebook106 pages59 minutes

Oracle of Spirits #6 (BBW Werewolf Shifter Romance)

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About this ebook

Enid’s adventures in the world of light and shadows is about to come to an end as all hell breaks loose.  Literally.  The trail of the missing mystics leads them to the Paranormal Society where they find skeletons hidden in the archives.  Old foes make their reappearance and old allies come to the rescue as Enid faces who, and what she is, in order to win victory for the forces of light.
Release dateJul 29, 2017
Oracle of Spirits #6 (BBW Werewolf Shifter Romance)

Mac Flynn

A seductress of sensual words and a lover of paranormal plots, Flynn enjoys writing thrilling paranormal stories filled with naughty fun and hilarious hijinks. She is the author of numerous paranormal series that weave suspense, adventure and a good joke into a one-of-a-kind experience that readers are guaranteed to enjoy. From long adventure novels to tasty little short-story treats, there's a size and adventure for everyone.Want to know when her next series comes out? Join The Flynn newsletter and be the first to know! check out her website at for listings and excerpts of all of her books!

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    Book preview

    Oracle of Spirits #6 (BBW Werewolf Shifter Romance) - Mac Flynn



    You ever have one of those days that just isn’t yours? The kind that you wish you could just crawl back into bed and sleep the day away? That long, terrible night was




    It started as our adventures always did. I got up and found trouble downstairs. Usually it was just Ian with another suicidal job, but this time he had company. I walked into the front room and found myself face to glare with Ruthven. He stood near the doorway close to the coffee table and was half-turned




    Ian sat in his chair with the usual cigarette in his mouth. His eyebrows were crashed down and the cigarette between his lips was a little crushed.

    So nothing? he wondered.

    Ruthven’s attention was stuck on my face. What is that? he




    I raised an eyebrow. "It’s called




    Your eye, he elaborated.

    I reached up and recalled the problem with my eye. It was still blue, and still not very useful as an eye. "I-um,





    She had a terrible accident with a contact lens, but back to our business, Ian




    Ruthven grudgingly turned back to Ian. "As I told you, I found nothing on a 2-





    Maybe it’s some diabolical kids group. You try out that angle? Ian




    No, but I did not attempt a thorough search of human activity groups before you inquired of the Four Horsemen and Lilith, Ruthven commented.

    Any leads there? Ian wondered.

    The joint business affair between the Whisperers and Lilith is very secretive, but I gathered the rocks had been collected for at least eight months, Ruthven revealed.

    And the warehouses? Could the rocks have been transported from the Four Horsemen to there? he guessed.

    There is no connection between the warehouses and Lilith, Ruthven




    Ian slumped in his chair and frowned. "Damn it. She really pulled one



    . . ."

    I furrowed my brow as a half-through struck me. Four Horsemen. . . I murmured. There was a familiar ring to it that I couldn’t quite place. Four H- My eyes shot open and I sat up. Four Horsemen!

    Ruthven and Ian paused and stared at me. I whipped my head to Ian. The Four Horsemen!

    Ian raised one eyebrow, and as it dawned on him he raised the other. 2-4-H. To the Four Horsemen.

    I smiled and bobbed my head like one of those dolls. That’s gotta be connected to the kidnapped women!

    Ian leaned back in his chair and smiled. It seems we’re going to have to pay Lilith another visit. His eyes flickered to Ruthven. "And we’re going to need




    Ruthven started. I blinked at Ian. "Why do we need




    A vampire is quite an adversary. I’d like to have one on my side when we went up against Lilith’s silent partner, he explained.

    Ruthven pursed his lips together. I do not fight.

    But I know that you know how to fight, so you’re coming, Ian insisted.

    "I will not fight your battles




    Ian chuckled. That’s fine. I only want you to fight this one battle with me. It might be more of just a skirmish.

    Ruthven’s eyes narrowed. I will not be your puppet.

    Then you can be my mercenary, Ian suggested.

    Ian leaned forward and opened one side of his coat. A large pocket hung inside his overcoat, and from it Ian pulled packet after packet of money. Ruthven and my eyes grew wider with every stack until there was a dozen stacks on the table. The money was in denominations of hundreds.

    Ian patted the pile. There’s a lot of blood in these packets. Care to reconsider my offer?

    Ruthven didn’t have much time to rethink his options when there came a loud, clear knock. The sound echoed down the hall from the




    Ian jumped to his feet and narrowed his eyes. Ruthven stiffened. I smell human, he commented.

    Ian took in a deep breath of scent and his lips curled back in a growl.


    I whipped my head between the door and him. "Sebastian? The Paranormal




    Paranormal Society, and yes, he




    Did you tell him where you lived?

    Do I look that stupid?

    "I don’t think I want to answer that question




    Good, now let me think for a moment. He closed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. Our uninvited guest knocked again. Ian sighed and dropped his arms. Ruthven, you’d better go. We’ll get in contact with you again.

    And the money? he




    We might need that for bail, but you’ll get your money somehow, Ian promised.

    Ruthven reluctantly stepped backwards away from the money and bowed. "




    We might need it. . . I heard Ian mutter.

    The vampire left, but our knocking guest didn’t.

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