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Orca Killer Whale: Super Predators
Orca Killer Whale: Super Predators
Orca Killer Whale: Super Predators
Ebook35 pages12 minutes

Orca Killer Whale: Super Predators

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About this ebook

Orcas are also called Killer Whales but Orcas are not Whales. They

are actually Dolphins. The largest in the Dolphin family. So how did

they get the name Killer Whale?

We all know how intelligent Dolphins are. Maybe Orcas are smarter?

They can understand hand signs, voice commands and have incredible

memories. They communicate with one another using a unique language

that only Orcas belonging to the same group can understand.

Not only smart but impressive too. Orcas are big - some grow to

weigh 22,000 pounds and 32 feet long. Despite their huge size, Orcas

are amongst the fastest swimmers of all marine animals.

Orcas are afraid of nothing, and will even take on a Great White

Shark and win too.

This book answers many of the questions you may have about Killer

Whales, and a whole lot more…

Let's learn about the amazing world of these remarkable super

Predators. This book is filled with color images and interesting facts

about Orcas. If you love reading about incredible creatures, then you

will love this book. For readers from age 6 through to 100…

TJ Rob —

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Book Contents:

1. What are Orcas?

2. Why Killer Whales?

3. Where do Orcas live today?

4. How many Orcas are left in the wild?

5. How big is an Orca?

6. Different types of Orcas

7. Pods and Clans

8. How long do Orcas live?

9. Hunting

10. What do Orcas like to eat?

11. How much do Orcas eat?

12. Orca Communication

13. Echolocation

14. Cool Orca Facts

15. Orca Senses

16. Orca Teeth

17. Body Parts of an Orca

18. Orca Babies

19. How fast do Orcas swim?

19. Diving - How deep? How Long?

20. Do Orcas sleep?

21. Orca habits and behaviors

22. How smart are Orcas?

23. Human Threats

24. Please leave a review / OTHER books by TJ Rob

PublisherTJ Rob
Release dateJun 26, 2017
Orca Killer Whale: Super Predators

TJ Rob

The old adage that "knowledge is power" seems to resonate more so than ever today. Reading and learning gives kids that power, and in today's increasingly competitive world, the more knowledge kids have at their fingertips, the more prepared they will be to meet the challenges of our modern world. I wish to pass on my love of reading and exploring the world around us to all those new younger readers. So join me on my many voyages of discovery, learning about the many incredible things, people and creatures that make our world such a fascinating place. TJ Rob

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